Are we headed towards Civil War 2?

>Democrats are openly calling for President Trump's head

>they want his children & wife dead too

>anyone who supported Trump must be "destroyed"

>Republican congressmen now being gunned down in broad daylight

whether you're 18 or 68, you all better be arming up at this point. Get ready to defend yourself if needed

Other urls found in this thread:

Whatever, let em all jerkoff to their retarded fantasies, they've basically made sure they won't be controlling the government along time

hahahahahaha OP
we managed to traumatise you so badly
do it, kill indisciminitally

It's coming. Be prepared to defend your families.

The play is an adaptation of Julius Caesar, wich speak about how bad assassination and brutal political changes are bad.

k. I'm only advising people to be pragmatic. Be ready to DEFEND yourselves. It's your right, get to it now, don't delay anymore, don't be a sitting duck.

>thinking braindead libtards understand nuance

Prob not. Civil unrest? Yes. When mobs of leftys are uncontrollable rioting and they are very left that thinks that guns are evil and need to be controlled will be rolling up on my yard looking to bash a fash. I'll be sitting in a lawn chair in the bed of my truck, grinning with glee.

I really hope they do something fucking stupid and get violent. If libtards actually did they would get purged within a year.

>Sup Forums spends years rubbing their cocks about the race war, lynching niggers and gassing kikes
>now having a cry because some Democrats are saying similar
Sup Forums is retarded and OP is a faggot

The only people advocating for civil war on this board are either globalist shills, kikes or indoctrinated retards who are unaware they are pushing a globalist kike agenda. Civil war and unrest in America is the wet dream of groups like ADL, AIPAC, The Hasbara, JIDF, Israel, Soros’ Open Society or some other filthy and dirty zionist organization that pays dumb niggers to shill here.

I hope it doesn't spread here

Oh my God! Its a baby whale!

We gotta call the coast guard!

Why don't you faggots raise some money and put on the same play but use Obama?

Hmmm, oh that's right because republicucks have no culture and don't even know who Shakespeare was.

nah we just have jobs, queer bait

>that thing on the middle left in the black shirt
There is no way that is human

even the poor dog

So a hamfisted and over-the-top wish fulfillment fantasy is your idea of 'culture?"

Hollywood no longer makes masterpieces, just recycled ideas and remakes, with the odd boring comic book movie thrown in there for good measure. Television is much the same way, with only non-television entities creating shows that are anywhere near worthwhile.

So if "Democrats" are the cultural arbiters and creators you're implying they are, they're doing an awfully poor job at it for a decade now or more.

Seeing as the left is afraid of firearms, I like my side's chances.

No, it'll just be random nut-jobs going off from time to time like today. This isn't like previous years when people had nothing better to do.

Then compete with Hollywood in the free market.
Until then, quit your bitching.

The same group of people did this exact thing when Obama was president and it didn't even make the news

Obama? Is that you selling guns again?

I live in the extreamly conservative south so I should be fine, if any liberal rebellion starts well just reform the CSA.

I'm sure you will

There can be only one!

Where is the father of that whales chil...oh nevermind

>the same thing but much worse happens to Obama
>completely ignores it and right wing cucks do nothing
>trump isn't even 6 months into office
>right wing cucks literally gunned down in public by burnouts

God being on the right is literally like trading your balls for a jew puppet in the white house


We'll make the liberals pay and if we keep our independence afterwards then we can be free once again.

Yup. They are pushing for step 3 Crisis.

1. Demoralization
2. Destabilization
3. Crisis
4. Normalization

"redpilled" people screaming for RACE WAR NOW are just as dumb as socialistic liberal retards. Without Law & Order we would be crumbling into a war torn shit hole and vulnerable to regime shifts. If we actually had a civil war we could be attacked by foreign countries, we could lose many of our rights, and many people could die pointless deaths.

Nobody wants a civil war but people who seek to destroy America. Deescalation and diplomacy are what you should be supporting. The far left is pushing t shut down diplomacy, escalate the situation and create a conflict. A conflict without discussion and diplomacy will only lead to violence.

BLM, Antifa, BAMN, etc... are attempts at inciting a crisis. So far tension is building and people are becoming more and more radical and unreasonable. These are funded organized movements with the goal of growing into something that takes on a life of it's own.

