Since there are a lot of Christian fanatics here, I'm curious if there are any Anglo-Saxon or Germanic Paganists?
Christianity or Paganism?
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Fuck off and stay out, snownigger.
Nether man
The core lit that is available, for example pic related, is essentially a collection of myths to make you feel good and immersed in the Germanic culture of your ancestors.
More than that, being a Germanic pagan is about lifestyle--you must embody the masculinity seen in the Germanic warriors of old. To understand further, read the literature. In short, be the opposite of a nu-male. This is where the LARPers are weeded out--they aren't men. Sup Forums is very close to this ideal behaviour.
There is a strong nationalistic element as well; simply put, non-Germanics are not your people full stop. They can be allies at best.
Remember that English IS a Germanic language, so if you speak it, you got the linguistic part covered.
Thanks, I'll sure take a look at some of those.
What do you consider non-Germanic?
Yep going to launch the pagan general rn
check the social media section
would be great if the two would stop shitting one each other.
>What do you consider non-Germanic?
Nonwhites. Celts (druids and Stonehenge are theirs). Slavs. All Finno-Ugrics, actually, but they are close allies.
Romance is wishy-washy - northern France, regions of Italy like Lombardy are conceivably Germanic, but these countries are generally Meds and carry the Mediterranean culture.
Since America is a melting pot (for example, the niggers all speak English, a Germanic language) and is technically culturally Anglo therefore Germanic to some extent, it is easier to define what aspects of it are more Germanic than the rest. Basically being white and having Anglo or German ancestry should do it. Anyone with a clearly Gaelic (Irish, Scottish) surname is technically Celtic, though. Like I said though America is a bit devoid of traditional culture and you're all technically on Indian grounds, so you have to look for that Germanic-ness inside of you. Sorry if rambling and barely making sense anymore, it's that kind of a subject.
Pagan is the way to go if you care about you heritage and the future of your race
Deist (and a lot of knowledge) is the way to go if you want to go full red pill when it comes to the God question
Okay, my language is a very special case, but it is considered a Germanic dialect. I was just curious if you were one of "those" BRD is the only Germanic nation in the world people.
While I must say that English got very latinized. I also speak French, therefore I can see a lot of latin elements in the English language, which I despise.
Please not another pagan thread to divide Christian and Pagan nationalists. Fucking tired of that shit. Why not wait on the debate until after the globalists get white hot pokers inserted into their rectums?
I'm here
Division isn't my goal, don't feel excluded, I'm just genuinely interested
>I was just curious if you were one of "those" BRD is the only Germanic nation in the world people.
Of course not.
Well, no one really escapes Latin influence, especially not in this day and age.
It would be good to speak a purely Germanic language, but as the situation is, English is the most useful language in the world, is still predominantly Germanic in everyday vocabulary, and represents contemporary Germanic cultural power very well, if you think about it.
Ahh, well sorry for the paranoia then, user.
Or, put it this way - the core, the most basic words of English are nearly all Anglo-Saxon.
Germanic paganism is about being true to your roots despite any amount of superficial modern influence, and English truly has done that.
Hope this helps you see the English language in a better light.
It is, of course, and apart from German it is my favourite language. Still I see too many Latin or even French words that were adopted nearly 1:1 in the English language. If I look at old English texts I see a closer connection to my language then I see now..
Cheistanity is pro racial purity and national socialism
Paganism aka Germanic culture has no contradictions with catholicism
Again, I'm not against Christians, I'll even support my white brothers, but I can't connect to a Jewish god.
What about the whole poly vs monotheistic thing?
why have god when you could have gods
I do consider it good practice to learn something like German, or a conservative Scandinavian language, because honestly every Germanic word is very soulful. I feel as if a particularly great measure of truth is revealed to me when any statement is put forth in a pure form of our language.
I mostly said that English was good enough since I was under the impression that you probably spoke nothing else.
Esoteric Aryanism
Combines the two
Fag flag. Saged
"Jewish" God, Catholics dont worship Jews God but God.
The is only one God
Pagan gods are created beings
Possibly demons
Christian here who is open to the idea of lesser gods but doesn't really care.
>There is a reason my god is called the Lord God. He is the King of all the Gods and more powerful than they are.
Whites should stay Christian and worship the magic Jew. This is the only way whites can stay civilized. Paganism is not for whites. It requires much more self reflection and free spirit. Whites should leave paganism to the brown people.
One could argue that Odin and Thor and such are man made archetypes of Natures God
Because God created man in his image, man has some desire to seek him out
kill yourself
we are nowhere near germanic subhumans
Paganism died out because it couldn't compete with catholicism swinging its big dick around and impregnating all the pagan honeys
"Worship Jew"
Find me records of Catholics calling God a Jew and wirshiping Jews.
It's all good stuff. As long as you read some of the greeks too you're in the clear. Especially if you decide to go with paganism. Christianity already lends a lot from the ancients.
I don't agree with that characterization and paganism is not strictly Norse mythology.
Christianity is a neutral monotheist religion of morals and beliefs with a structure, thats it.
I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north
Catholics worship Jesus the Jewish. The son of a Jewish whore. They have statues of both the Jew and his whore mother all over churches. They kiss and plead with these two Jews all the time. I think, it's a good thing. Keep it up Catholics. I also like how the Catholics wash and kiss the feet of black refugees. Good job, keep it up.
respect to all my pagan brothers
I'd be surprised if the grammar and sentence structure isn't germanic. You can translate word by word Swedish-English and be fine, little odd-sounding some 10% of the time but usually still sound. Most of the grammar is either the same or has an equivalent in the other.
