The epitome of a beta male

Can we take a minute and recognize that Hitler was a literal beta male by all standards.
>under 6ft manlet
>raised by a single mother
>loathed his father
>hated discipline
>poor education
Would you let a man fitting that description to ru(i)n your country?

Other urls found in this thread:


If you take but a glance at his life you will see clearly how utterly beta he was.
The faggot couldn't even produce a single child because of his beta mentality.

WWI Achievements:
>Iron Cross, Second Class - 12 February 1915
>Bavarian Cross of Military Merit, Third Class with Swords - 17 September 1917
>Regimental Diploma (Regiment "List") - 5 May 1918
>Wound Badge in Black - 18 May 1918
>Iron Cross, First Class - 4 August 1918
>Bavarian Medal of Military Service, Third Class - 25 August 1918

>Accomplished public speaker

In conclusion: you're not 1/256 of what he was.


Hitler was gay

He was an angry little beta who channeled his beta rage into a eugenicist genocide

He was a faggot. The Hitler worship on here is retarded

checks out

He took 20 injections of hard drugs everyday on top of that

>Accomplished public speaker
He's best speaker in history since recorded speakers

>Everybody calls him the leader, even his enemies.

He was a genuine caring nationalist and you're a fegit. Anglos will never have someone as him. He actually cared. Go suck on jewish cock like your forefathers did nigger.


>hated discipline
>gets Iron Cross in WW1
>not entering art school = poor education
Dat cognitive dissonance tho

>hated discipline

nigga wtf are u on

>>raised by a single mother

Which he tried to help against his brutal father who beat the crap out of him regulary

>>loathed his father

hmm... i wonder why

>>hated discipline

Gifted Children (>poor education

Self made Man, autodidact, and the education which you could get in austria, he didnt have the matura

>Would you let a man fitting that description to ru(i)n your country?

He was a genius. An autistic genius, too bad his father corrupted him with all the abuse, without the abuse not only his ideas would have been great and constructive also their outcome could have been positive for the whole world.

I´m completely with the idea of natsoc, but the parenting was shit, and the reason why the system was that authoritarian


>the elitist jews are bad
>better kill all of them
>channeled his beta rage into eugenics so he could kill anyone that slightly annoyed him to make himself feel a little better

Evolutionary eugenics was about as stupid as global warming.

Remember, every atheist is beta. They're atheist because they're beta. Evolutionary eugenicists are the creepiest cringiest faggots alive


>trying to deport Jews
>some arab shitskin flies over to Hitler
>Adolf, you cannot deport them because then they'll come here
>Hitler looks dinwn at floor out of beta insecurity in the presence of a probably larger and more masculine arab
>o-okay...uh...w-what should I do with them?
>Burn them
>o-ok...I-I'll...get on t-that...
>actually does it

Nah fuck Hitler, dude was a creepy nut case. I like that he called out the elites, but his social policies were gay and psycho and he was basically telling people where to shit and how they could raise their kids.

Hitler romance on Sup Forums is cringy

pic related, Hitler wanted to exterminate this

Your forefathers would disown for kneeling before their conqueror.

HItler was basically an SJW. Just look at his policies. Socialist, feminist, supporter of single mothers, vegan.
Socialism. Not even once.

>literally built one of the greatest empires in human history through sheer force of will and oration

yeah but i guess he was only 5'9 or something

>he actually cared
>actually supported a public education system which is basically a giant prison for children
>wanted to kill slavs
>ended up killing a shit ton of white people and ruining Europe forever with his stupidity
>was actually socialist which is the gayest most femme economic system

Fuck off you little faggot. Slavic women are some of the sexiest bitches alive, big tits and cute faces. Germany is forever cucked because of him and now they have Merkel.

You're from the Czech Republic for fuck sake

You don't know shit. Don't try sounding smart. I can tell you know nothing about him by making it so simplistic.

yeah i would exterminate her aswell look at taht niggerface

If they saw what's happening then they wouldn't


Fuck Hitler. Nazi Germany just looked gay, cringy, and kinda creepy.

