Final warning to all flag posters:
GET OUT. get out or i will force you out by spamming every single thread that has flag posters in it. mark my words.

I will debate anyone in this thread on the validity of the meme flags:

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Not politics

but its about this board's interal politics.


flag posters are leafs 99% of the time anyway

notice how there are no more leaf flags??? Coincidence? nope. by the way, im surprised you dont pick a flag, i'd be embarrsed to have a portigul flag here (portigul isnt white)

can I get a quick rundown on this guy ?

why can you pick your own flag, you should have to earn them from eons of shitposting

The flags are gay like your thread.
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He can't keep getting away with this! !

but they're funny :^(

Fuck off

Suck it

Fuck the meme flag posters. Don't even know why they added this shit

Ultimate savage tbqh
Just jacking a guys bitch, full robe with turban and caliphate..
And the month is barely half over.
Top 7 and a quarter realest crakas of all time. Dead or alive.

For country specific data contact the Sup Forums administration IRC


No homo


Is this fucking freedom of speech board nigger or what? Flags keep anonymity. Some people from shit nations have very nice insights and arguments which are then dismissed on basis of their country of origin.
oh shit fucking burger nigger dumb ass get the fuck out of here nefwag nigger redditor

I've yet to see one of you fucking autistic redditor newfags say this who doesn't have an americunt flag, you're so pathetic you think your pathetic failure of a nigger ridden police state where you're required to slave 80 hours a week but still have to die at the side of the road if you can't afford the half million dollars for an ambulance ride justifies your pathetic opinions. Fuck all you people, now you're being judged on the quality of your posts, and the quality is severely lacking jamal, step it up.

Here is a leaf flag bitches.
Its great that those cucks now hide behind the political flags. Now we can distinguish the globalists from the nationalists. Those Marxists were giving my flag a bad name.

flags are literally killing what was left of this board. seriously, shitposting larps in every thread.

No, redditors like your fat self are ruining everything.

>go into yugoslavia thread
>try to look for balkan flags to know how they feel about the subject
>it's 90% custom flags

there should be something as unsaid rule about this. If your post is not from the country your opinion is dismissed. But only for country generals overall i think it's great.

not a fan of these new flags ngl

Because you don't belong here.

Why didn't you remove your flags to post this then, surely it couldn't be that you're either leafs, poos, or kikes?

Shut the ever-loving fuck up you goddamned Yankee son of a bitch.

Kekistani flag is the new plebbit filter.

I'm not but retards like you are ruining the board so fuck you homosexual

oh fuck off

this is a polgbt kekistani board now


Oh, look, a sub-human slav

Newfags cant triforce

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Fake and gay