Hey fags

Hey fags,

I posted this a little while ago. I have been in Afghanistan a year now and I haven't been back since Trump has been elected.

I am a contractor, and there isn't really much to do here but read, whack off, and post on Sup Forums. I read US news and world news, and try to keep up with the times.

Since I've been gone, I have seen amounts of political violence I've never seen before. The riots, assaults, and rhetoric that has been used the past year has blown my mind. I am only 24 years old, but I have never seen anything like this in my entire life.

It seems to have come to a crescendo today, with the attempted assassination of many Republican politicians.

So my question for you Sup Forums, were these the first shots of the civil war? What has made the left so fucking nuts? What has emboldened them like this? I used to think it was just LARPing, but it seems to go further than that now.

Any anons wanna weigh in and give me a quick rundown? Am I going to have to fight in yet another war when I get back?

Other urls found in this thread:



nice cat and nice mountain. also this country has always been violent. the media wants you to be upset

I seriously think by the end of this summer there will be a fatal clash at a rally of some sort, and that from there the other pieces will fall.

Why do you think at the end of the summer?

Meowsy so cute. THE media has whipped it's useful idiots into a FUCKING fervor. They're utterly convinced EVERYONE hates trump

Seems to be working. Why hire someone to kill someone else when you can whip up lunatics to do it for free?

How long until someone goes all Timothy McVeigh on the Democrats in retaliation?

>working in the military

You remind me of this guy: youtu.be/sfpQ99eJNoQ


I'm a private contractor

>also this country has always been violent
That's not true. Unless you consider some fist fights as violent.

The country has never been more divided and that's not a buzz word. Look at political maps and any data and it shows the country is just getting to a point where a civil war is a real possibility.

I personally think we dodged a bullet with Hilary not getting elected. A second AWB would had ignited a fight.

Timothy was a product of a helpless feeling + a direct loss (Waco). Any righty with aspirations is biding their time and husbanding resources. the ball is in the left side of the court.

>never been more divided
>references civil war

go back to your fidget spinner babby boi

I guarantee you there are plenty more people feeling much more helpless today than they did in the 1990's.

Sorry liberal. I'm not underage and I was around for the first AWB. You kids live sheltered lives and think gun owners are just going to sit around and let a second AWB happen. There are a lot more gun owners than you think and we aren't happy. Add that we have social media for the second AWB this time around and yet it's a real possibility that you should fear you little left wing shit.

Because if they don't do it now the work they have done since the 60's will be lost

The everyday fags don't know but the power brokers of the left (and globalists) know they have nothing left to do but fight or be gone

How much are you making?

Do you agree with other anons that the end of summer it'll really start to pop off?

180k per each 6 months

When a dem shoots at conservatives it's insanity, but when you faggots shriek at teenage girls and then stab people on buses it's vindication

If you want to be a shit bag do it, just stop being such hypocritical shitbags

Republicans have been cucking themselves and the rest of use for 60 fucking years. Them and the Christian Churches wanted us much brown and black diversity as possible and this violence is the result.

It's the future they chose. You mad? Okay. Pic related for details.


How is the internet there?

guarantees are for faggots. the right holds the government. the right holds the arms. the right holds the initiative. stop playing chess; this is checkers.

adorable. read up on Bleeding Kansas, the Vets march of the 1930s. Whiskey and Shay's rebellion. stop watching TV News and start reading history. and lower the rifle, m8. we have the upper hand for the time being. let them pop off as much as they want. a little blood letting is good for us. as someone once said, "This war will be won at a slow, steady walk."

Cool, blackwater posts here!

How much opium have you smuggled this month?

>I am a contractor
Doing what? I don't see why a non-liberal would willingly go to Afghanistan.

How did you get the job?

You might be retarded

Good, its satellite

that retard was a bernie supporter before he was a "white supremecist" just like this tard today

i agree, i think the right should be careful with retaliatory violence since they hold all the power

16 pounds

I'm a combat medic

my Lt hooked me up with it when I got out of the service

>civil war


Are cats the unifier of human race? All throughout the world cats have been bred to reflect the best of us, no matter the shithole you look at.

he is a mercenary for (((them)))

Sorry I misread that I thought you were asking how he has internet not how is the internet


you need to post a pic + timestamp that validates you are what you say you are, because you are asking a lot of dangerous questions friendo.

>were these the first shots of the civil war?

>What has made the left so fucking nuts?
Decades of brainwashing

>What has emboldened them like this?
No one ever does anything to fight back.

>gun owners will just rollover
>let me list some nigger shit
K, kid. You enjoy that liberal fantasy. It'll bite you in the ass.