National Socialism was the worlds greatest uprising of the "nobodies"
Most of the Nazi leadership was just like we are. Outcasts in school came from shit upbringings were kinda autist tier. Etc
Sadly nothing like this will happen ever again. If Hitler was born today he would just have been another name on a long list of school shooters

You forgot
>studied art

>you don't know shit
>you clearly haven't watched The Greatest Story Never Told like I have

Lmao that documentary is horse shit. Obviously the events of WW2 have been manipulated by the Jews for political reasons, but Hitler was a creepy psycho. Don't fall for the Sup Forums hitler propaganda

Well now look at you retard. Now western culture will go extinct because retards like you. I wouldn't mind giving up czech republic for future of Europe as we know it.

You'd cower in his presence, because he was a demigod, he was fearless in war, politics, idealogy.


Every socialist movement are full of weak little betas who don't think they can provide for themselves, so they want to link arms into a giant Power Rangers-tier beta megazord and force all alphas to come down to their level through socialism.

Look at Bernie Sander's movement today. It's the same shit.

I didn't watch it. It's obvious stromfront propaganda. But I still had history lessons and so many thing don't add up that it's actually impossible for him to have been the bad guy they make him to be.

> Was a fucking war hero.
> Went back to the front when he could have stayed out.
> Was /not/ raised by a single mother, either.


You forgot architect.

>western culture will go extinct because you won't do nazi LARPing with me :(

Lmao fuck off you little faggot. Western culture will be saved by strong men, not angsty little beta socialist faggots who want to lock arms like a bunch of commie gooks.

Hitler's regime did not even last 10 years, that's how fucking retarded he was

You are acting like eugenics came from hitler personaly, it was a trend, it was the newest science, and eugenics is not bad at all. Just how cruel it had been in NS.

And that´s where i blame the Pedagogic.

And Hitler was not an Atheist, he was Christian.

I´m not sure what your second paragraph of greentext is trying to say, sounds like something you made up.

He was great. I'm not saying him being an "outcast" when he was younger is a bad thing
But this is why hitler is more hated than people like Stalin or Mao or other people were told are bad because hitler wasn't some guy who hijacked an already well established revolutionary party or was born into military and lead a coup or an intellectual who got people hooked on communism he was a nobody, his family wasn't that well off especially after his dad died he was one of the outcasts in school (though he may have been the "leader" of his friend group it was still one of outcasts in the greater school hierarchy) he was intelligent but also an introvert even though it doesn't seem like it because of his public speaking skills. Seriously if you haven't go read about hitlers early (pre ww1) years.

In short: hitler was literally one of us. Had Sup Forums existed back then he'd have posted regularly

honestly I wish hitler were still alive for the sole reason that he is hot as FUCK and i want that moustache in between my legs pronto dente

Still, you ameriturds are such hypocrites. You can genocide whoever you want just because you need land, and it's perfectly justified, but when a guy wants to actually make his nation great and get rid of all the leftist jews and their families, then it's suddenly bad? Such imperialistic whores. I don't even hate all the muslims. Just all the african muslims. I like Iranians for instance. Because they're civilized. But when you cunts need a piece of land for oil, you'll genocide anyone standing on that piece of land for it. cunts.

He was an outcast just like me who actually turned around and rallied a nation behind him. That's why I like him I can actually fucking relate to him I read his early life story and he sounds almost exactly like me

>hitler wanted to exterminate this
Good. Looks like an ugly fucking mongrel

A beta male doesn't shape the future ;)
Also he will be remembered the same cannot be said for Serbia .

Also he served did you ?

Furthermore he has a following

Serbia is like Croatia's retarded brother

What? Grand Mufti told Hitler to exterminate the Jews instead of deporting them, because he didn't want them migrating to palastine.

Hitler was such a beta fucktard, that he ACTUALLY DID IT

Hitler and his administration were strong believers in Eugenics, because every beta hops on every science bandwagon. Same shit we have today, a bunch of faggy little betas jumping on the global warming bandwagon, which will probably lead to a scientist saying that we "Need to de-populate the earth to stop global warming" or some shit.

