Um sweetie why do you still support drumpf

>Um sweetie why do you still support drumpf
>awww honey. I'll give you a little cuddle if you say "I'm with her" ;)

What would you do Sup Forums?


>neck tattoo

Kick sand at her ugly face.

We need to talk.


also I hold my convictions stronger than to dash them aside for sex.

>neck tattoo
>sunglasses cover half of face
>high waisted skirt to cover gut
>badly fitting bra to give the illusion of bigger breasts

I'd hate-fuck her, shit on her sofa, then use my own shit to write TRUMP 2020 on the walls of her apartment

>those disgusting Jew legs
No thanks

Looks like Anti-fu so probably not I like when people clean themselves

Neck tattoo
No thanks

>those tits


>implying women can't be talked into changing their entire world view in under 5 minutes


Going to have to be way more than a cuddle for me to say "I'm with her"

You couldn't have picked a less attractive image lol

Ayyo oggaa booga wachu talkin'bout beech? Ima beat yo ass n git da pu$$ if u dun stop talkin crap

They're not even that great.

Are you a virgin?

sweetums, put those knockers to good use

>I'm with her
>*point to my mum*

Holy fuck no, even I have standarts.


I am

A cuddle isn't going to cover it.
She's gonna have to give me access to...
everything. She'd have to be my own personal slut for that to work.


Into the oven she goes

>saggy tittes
>neck tattoo
>american jew complexion
keep walking

>tramp stamped

I would explain how its sexist of her to assume i could be bribed into something i disagree with, with the use of physical contact from someone of the opposite gender.

Also i would lecture her on how getting a neck tattoo was a very bad idea and it could have detrimental effects on her future in the work place and career advancement.

She's trying to hide her fat gut but she isn't fooling me.


>implying woman are capable of having political stances

Is that burning man?

Irina Krush???

Good eye

Big Bess

>those disgusting Jew legs


Here I was, thinking for the last decade and a half, that I was the only person who noticed that jewish girls always, ALWAYS have shitty toneless legs with fucking atrocious calf/ankle definition. It's the thing that's kept me away from their titcows again and again, as I find the skinny formless legs of jewish women to be a disgusting turnoff, something I can't not see no matter how hard I try.

How the hell did it take me so long to find someone else who also notices this?



Y'all mafuckers need to lay off the crocs already.

You too

I think she's pretty hot.Looks like she at Burning Man

Fuck her kike pussy.

>Um sweetie
Why is my penis not in your mouth?
>awww honey

I'd hit bess so hard. Just as I nut in her left eye
>oh sweetie


Feel her boobs.

like the fist of an angry god

Pick one.

Anyone desperate enough to be with a dingbat deserves their misery.

>slut branding on the neck
>burning man
Fucking degenerate.

Crocs are the GOAT casual outdoor shoe.

>How are wearing crocs and getting a blowjob from a man the same?
>They both feel great until you look down and realize you are gay.

what i wouldn't give for a sensual "sweetie" from this woman.

>casual outdoor wear
they were designed for overweight chefs who have to stand for part of their day


That's a big forehead

bitch who the fuck are you, why are you talking to me, and why am I suddenly at burning man?

For you.

Bill clinton is a rapist

uh honey, you're ugly as fuck.