Also if your point was to list violent parts of US history you can just stick to 1800s up to the 1860s pre civil war. Though 90% of it was nigger shit and or some Mormons.


they were gonna be future terrorists anyway

maybe now they will


I hadn't actually watched CNN is years but the other day I was at somebody's house who had it on and HOLY SHIT... These people are completely unhinged, like batshit insane. They sounded like literal demons in their vitriol against Trump. It was crazy.

Fareed Zakaria was the one who was on.. He was talking madshit about Trump and then went on to talk about "our Muslim American brothers and sisters or some other shit.. Like holy crap, this is America in the current year.

Which branch? What's your degree in?


you are reading what i aint saying. we don't need to roll over; we need to hold fire. brother, im angry to. I am from VA. ive played on that field. this is not ok by me, but fire discipline is the mark of the winning side. stop attacking someone just because they disagree. that is nigger shit.

i am not your enemy.

>never been more divided
>already had one civil war


Criminal justice


>Afghanistan looks exactly like where my aunt lives in Lake Los Angeles

Off the record here, my cousin works for the Portland PD. The dude yelling and screaming at the muslim girls was 100% known to be psychotic, furthermore the girls moved away when the shouting started.

He was less shouting at them, and more spouting random gibberish. The lad whom survived of the three stabbed and slashed was actually the aggressor of the situation, as even after the girls had removed themselves from the area to prevent conflict he started a beef with the guy, shoving him down inot his seat after insulting him. This occurred twice more before the man with the knife warned him that he'd fuck him up if he did it again, lo and behold the guy does it again.

Guy whips out his knife and goes buck wild, the other two guys caught in it more as collateral damage than actually being part of it at all. The media lied about the whole story honestly.

The cival war happened because of congressman incompetence not because the country was divided. Most Americans were either pro slavery or just wanted blacks out.
You can't hold down if a second AWB happens.

I think people in the time of the Civil War were far more easily triggered.

I remember that pic when you posted it in that thread.

I don't believe there will be a civil war yet. If anything, this incident means that the right will be justified to take violent action against these faggots.

If shit goes bad though, I have a feeling we'll be closer aligned to the military. I can forsee drone surveillance being accepted in more violent areas.

you're being doxxed

probably given enough info for anyone in intel to pull some records and identify you now

It's been popping off since lefties started attacking trump rallies last year

It will escalate what we need to worry about is reprisal attacks.

>lefty shoots up a right wing thing
>right winger shoots up dnc hq for retribution
>angry dem mob lynches the police chief as payback etc

That's how things spiral out of control

Shit, thanks for dropping this. It really did seem pretty odd.
Our side isn't really the type to make random attacks. I'd rather part of an authoritarian force.

Any tips for civs trying for AFOTS?


Hope he's ok senpai

as in guns and shit or what

Yes they are.

>whack off
What the hell is wrong with you? Masturbation is not good for you and drains your creative forces and dulls the mind.

Consider giving it up.

Reminder that The Troubles started with LARPing

agreed, that was a war almost 100 years in the making. people forget that slavery was on the way out economically until the cotton gin was developed, along with a few other devices. the impetus behind the civil war was economic and cultural. the cultural pieces are in place for round 2, but the economic divide is more murky.

i'd recommend your read up on Giap. Gook though he may be, the man knew when to pull and when to strike. while your at it, read up on Westmoreland. History has been needlessly unkind to the man. he put paid to the NLF, so much so that they couldn't even send an officer of standing to the final negotiations. when the red wine is served, it is going to be RWDSs and the Faithful vs. the military and constabulary at first. we need to be merciful and circumspect. once they realize they are defending the bad guys, they will come around.

who cares if i'm doxxed? what are they going to do?

i am sure we will see reprisal attacks very soon

thats what i'm thinking

Convert to Islam and join Taliban you dirty infidel.

For sure... I mean, antifa's founded by (((who knows))) are trying to get more and more salty people and try to start the war that (((who knows))) want

>were these the first shots of the civil war

If the guy had been successful maybe. Since he failed this will be forgotten by tomorrow.

me and the taliban have a pretty strained relationship

i dont think civil war will happen until the power goes out but i would not be surprised if theres more shit like what happened today, assassination attempts, mass shootings, maybe a VBIED here and there

I hear they are taking over the country. How is the military situation?

man, you are just dropping buzzwords left and right. post a rig + timestamp.

looks like my cato
call her tomata

Nice, get home safe and try not to spend it all on new toys!

precarious, but relatively peaceful for us honestly. they just kill each other, its kind of funny. over ethnic and sectarian differences

>who cares if i'm doxxed? what are they going to do?

that's the spirit. seriously, finally one american that just doesn't care. as far as I've seen most americans are crazy with privacy and suspect NSA (yeah I know, jokingly) every time someone asks what they did yesterday or whatever.

Were you enlisted or officer during AF days?

stop ignoring me faggot. no medic gets 180K for a 6 month stint.

This ain't nothin'. It was worse in the 70's.

Read this.


