Nu/pol/ irl

look bro tier, great kilt. Gen Z is based.

do you never get tired of making these threads? it's always a britbong spamming 'kekistan cringe' and 'nu/pol/' threads. fucking off yourself you contrarian piece of shit. you are nothing but a plague to this board.

I'm just glad Americans are actually out doing things while brits get cucked

Looks like a bunch of dudes having a good time expressing themselves. Are there a few people there that could use a little more social interaction and less internet time? of course. But there's also some pretty chill dudes who are just looking to kick it and crack a few jokes about the left. Don't take your anger out on them just because they have more balls to get out and express themselves than you do you fat subhuman English cuck. Why don't you go hop in an Anti Islam rally u pussy/

>forgetting rule #1
remember goy the alt right is about capitalism and patriotism and is NOT racist in any way

Classic burger posters. Everyone hates you and you always rush to suck each others dicks.

Good job fellow pede

Anyone who brings up threads with the same exact pic that was in previous said thread, is a beta cuckold loser faggot nigger with no life, who deserves this epithet no matter how right wing or anti-leftist they are. Now carry on.

antifa is losing to that

>all these asshurt magapedes

yeah that sure is going to help your cause

Don't mind my flag, I encourage you to continue! You're doing a great job.

>alt right

I'm glad the youth is coming over to our side. We need the future to be right-wing now more than ever.

the democrats lost to that, the gop lost to that, the msm lost to that it goes on

the based kekistanis are hurting you fucking retard

reminder to filter kekistani flags

Gen Z is going to make up the failed millennials.

OPs picture gave me hope, thank you OP.

>Hahaha le based black man! xd traps are so cute!! I love Israel
>Praise KEK Shadilay haha

I know it's bantz but still, if there's anything I hate worse than The Danhald redditors, it's people who rehash the same fucking threads over and over again.

So this is the face of Sup Forums...

So this is the face of the modern Sup Forums... not entirely suprised. Could be much worse though.

Americans are easily the worst posters on this board

oh jesus
so this is what r/the_donald losers look like


>deh-oose vault




This, my fellow pede. I want to buy you a beer some day you glorious bastard.

>that video

Guys these faggots are killing every fresh meme before it even has time to develop.
How do we get rid of them??

Nothing, in a way these are your poltiical brothers now.

It's honestly pretty cringe worthy my dude. Always nice to have allies but to bring even more direct attention to what the core of non -primary shitposters here do ends up subverting us and ends up getting share blue esque attention.

the reason i make these threads is to get people to reconsider their behaviour in public, it's obvious the types in the video frequent this board

Primo, take this (you)

The digits should have been kinder

more like the face of reddit
...the_donald really seemed like a good idea at the time
we wuz gonna redpill reddit n sheet

then I propose fratricide.
The civil meme war must happen or the cancer will destroy us from within.

Murdoch Murdoch if you are watching please for the love of God destroy these kekistan losers once and for all, send them back to their mlp decorated basements in humiliation forever. Sup Forums needs this more than ever.

Libertarianism ruined Sup Forums. I want NatSoc Sup Forums back.

I, for one, am quite alright with this. In-fact this is should be very positively relevant to Sup Forums's interest.
We've been an endless supply of rich and effective memes, we're so good at it that normies are fully convinced that boasting about re-taking Constantinople while wearing your nations flag is the new cool.

I can sympathize with old fags that like this to a be a small secret society but come on, the white ethno-state we fetishize about is close to being at our door step through Generation Z(I'm part of it.)
>He who controls the youth controls the future.

So that's why Sup Forums was circlejerking about HWNDU for months right?


>we're so good at it that normies are fully convinced that boasting about re-taking Constantinople while wearing your nations flag is the new cool.

That's not what they believe at all.

nigger HWNDU was the funnest shit we had since the zimmerman trials
watching shia sperg out was amazing

This is how pepe dies - when it comes permanently associated with emotionally stunted babies.

Old /r/the_donald was literally Sup Forums on reddit. Then they took down /our guy/ and replaced him with Reddit cuck mods.

Sup Forums has always been filled with cringey autists

Yeah, and? What were you doing when you were their age? I was a Leftist. They're still more redpilled than I was, there's hope.

I used to defend these kids but I can't anymore.
At least they're not SJWs. As long as they stay away from Sup Forums and keep over on le reddit they can do their thing.

Zimmerman, GamerGate & HWNDU were the worst things to ever happen to Sup Forums. This says a lot about you.

why so worried, hershel

It is chanalogy 2.0 but somehow even worse

Watch the video provided by OP till 3:36 - 3:50
>Free Constantinople


Yes I've seen that but normies do not believe it's "the new cool".

