New COD game

>new COD game
>D-Day / Normandy scene
>brave African American solider (aka a nigger)
>has him single handedly clearing bunker systems from the evil nazis
>no actual African Americans were involved in front line combat during Normandy apart from tank crews (only later in the war)
>ALL the African American units were rear echelon or artillery
>only African Americans involved in fighting were in North Africa or Italy, even then not much of an involvement
>make up fictitious infantry insignia so WW2 enthusiasts couldn't ID him


Other urls found in this thread:

I don't give a fuck, so long as I can customize my character, and they don't make me play as an ethnic person.

Black African American vs Female Black SS Soldier


My grand father was killed by niggers during ww2
(he was invested by a dindu camion)


It gets worse:

Archive clickbaiters

It a fucking game. Don't take shit like this so seriously.

A quote "Historically accurate" game

just like my naughty videos

Please tell me that the black female nazis are at least only multiplayer customization.
Not that it'd change much.

Oh no. That sucks.


>making we wuz greatest generation and shit
>still no AAA anime FPS

Dev-kun no baka!

What country did he fight for and what army was the nigger fighting for? Also what's a camion?

America belongs to blacks. Reminder that America is #1 cuckold and interracial porn consumer and producer.

I like the way they're shitting all over history and still turning a profit. I get a big chubby knowing that all of those console playing retards lap this shit up for $50 a pop. They deserve everything they're getting.

Course a fucking leaf would still be cucked enough to play it

>"Historically accurate"
You tried.

>>only African Americans involved in fighting were in North Africa or Italy, even then not much of an involvement

History is racis'

Infinite Warfare sales were down 50% from BO3

Can we please also recognize the torture porn / power fantasy aspect of lighting the Germans on fire

we was liberators n shieeet

That's because black ops was the better franchise. People didn't want to play halo.

Quoted from the devs

>Having MUH D-DAY blacked

I'm honestly not even mad. Enjoy yourselves, burgers.

Cant stand the ugly nigger in this scene. Cant believe all these devs cucking out hard.

>My rifle was held high and, running full bore, I drove its bayonet into their chest delivering a mortal wound.
>This is not an unusual sight for a Call of Duty game. It’s been commonplace since the series’ inception in 2003.
That's wrong, though.

Did anyone else notice there's a female soldier shouting something in the new multiplayer trailer?

Reminder that the gaming industry is just as cucked as movies and TV. If you aren't pirating all your games, you're helping ((them)).

Has any CoD game had bayonets?

The first didn't; melee attacks were just strikes with the weapon itself. I think that was the same in CoD2, as well. MW introduced using your knife instead, and I never played any others.

>this is what americucks fought for
they died in normandy so that kikes could murder their race

S to spit on the worst generation

Pretty sure they're French resistance in that scene.

America belongs to the Jews.

Where in the trailer?

It gets better.

this was far worse

Americans... degenerate as always

I'll bet that Schlomo is probably the one jacking it so much to the thought of cleansing out the white race. Jews are probably the ones who get off on that shit...

My God they really have fucked it up I know I won't be buying

It's not what they're doing that's so unnerving. It's the fact that doing it the historically correct way could not have had any serious marketing consequence. Think, would SJWs really have complained about too many whites in WW2? They don't have the spine for that. There must be some other cleverly obscured reason at foot here.

Is that a fucking nigger wearing a German uniform? This is comically absurd...

It's glorious. Maybe EA and the like are calling out these SJW bitches on pure economics. If this game fails to sell then the SJW school of thought concerning videogame content is irrevocably BTFO. Just like communism.

If I had the balls to enter the game business I'd make the most offensive game imaginable, but everyone would just probably torrent it

Makes sense actually


No Fucking way.
>honestly I should expect this by now. "Fuck Trump and fuck white People" isn't a joke to these people.
If these men knew what would become of their nations they would have radioed and asked to join to Germans.

you don't deserve to be russian

>black african american

Maybe they did it only to piss off SJW.
I mean, you can kill WOK's now.

Yep, shoehorned diversity in Battlefield 1. Boycott any game that does this bullshit.

>Interracial = cuckold

Thanks, based Ruskie. American culture is pretty degenerate.


You realize there were actually black German soldiers back then.

Don't buy these piece of shit propaganda pieces. And for sure as hell don't let those fuckers on youtube sleep a fucking wink without kicking the hornets nest that is the gaming community. The gamers are a clueless bunch, but they're easily red pilled.

i mean who the fuck saves images like that on his computer?