She loves the Aryan cock, it seems

Wouldn't be the first time I've lied to occupy a territory

>totally jewish lel

I can fap to this

>worked a low-end job with a vapid talking machine one summer
>commie cunt who went on about environment laws and animals rights for weeks
>out of nowhere starts talking about the evil raycists and mentions nazis
>Try to redpill her on Hitler's contribution to environment laws and animal rights.
>"w-whatever it still doesn't justify his EVIL"
>tell her most of the jewish casualties were a direct result of food shortages and collateral instead of actually putting out 6 million of them in gas chambers so it's not really an evil act but rather having the resources prioritized on winning the war
>"but it's still six gorillion!!!"
>Redpill her on the 73 million people communist china killed
>Redpill her on 57 million soviet union killed
>Redpill her on the war crimes of the reds of Finnish civil war
>redpill her on the warcrimes of Churchill and Roosevelt
>drop additional notable commie movements that killed countless people.
>"b-but you don't know about communism at all!"
>tell her I've read Marx's manifesto and manuscripts
>ask her if she's read Mein Kampf.
>"I don't have to read it because I know Hitler is literally satan"
>next week come to work and other coworkers ask me if I'm really a nazi
>tell them no
>commie slut enters the room yelling "then why are you defending them so much?"
>mfw to this person it's immoral to read up on history and form your own opinions



She's rotten looking.

Your first mistake was wasting your life on an airhead. Hopefully it was a learning experience.

The reason these idiots embrace communism is they think they have a payday coming. And evil rich white guys will get theirs. Ad they truly believe that communism just hasn't been implemented by the proper people. (them). How much more delusional can anyone be?


feed you your teeth

you can tell they're saggy

I'm not a US citizen which means I have no right to choose who's your next leader, missus.

I want to player with your titties though, pls gib titties or I report u.

Fucking disgusting in both the picture and trying to push your submissive numale fantasy on others


Like most jewish girls, incidentally

>wasting your life
I was already wasting my time on that shitty job and there was nothing but her babble. Up to this point I was quiet and just nodding along.
The upside of trying to redpill her was that while I was talking, she was quiet.
She didn't have any real arguements and she just got locked in that state where they try to conjure up any words to oppose yours. After she started to resent me she wasn't so talkative any more.

So at least I got something out of it.

id say anything she says until i could fuck her, then when i cum mightily i would just scream HITLER WAS RIIIIIIIGHT and jizz on them tidders

You are a wise teacher. Arigato senpai.

Shut the fuck up peanut head

dude, what the fuck is this. Nobody talks like this. What is this post supposed to be? Do you honestly think this passes as a hypothetical situation?

>you smell like old and jew, byeeeee!

Do people who use the name "drumpf" know how desperate they sound? It conjures up images of the troublingly obsessed lefty who struggles to go a full conversation without mentioning Trump, the popular vote, or Russia.

Go away reynad

Sage, ignore, or report illegitimate content following well-established ShareBlue templates, especially when it's apolitical gibberish.

Tell her I'm gay and inform the police she sexually harassed me.

>>awww honey. I'll give you a little cuddle if you say "I'm with her" ;)
Well I've always know you were a whore. What do you want me to say to get you to suck my dick?

Aww sweetie aww swe. Awww sweetieaww sweet. No just no Trump is still president sweetie and will be til the day you die aww sweetie just no sweetie

grab and fistful of sand, stuff it in her pants and give her a super mega wedgie while i scream "say uncle! saaaayy uncle!" then finish her off with a brutal noogie before i take her lunch money.

Sorry babe... I'm not into Jewish American Princesses.

>using pussy power to try to gain an advantage over men

Shout, "You're everything wrong with the female gender!", turn 360 degrees and walk away.

The problem with revealing your power level around people you can't trust and especially girls you'll break up with is that they'll never represent you fairly later on. This can have grave consequences once she starts yapping her retard tongue. She lacked the critical thinking in the first place. That's why she was a communist. The odds are 99% she'll remember you as a "far right extremist" or whatever retarded term communists use to describe intelligent, logical, informed people.

>tfw i'd never have a shot
awful feel

Honestly, our votes don't matter on an individual level. I'd probably vote differently for a woman.


anyone who wouldn't sweetiefuck bess is a raging fagmotron

btw, I'm not saying you shouldn't have said your thoughts. You were 100% right to do so. Everyone needs to stand up for the truth and stop being cucked by leftists. It'll separate the wheat from the chaff in your life much faster. So major points for that.

Sweetie threads best threads

>fat waddle arms
no thanks user

I believe it's called a fivehead.

Kek always favors his best meme