>Christianity is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion
>The Abrahamic religions, also referred to collectively as Abrahamism, are a group of Semitic-originated religious sects
2 mins. wiki
English is classified as Germanic, but the vast majority of our vocabulary is from other languages.
Not swedish though, keep guessing
Catholicism is a Romanistic Greko religion not abrahamic.
Catholics worship God not Jesus
>actually thinking there's a line dividing forms of judaism from "pagan" religions
Just where exactly do Jews, be they Christian, Muslim, or Talmudic, think Judaism came from? Do they think it just sprung up out of a hole in the ground with no prior influence? Do they think it just appeared because the "one true" God just suddenly decided to show himself after thousands of years of civilization? Do they not notice the documents predating the oldest Torahs that bear heavy similarities to the stories found within the latter? And what of the records of religious movements which predate Judaism but are similar in doctrine?
I'm not guessing, I'm telling you it's extremely similar to Swedish, a germanic language, making it piss easy to learn.
>piss easy to learn
Are you sure about that? It's one of the least spoken "languages" on earth. When I talk in my mother tongue most of my german friends don't understand a word. While I think you're right that ppl who talk germanic languages have the same pattern when they're trying to translate languages.
Catholics call Mary, The Mother of God in their prayers. So many of Catholic prayers are to Jesus and Mary. When Catholics do something wrong they do Hail Marys. In fact Catholics talk and pray more to these two Jews than any other Christian sect. Why lye about it now. Be proud of your Jesus and Mary (Jews) worshipping. Don't be a fucking liars and try to deny it.
We are hailing mary not worshiping her, we worship Deus.
Exciting autocorrect.
Swedish-English is easier. We have a few more sounds. Speaking you end up sounding a little funny either way, but just learning it all you need is exposure. It's 99% vocabulary.
Reminder that if you are non-germanic (but still european) you can still be bagan.
All european culturs had their own pa theons, just go learn about your homelands gods, instead of worshiping others.
Pic related, some glorious slavic gods.
Forgot pic like a jackass
>hey guise should i believe in one fairy tale without evidence or this other fairy tale without evidence????
why do we have this conversation every single day
And why do you call her mother of God and write prayers to them both? You people are the worst liars.
Snownigger plz
Hey my grandparents came from Slovenia, don't know if it's considered slavic, but I bear no grudge against slavs and I don't think Germany (39-45) did either
christianity is literally a sandnigger religion
What's the band's name?
Slovenia is Slavic, but you're only a Slav if were both raised in the culture and positively identify as such, at least based on what I've heard from actual Slavs on this.
Neither of those. German and Luxemburgish for me.
Remember, according to the bible, Jews are the God's chosen people, not whites. Whites are supposed to worship the magic Jew i.e. the son of a Jewish whore. Whites should be doing that. Not going off into their own ancestral culture. That is dangerous and used to be punished by death not that long ago. Inning the glory days.
Chocolate was first used by the South American tribes, but the Swiss perfected it.
Luxembourg... if you want to know your likely Germanic tribe, then you are Frankish. Even if you don't live in Frankreich.
Now that I remember Slavs also absolutely demand fluent knowledge of their language, so it takes quite a lot to be Slavic 2bh.
Like everything the whites did
People who worship YHWH are mentally indigent children.
I've found that paganism aligns more with nationalist philosophy than christianity does. I am unable to believe that any gods exist, but seeing them as representations of forces of nature makes way more sense. Be strong, be wise, care for your family etc.
>More than that, being a Germanic pagan is about lifestyle--you must embody the masculinity seen in the Germanic warriors of old.
Anybody that spends the time to do this is an autistic fedora and will not embody shit
Pagans ITT: How do you square with evolution?
Christians ITT: How do you square with evolution?
>United Nations
Love those flags. Get out.
I just picked a flag desu, I could give a shit about whats on it
Dint talk about theotokos like that you fuckin heathen. Have fun when the Lord shows you his wrath
Christians are bigger larpers than pagans
Even though I like white christians, don't use the same tactics as the goatfuckers
If you took the scriptures literally youd see the intersession of the saints in revelation
>white christians
Christians are not white, they are jewish.
It was meant for my white brothers who are "lost" (from my POV)..
Genuine question for all the pagans. Is there a cannonical written body of work concerning conduct in paganism?
Real men don't read books? Unfortunately, someone has to read the books. The accurate knowledge of our ancestors is only left there.
pagans believe in relativism of a sort.
it's always about the tribe.
so anything done outside the tribe has no intrinsic value as long as it doesn't harm the tribe.
paganism = moral relativism on steroids
There'll never be one such, since paganism never was a formalized religion with a holy scripture. It's all circumstantial evidence. The myths altogether are likely the most authentic source. You should meet up with other pagans and see what they roll with.
>Moral Relativism
I think that's my biggest issue paganism. I once considered converting but paganism offers so little in the way of standardized moral conduct. I think that's the reason it failed to begin with.
>moral relativism
Paganism began as ignorance and superstition. Currently, it's just trendy make believe.
The deceiver tempts everyone- enlightened or ignorant.