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is this supposed to make me feel bad or something?

How much you want to bet this spic has a criminal background

Is this fucker wearing $200 dollar headphones yet his parents couldn't legally apply for a visa? What in the fuck?

le based black guy xDD
so based



most certainly


>beats headphones
They're really scraping the bottom of the barrel for these sob stories.

>19 years old

but mexico needs it's intellectuals back

ICE YES!! Dont stop!

>prom in mid june

this paco has a fucking neck tattoo. in high school. another future gibsmedat libshit voter gone. good thing ICE is being allowed to do their job


Well if the neck tattoo doesnt answer that question for you, I don't know what will.


>>When a friend asks you for ICE

was he an criminal alien? Were his teachers volunteers? Who was paying for his schooling?Damn if only cops arrested people for crimes when it was convenient

The guy is fucking 19 I have no sympathy for him.

Noo, law enforcement stop enforcing the law! It hurts my FEEFEES.

how do you get that flag?

>hasn't graduated high school
They should just execute it.


looks like they're doing their jobs well

We earned these flags through 400 years of oppression, huwiteboi.

>Ice, how could you do your job?
Fuck this spic, he has to go back. What is that school district like that they are still in school and just now going to prom. My kids have been out of school for weeks. Good chance at fake news here boys

The offspring of criminals. Sucked the education system dry and now you have to go back.

>be dad
>meet wife
>have a family
>make our home
>darling little girl
>she grows up so fast
>oh. she's dating an wetback?! WTF!!!!
>oh honey, you're just being a overprotective father.
>b-but daddy, he's asked me to prom!
>Dial (866) 347-2423
>Hello, is this the ICE tip line?

LMAO fag

He has to go back.

Keep up the good work lads. Making me proud every day.

>not even out of high school
>has a neck tatto
Good riddance

14/88 m8

Teaching his parents that there is no statue of limitations on being an illegal immigrant.

Nothing of value is lost.

Bye, mudshit.

Feeling good on a Wednesday,
The image of me that you see is distorted, twisted, broken, fractured, isolated miles out to sea
I don't want a separate place,
I need to feel safe not thrown away away away away
And I will push (push) to tear down the walls,
(Push Push)
Of this box you put me in
(Push Push)
Push ow hot, push ow hot
(Push Push)
To find a label that fits me
I'm feeling good on a Wednesday with the sparkling thoughts
Help me unload the car ya ya ya
And so I push to close the door
Of the stall you've made for me to keep me away
And now we push, push to stand together
Because I am Lorde
Ya Ya Ya
Ya Ya Ya I am Lorde,
I am Lorde Ya Ya Ya
Ya Ya Ya I am Lorde
Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya
I am Lorde
Ya Ya Ya

He was here illegally. That's a given.

name of this little shit please? I want to harass him into death.

>19 year old
>not graduated
>neck tattoo
>Beats headphones

Yea, no. Get the fuck back to Mexico. How the fuck are you an illegal immigrant but can afford a tat and Beats? Draining our resources for this dude. I would have legitimately been whistling a different time if he was like 17, poor, showed he was intelligent, frugal, and resourceful.

Someone like him? Yea, nah. High school degree or not he will probably get the same fucking deadbeat job in Mexico. He has no career aspirations, he just wants to plant his seed into his prom date so he can't be deported as easily. Just give him "one more year" and I promise Paco will nibble holes into a condom before giving Rachel his grilled stuffed burrito.


good riddance

Oh please be the faggot that got v&

>hey, let me break the law for another year for reasons

fuck off

So fash the nation predicted this.
Now that the "muh russians" narrative has gone stale and is in fact reversing into defeat the media is going to start shilling the meanie drumpfy anti-immigrant meme. Despite the fact Trump has done basically nothing different from Obama, its totally nominal.


They are doing their job you retarded fuck

This actually happened.

>He thinks this kid paid for those headphones



Enforcing the law of the USA

What if you had to have an SS number to attend public institutions?

Would that deter beaners to some degree?

Search the word: robbing

This is beautiful. Ship em all back.

>t. autistic faggot who doesn't know what irony is



Sounds like they are doing their job.


hes fucking 19 and in hs? wtf fucking wetbacks

This has nothing to do with the black community so I don't give a shit


Their jobs?

>t.retarded fuck that thinks anyone ever says anything seriously on this site

Wouldn't it be even sadder if they waited until after the ceremony?
>no sauce
>1 post by this ID

nice NEC flag

Nice. You must go back. You must.

Everytime I see a story in this vein I'm reminded of all the shit talking the illegals did during the 2016 election cycle and a wry smile appears on my face. Needless to say, it makes me feel very happy. I also have the ICE tip hotline saved in my contacts -- I use it that much.

>linking WaPo at all in any way shape or form
>actually believing WaPo
you get to go back with the others


bye bye beaner bye bye

>Russia narrative deader than it's ever been
>Gun control narrative starts right back up
>Immigration narrative comes back

It's like the media takes orders or something, amazing.

Lol he's salty af.

Shut up DeMarcus Liebowitz - repetitive troll is repetitive.

>criminal background
>already broke the law once by coming here illegally

> uses ICE hotline
Really? Storytime or two?


Their job?


>hs senior
>a fucking neck tattoo
Nothing of value was lost

I reported a girl's illegal parents to ICE a few months ago for being drug dealers (they aren't) because she was a cunt on our date. I went full-autism with it and submitted online reports from several different IPs (home, library, university, a few different hotels) to make their software take it more seriously. Don't know what happened to them though.

Daily reminder:
The bean in OP is the average """""""white"""""""" spic on Sup Forums that claims "y-you can't even tell I'm hispanic esse!!!"

>neck tattoo
>needs one more year to finish school

What the actual fuck I finished school at 17. The kid is clearly a dreg, send him back.

funny how they never cover the deportation of dangerous felons. tens of thousands of them.

on the other hand, Orange Judas is deporting Iraqi Christians who actually are refugeesneeding temp safety and a tually facing slaughter by US/Saudi/Israeli backed jihadist psychos

as the US basically arms ISIS and *clearly* isnt actually trying to destroy them

heres why the ZOG is supporting ISIS and Al Qaeda:


Nice try

>newsweek com/iraq-christians-trump-death-sentence-deportation-625722
>counterpunch org/2015/10/12/us-caught-faking-it-in-syria

Kek that fucking sucks. So funny tho..

>his lawyers have asked authorities to grant him one more year in the country

Why does an illegal spic even get a lawyer? He should be on a bus right now being shipped back to taco town.

Yeah if that's a real tattoo (and I'm 99.9% sure it is) then good riddance indeed.

All you wetbacks are going back to your turd world countries.

Every non white needs to leave North America


>Needs one more year to graduate high school

To prevent him from breeding an anchor baby.

We need to get rid of anchor babies ASAP. Just need a supreme court ruling and they no longer get citizenship.

>still hasn't graduated high school

he can fuck off back to whatever latin american country he came from

Mah nigga


>high school


>literally cock blocked a beaner
well done ICE, well done :^)


Jesus I can see why she might have been a cunts to you.
What a dick.

do the spikes need to be on fire? I don't approve of this America. Prepare for a boycott.

Maybe he can stay if he lets me pound gis boipucci

Lol those pics.

Reminds me of this.