A statistically insignificant amount.

I don't mind that much since it is a video game. I can see why it bothers some people, but if you are looking at games for historical record and documentation, you deserve to be tricked.

The fucking comments

Reminder that on D-Day this is what your military ancestors fought for.

They made this shit happen. They fought, died and saw their friends killed so that their grandchildren could not even have recreation time without having negrified nonsense history shoved down their throats.

Good fucking job america, now even your forefathers' sacrifice is being desecrated and their valour stolen, before the last of them are even buried.


You have to admit that having black female German soldiers in WW2 is fucking ridiculous. Unless if your game is a comedy.




Wir waren Könige und Scheiße


None are recorded outside the colonies. NONE

No infantry. None. Only white men.

I want to play as a Latina qt ss officer.

Adding in black character for the sake of social justice is off putting. Just make a fucking game based on Vietnam.

Not on the front line in France. The only non-whites that make sense are the Turks

Wait, you get to create your own character in multiplayer? So if I live in the south I'm just gonna be killing a bunch of niggers? Sounds good to me

DICE's excuse is that they have record of TWO black Germans in Europe, so that means they can make two class skins black and thus have ten+ black Germans on a 32 player team.

Don't be a racist and move on. Racism is not cool anymore. This is a new world, more colorful, more diverse, simply better. Remember that Hitler is dead and he won't come back.



Funnily enough the Turks are the most European-looking group out of all the BF1 factions. It's completely absurd.


I'm waiting until EA comes out with their WW2 game. I don't care if it's cucked a little, because it can't be as bad as COD WW2. I mean fuuuuck.

They actually found not just one but two? This totally justifies it!
It's the most ridiculous shit ever. The worst part is they could have made their game diverse by adding maps that are located in the colonies with Askari or for the British forces a Gurkha regiment.


>takes out gold bling kar98
>plays a rap version of deutschland uber alles on a boom box
>breakdances while doing the hitler salute
>eats some himmler fried chicken
>drives in a pimped out tiger tank
>snorts some jenkem and meth

He's not even an African black, he's pretty much modern American ghetto trash



>your family fought for protections for slaves
>your family worked to free slaves from captiviry
>Your family then fought in the civil war against slave ownership
>Your family helped draft new legislation to protect blacks
>Your family worked to put more blacks into power in their own towns
>Your family prosecuted those who lynched negroes
>your family died in WWII to fight against racial supremacy
>Your grandparents progressed the civil rights movement and sought to end segregation
>Your parents fought to further the representation of blacks in all forms of media and government as well as forced integration laws and affirmative action
>You are still called a racist and a bigot because you're a white male even though you're a queer that fucks blacks
>History is rewritten to put an emphasis on how great non-whites are and how terrible whites are
Think about this.

When will it stop? At what point will it stop? These people don't care about anything except eliminating whites. They want whites dead and gone.

Being an "ally" to the negro guarantees that your children will be shit on by them. Your children will grow up to be evil oppressors and the enemy regardless of what you do...

I want a Moemon style shooter. Like it's gots normal war scenarios but all the soldiers are cute girls.

Don't we all.

Looks vile

How about this one?

It's a damn shame because most intelligent, conservative Americans supported National Socialist Germany. They should've rallied the masses against our government, forcing them into co-operating with Germany or go on strike or something of that sort.

It didn't have to be like this. Now we're entrapped in some alternate reality devoid of any future for Europeans or those of European descent.

>tfw germans were in love with coca cola
>with their military might and our coca cola we could've created the most american superforce around

Chines fairytales are illegal in the UK m8, you best hand over your hard drive to the fuzz.


Can we play as Jewish Nazi leader?
Picture a short, hook nosed man, wearing a Yamaka with the Nazi flag image. Leather boots, flared pants and trench coat ordering more gas supplies.
That game would be explosive.

Just as vile, truth be told.
Why change history to make things cuter? There were plenty of cuties

Posting superior Bubi.

There is no superior Bubi, retract that statement

that tan line is so neat. What is the source of this image.

>history be damned

At least they're honest.

Stop phoneposting and you'd be able to reverse image search them.

>schoolgirl soldiers playing the pocky game

That would be kek worthy

There were actually like three and they were all musicians. None - whatsoever saw any combat. fuck dice so hard