Is James Woods calling for a civil war?

Is James Woods calling for a civil war?

It's called freedom. An armed society is a polite society.

Why did James Woods start acting so retarded? He used to be cool.

This is why I voted for Trump.
Only the left are crazy enough to actually rise up and carry out their threats.
>day of the rope is so much closer.

No but this is what escalation looks like



I 2nd Amendment that.

Good. Fuck the left.

Sounds like he's saying defend yourself not go on the offensive, retard.


fixed that for you:

Why did James Woods start acting so cool? He used to be retarded.

Now that they are committing terrorists acts we're one step closer to being able to hang liberals in the open.

Why are we gaslighting what one crazy guy did in a country of 300 million?

Fuck off. He is still based.

Freikorpszeit Jungen!

Can't wait

THIS is your hero, cuckservatives? Pathetic.

Because its fun.

Didn't he played a redpilled FBI agent in GTA San Andreas?

Whats the leftist endgame Sup Forums? Are we seeing their true colors now? Doesn't love Trump hate anymore? First a Brony and now a cuck in less than 2 weeks.

Arent most of us itching for shit to finally kick off at this point?

>Whats the leftist endgame Sup Forums?


>Hollywood tough guy

Stick to acting James, war is not like the movies.

>Arent most of us itching for shit to finally kick off at this point?
It appears to be so. /polbros/, make sure to at least carry a pocket knife when you're out in the world. A gun is better of course, but have something on you at all times that you can use to fight back with. I got some brass knuckles that I carry when it may be a little much carrying my .40.

>thinking that protecting yourself is equal to wanting to attack and kill people
stop projecting your fears onto everything, fuck face.