Get back in /sg/ or I'm killing meowsy

seconded. this piece is rather eye opening.


Dont hurt the cato

If you're that bored....

>go get a few fresh POPPY PODS
>Dry them and toss them into a coffee Grinder
>make tea
>feel nice

Don't drink more than 4 cup a week though and don't maintain a 4-5 cup per week habit for more than 2 months straight... or you'll start to get hooked on it for real.

If you have even a modicum of self-control though it'll make even that shit hole sandbox into a fascinating paradise.

With regards to your actual thread subject... nah, not civil war status yet... but (((they))) have been trying to frame a HYSTERIA narrative and after several months of them ramping up the intensity of the rhetoric... a loonie FINALLY took the bait and decided to

>#REIST the orange fascist hitler wall-building racist nazi...did I say hitler... yeah, he's LITERALLY HITLER AND IM SHAKING (literally)

baically... just standard histrionics. They'd be chill is they just had a nice warm cup of Poppy Tea with Honey and a cig.


This is why you shouldn't procreate with asian women

we get it, the idea of someone else jacking off make you upset. honestly, how can you call yourself a man? I'm not talking about jacking off I'm talking about bitching about what other men do.
>Masturbation is not good for you and drains your creative forces and dulls the mind.
I have a feeling people make fun of you regularly.

Excellent. Thank you. You're living the dream.

Staff Sergeant Meowsy better come back unharmed, or I'll kick your ass. I dont care how hardcore you are.

Are you a baby? What about the 20 days of lefty rage back in the 60's?

I quit it and improved my life. I want others to do the same.

The fact that you are so upset goes to show that you can't break free from this addiction and accept it as natural and whenever you see that it is possible, you simply don't see how. By the way, your testosterone levels increase if you quit, meaning you are more of a man and not less.

If the mainstream corporate media doesnt come out now and admit all their rhetoric is bullshit, and that they lied about everything since the end of the election, and tell their constituents to knock it off, it will get worse.

This blood is entirely on the mainstream media's hands.

>Staff Sergeant

Cato deserves a high rank

Afghanbro is legit, by the way. No need to worry.

nice pic

Serial killing animals that murder things for sheer amusement and don't eat them... just torture them to death and then walk away and only pretend to care about you when you have food.

Cats are amusing but they are fucking trash when it comes to being useful and actual friends.

Plus the whole brain parasites in their shit and claws (which they will rub in shit and then rake into your flesh at the drop of a hat)

Pupper-Buddies > Furball vomiting brain virus-spreading thrill-killers

just a fact.

The last fucking thing we need is a civil war. You thinknits had now? The moment a civil war starts the Russians and the Chinese will be here training various factions, our country will split up into geographically defined territories controlled by war lords. Someone post the screen shot.

the media wants war and disorder more than anyone

gotta start with them

ill believe it when i see it. he has dropped some major red flags

Libtard are pussies they wouldn't start a civil war. They couldn't shoot a gun.

What do you think about Mattis being able to send more troops? Is it as fucking useless as I think it is and we should just leave those opium-addled goatfuckers to rot?

Ho hey it's you.
Still alive.
Kiss from France, bonhomme.

Literally just check archive for afghan flag

This guy gets it

Wow a real life welfare queen. You are part of the problem

Can I get an explanation on this?

How do you mean by saying it started with LARPing?

Wow a real life faggot. You are the problem.

Share it around. The fuckers that started all this shit are now professors, parents and politicians of influence.

Many of them are still trying to ignite the fuse to start more shit.


>So my question for you Sup Forums, were these the first shots of the civil war?
I doubt it. The left is too cowardly to ever go that far. They like to kick and scream to make a show, virtue signal, the usual but if shit hit the fan and people were to actually mobilize, they know they're fucked. They don't have the weaponry, just a bunch of beaners that don't care, uppity stupid niggers, and their gay son with twelve genders.
>What has made the left so fucking nuts?
That's a loaded question so I'll give you a loaded answer: they're stupid.
>What has emboldened them like this?
Entitlement, power trip, zealousness in carrying out their ideology, et cetera.
>Any anons wanna weigh in and give me a quick rundown? Am I going to have to fight in yet another war when I get back?
If there was war, it would be swift with heavy casualties on their side. The gist is that the left feels as if they're in charge now due to the Obama administration and their influence over culture with things such as the legalization of gay marriage. I think you're too focused on the superficial manifestations of what is actually going on right now which is a culture war. Both the left and the right are guilty of not actually doing more to gain real power so people have focused on somewhat trivial bullshit that can be "fought" over on Twitter and Facebook (that includes the stupid gay e-celeb faggots). It's pretty lame, honestly.

>I haven't come back since Trump was elected
Then you haven't heard the news yet, this is an anti Trump board now, drumpfkin. So go back to /R/eddit and cry a little bit.