Also to the people thinking leftists are scared of firearms, Antifa is training with guns and protesting with slung AR's and AK's. These people have been brainwashed into soros soldiers.

We'll make the liberals pay if they try anything

Paranoid ass faggot

>>the same thing but much worse happens to Obama

>gunman just tried to slaughter GOP congressmen

>lied in wait for months and knew their schedule & location

>almost got away with it


This right here. Absolute chicken shit little bitches.

No. The populace will continue to roll over. Every once in a while we'll see more protests which do nothing but get a few people arrested and released. The occasional lone gunman will make an appearance and all that will happen is what you have seen today with the politicians/media condemning the attack and hugging each other saying how they're best friends even though an hour before they were all but advocating the death of their opponent(s). A terrorist attack will happen and people will pray for the victims, flag filters will go up, and then people will go on with their day like the attack didn't happen.

All the while, freedoms will continue to be eroded. Privacy will continue to diminish. The native populations and culture will continue to get replaced and we'll continue to ask the question, "Are we headed towards Civil War 2/World War 3?" The answer will remain no.

>Get ready to defend yourself if needed

I would love the opportunity.

>the same thing but much worse happens to Obama

not even fucking close, are you joking?

People lynched obama effigies, burned them, threatened his children and family.
What's happening to Trump is nothing burger tier in comparison

God I hope so. Calling in air strikes on San Fran. gets my dick hard. Been jones'ing for more combat deployments.



julius caesars death was shortly followed by civil wars that ended the republic and founded the empire

Lets hope so and this time we wont fuck it up

>armed forces overwhelmingly conservative
>all branches of govt conservative
>thinks a culling would be a civil war

Colorado Springs checking in. They would be a fool to try it here. This's just one big military town and the military overwhelmingly supports trump. So good luck liberal nutjobs, you're going to need it

Yeah, it's the librards who complained about the adaptation...

2 guys did that and they both went to prison. Bush II had more assassination attempts against him than any other POTUS. Every couple months someone would shoot up the white house.

Obscure rednecks no one cares about =/= Celebrities with mass followings of docile zombies

you mean this?

in what world you live?

>a2 with gooseneck and EOTECH

I'm not sure how to feel about this.
Should've got a C-MORE and gone full 90's

i'd love to see these niggers try

>signed patriot act

At least they had an actual anti-American reason back then.

You have to work the logical contradiction angle if you want to neutralize leftists.

Some phrases you should memorize and spread are these:

-White Lefties don't walk their own talk on racial integration. (Ask them why they don't live in majority non white areas of the country, if white people are the problem with everything. Don't they want to live in a vibrant area?)

-You get more white children if you breed them that way. (This one can not be denied and they either have to shut up or admit they want white people to disappear.)

-Do your children a favor. Make them white! (This one dives to the core of the Leftie mind and spanks it's inner child for thinking that race mixing is beautiful.)

-Brown is not a color of the rainbow! (This one grates on their nerves because they can't argue against it either.)

The left can be beaten but you have to do more than yell angry threats at them. You have to strike hard at their logical contradictions and the difference between their actions and words.

>Le "lets protect our lord and savior meme"
Jeez, go back to /R/eddit drumpfkin.

>rodeo clown fired for wearing obama mask, rodeo clowns have worn masks of every potus
>depicting the assassination of a democratically elected president in the place of a tyrannical emperor, thinking it is art and not just in poor taste

Yes, it is the left that doesn't understand nuance.


This will all be used as a "we are all the same" bs talking point. It will promote this shit trend of where no matter who you support you get fucked because they are all the same, while no matter how right wing the politicians is, they still allow degenerate policies to happen.

Another great excuse for congress to curb our rights and take action against "literal fascists!!111!" and etc

Theater plays critical of the government are the second most boring form of entertainment.

that A2 makes me fucking erect

>signed a piece of legislation that in all reality had 0 negative effect on any one.
Very Nice.