You know the feeling you get when you see cringy leftists on old Soviet hats, cringy furries or whatever? This is the rights version of that and thats what people see.

Same desu

your problably some old dude sittin at home in his computer, jealous of them.

these are out and about and actuually spreading the message while u sit behind a PC. how about you watch the whole thing instead of editing it out.

you hate it because you wish you had likeminded political friends. they also are extremeleey effective by the way, most young men support kekistan and this is a fact, check the subreddit poles out.

Well opinions, opinions... Shia's idiocy was a redeeming factor but at some point it was just getting stale enough too.

>these people actually exist

>spreading the message

How is this type of behaviour appealing to neutrals?

It's just autists LARPing in their big private joke meme parade.

>i hate deplorable
$5 says this POS voted for Hilary.

how did it get to this point? Is sargon to blame?

because it's a bunch of fun and people see them and want in on the action.


What is this reddit and why suddenly everyone talking about it?

The political message is to blame. Sargon just helped carry it along. people are waking up.
You dont use twitter I'm guessing? well the kekistan movment on twitter is bigger than Sup Forums in general, sargon batting for us is like putting fuel on the fire.
he's legit uncle sam tier.

depends on the organisation.

Doesn't Sup Forums always laugh at leftists turning on each other? This is the same thing.

k, but how did it get from the legions of hwndu to... that

When u shitpost so much online it becomes real life

dont believe the generation meme

it never gets any better

nobody ever saves anyone

the young generation became active, this generation never did anything fun in real life
just video games
so they play real life like a video game.
Got it?
If you werent raised on video games, epseically free world ones, you wouldnt understand. the thing is it works, and it is here to stay

Praise the donald,
the kek
and Sup Forums.

I can't believe people go out in public with that flag.

I will never forgive myself for participating in the flag design threads.

this word too has lost all its dank meaning it once held and now looks stale and sad
especially since tumblr overuses it

I think these are leftists who figured out Sup Forums's weakness. If you make Sup Forums memes cringey Sup Forums will reject them, they are trying to interrupt our meme production.

The Gadsden flag is also a reddit flag

No it's like seeing the computer club at high school leave the lab once in the year because they all drank too much energy drinks one day and had some cringey idea to run out into the corridor spazzing out dressed as sonic but because its loser nerds everyone just cringes and all the chads and staceys wedgie them even harder next lunchbreak.

Kekistan is not the problem though.

Kekistan was never the problem.

this guy gets it.
change your flag to kekistand, my dude.

People who follow Sargon are retarded.

Well Appeal to Heaven isn't an option yet so this is the next best thing

sargon is based.

people who follow the UN are brain dead retarded, like you, retard.

I had bb guns and fireworks. no excuses.

Didn't Sargon ask menaquinone for CP on twitter so he could "troll" Sup Forums?


This is a good thing. We have found a way to influence young minds, territory the left has dominated for years.
They are cringy faggots now, but the seeds have been planted.

gotta break out the video games my duder. go play some classics like GTA 5 and Skyrim.

i'm not an amerifat

look pretty based to me,

United Nations is based.

People who follow Sargon of Akkad are brain dead retarded, like you, retard.

Kekistan meme was funny for a while but not anymore. It's a fucking cringefest now. Leave the memes online if you still think it's funny. Real life meming is fucking retarded. Makes you look like a complete autist.

>Boomers larping as blackwater

I don't know which is cringier

what the fuck


i'm trying to improve the quality of right wing movements in america you spaz
i agree but this kind of behaviour in public is self defeating
yeah we know how much you love based black guys

Well do you think that someone should be out making it known that antifa is full of shit or what? Not sure what they should rally under though lol. And IRL memeing has been around for a while (battle Toads? trollong opera etc) It's always a good laugh.

you should join kekistan, i think we have more in common than in defference.

>Real life meming is fucking retarded. Makes you look like a complete autist.

Every new Sup Forums generation learns this the hard way.
The last one learnt it through chanology/anonymoose.

All we can do is hope these young faggots that ended up here in the past year or so learn it too through this kekistan crap.
They can look back and cringe when they see themselves in cringe threads years from now.

National Socialists should be intelligent, able-bodied men. We do not need autists and fatties. Besides, these redditors are assuredly based civnats.

based black man please fuck my wife


By all means rally against Antifa scum but don't bring memes. Use the American flag. Either way whatever, it's not like I've got the balls to go out and protest.

Copy that not like you will see me out there I loose my shit fast IRL would def goto prison. But you have a point.