Haha! You said it friend! Commies unite!

~~~~~~Posted from my Iphone~~~~~~

>that in all reality had 0 negative effect on any one.

Fuck you.

I will die before I allow you to slide liberty any further.


Liberals don't have the balls en masse to do shit

We will fuck them up for all eternity if they tried anything

0% worried.

I smell a jew

ya i know. But its where I like it. I use my carry handle to much to let it go.

Technically, it began this morning.

its carzy in bed

>Hahaha mom I called that guy a Jew!
Implying is even a bad thing. Jews have always been marginalised and massacred by whites. They deserve compensations for everything Hitler and whites did.

>Are we headed towards Civil War 2?

Buying a luxury product manufactured by slave labor by capitalism =/= participating in society

Oh piss off I agree that the NSA and CIA bullshit needs to be dissolved but the gov't snooping in on your hentai tentacle beast midget porn is not a reason to go shooting up the white house. Don't be retarded.

Actually liberals are more likely to join the Nazis. But probably not in this case.

God damn that comic is stupid, why cant lefties understand the concept of non-comparably?
She had a choice in iphone brand, but the other two are the product in general.

>I'm okay with the government deciding, at their whim, who is and isn't a target amongst the civilian population, with no oversight.

Is this country even worth fighting for anymore?

Nice comic there buddy. But unfortunately that has nothing to do with seizing the means of production for the good of the people. You simply posted a comic about people buying objects and thinking of ways to improve said object. The bottom right panel has little to nothing to do with the majority of the comic because it's talking about improving society instead of an object. Which in itself is ironic because the only thing communism has ever done is oppress and starve anyone under it's rule as opposed to improving it.
On the other hand you actually believe communism to be viable beyond a small tribe so thinking hard probably ain't your thing.

i agree but

>along time

nigga naw

over under master race

>>I'm okay with the government deciding, at their whim, who is and isn't a target amongst the civilian population,
We are all the targets you doofus and yes it needs to stop. And FISA was shitty oversight but hey it was something. But if we end the snooping we need to end immigration from a large swath of the world.

You'll notice worthwhile posts like this do not get enough attention

Which timeline?

>caring about typing shit on anime imageboards
back to ledit

>donald trump treated worse than obama
Holy shit the_donald really did take over

Q moon man

>Nigger baby
They really take our best ones, don't they?

Because we're better than that.

I don't consider a court that signs everything thrown in front of them, as oversight. It was based on "the needs of the government". When you allow a government to dictate their needs, they will take everything.

>But if we end the snooping we need to end immigration from a large swath of the world.

But they would rather have massive immigration and massive surveillance.

More money in that, liberty doesn't pay.

Darwinism revealing itself.

Unashamed degenerates and ignorant border-free subterds are psychologically-maligned bacteria who infect and ruin pure angelic children. They are essentially demonic in this sense.

They have no problem with the sexual exploitation/objectification of children in media, nor with exposing children to sexual imagery via beyonce, lady gaga, katy perry, etc. Most of them like that music or are indifferent to it. They think shielding children from it is fascist and oppressive.

Upright, healthy and psychologically-straightlaced humans CANNOT live in harmony with such infectious bacteria.

And those are just the normies. Think of the Freemason child-rapist, child-torturers, child-murders, goat-decapitators at the top of that normie pyramid. They are the highest culmination of the consciousness of said bacteria when such bacteria obtain great wealth and material-knowledge.

They are now and forever will be a bacteria infecting pure and innocent children & animals, and as such are in this regard "demonic".

Darwinism extincts the lower animals and the higher-one's move on.

It's no doubt that the highest of man are the one's of the highest degree of not only genetic/physical fitness, but mental-fitness; and this INVARIABLY includes PSYCHOLOGICAL FITNESS, which INVARIABLY includes COGNITIVE-ETHICAL APTITUDE.

they are the same thing they have the same boss YOU FUCKINF RETARD KILL YOURSELF

You're a very special kind of stupid aren't you?

wrong. No name joe blows did that. few in comparison. What's happening now is by celebrities, journalists, actors..people with wide reach. No US celebrity burned Obama in effigy..though a LOT of people outside the USA did. NO US politicians called for blood in the streets, or to 'take down' Obama.

just stop with the taqqiya, nobody buys it

I think we are all better served by the "F*@k You" approach.

You're a racist fascist.
F*@k You.
Can't you see that guns are killing our children?
F*@k You.
I need a safe space to deal with your triggering.
And especially a high hardy F*@k You to you, princess.

They did the same with Obama in 2012 you tard

but gary johnson

Good post.

Yes, but that wont matter in a civil war context.

To them, we're all pretty much going to just be "white people".

In what universe was Obama treated worse than Trump?


You're a faggot