That's what all these science trends lead to, "Oh we need to stop breeding and bring the population down". It's really just part of the Agenda 21 operation

Also, project paperclip by the CIA brought over German scientists to work on the eugenics program in America after WW2. That's because Hitler had funded eugenics programs and they had highly "talented eugenics scientists"

Hitler was not a Christian either

True it must be because of the rape they received under Turkey

Eugenics isn't bad it's nescesary. We have removed ourselves so far from natural selection that we need to start choosing who passes on their genes. If eugenics had stayed around most people wouldn't be fucking retarded like they are today

kek, keep believing it. National Socialism can unite us. Your "strong men" will never even get in one room. You'll call eachother larpers and your cause will desintegrate.

>Hitler's regime did not even last 10 years
they could not defeat them one by one, even though nazis didn't have resources.

>giving a shit about a beta orbiters opinion
dude sort yourself out, orbiting a mulatta
you hate hitler because you know deep down you're unworthy of being a national socialist. Many of us are unworthy but we actually try to be better rather than actively resist improving

>implying depopulation by killing off the fucking shitskins wouldn't be a good thing
Ok dumb fucking burger enjoy your mongrel hellhole in a few years

We have trumper here !

Lol how retarded do you have to be to insult a historic figure

Native Americans genocided themselves out of stupidity, and also got rek't by blankets.

I'm actually native american, but my native ancestors weren't betas who just let the government herd them into a reservation. They took their big native dicks, went to Chicago, and got some shit done.

Also, many many Americans are anti-imperialist. That's why they voted for Trump.

The actual story about the rise to Hitler is interesting, but he was still a nutcase. He was also allegedy funded by big banks, which I lean towards believing, because how the fuck do you overthrow a government without a LOT of money?
Brittany venti is a cum goddess. Behead those who insult venti

>What? Grand Mufti told Hitler to exterminate the Jews instead of deporting them, because he didn't want them migrating to palastine.
>Hitler was such a beta fucktard, that he ACTUALLY DID IT

I don*t know about this and will not discuss it with you due to legal concerns.

Eugenics are legit, what would be wrong with being into them? Why is this an argument for you?

"I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so."

- Adolf Hitler, to General Gerhard Engel, 1941

And i don´t think that intelligent people need religion like Christianity anyways.

There are contradicting sources which say Hitler was not christian.

But those are not arguments against him. That's literally nothing.

Had Sup Forums existed back then we wouldn't have had Nazi Germany

Lol native Americans that puts you on the same level as Africans ...

You're so degenerate you lost againsts fucking Taliban's and Vietnam farmers

Hitler fought three armies in all out war you couldnt win against insurgencies

>you need a lot of money to overthrow government
The Weimar government was weak as all fuck the people were very pissed off because they were beginning to starve and to a huge many people Hitler was a force to save Germany from the communists who would have taken over the weak corrupt Weimar Republic if hitler had not come to power

>"will never even get in one room"

We haven't had to yet. 1776 is what happens when big dicked men do something.
>sort yourself out
>quoting Peterson

Lmao fuck that candian faggot. Dude has low testosterone.

National socialism is gay as fuck. If you can't make it in a free market society (even a corrupted one), then I don't want you on my team.

You can believe in white nationalism without being a national socialist

being effeminate doesn't make you gay
gay or grill?

By being a good speaker. By being a war veteran. By being a genuine person you can get a lot of following. He had unbelievable charisma that get's people on his side without even knowing anything about him.

>raised by a single
>loathed his father
read mein kampf nigger

And he didn't overthrow the government he assumed power by means that were technically legal

No my big dicked native ancestors fucked some norwegians and now I'm mostly European.

America never loses a war. We just bomb some shit and come back.

Overstated and exaggerated, OP. He had a feminine side but he achieved things, for better or worse, most men wouldn't even have dared nor imagined.

He was a fanatical soldier who hated deserters. He went on rampages against fellow German soldiers who stayed behind the frontlines during WWI.

He wrote a book that sold almost as many copies as the Bible.

He was not a mediocre artist as some people have said. Good but not great.

His speaking and persuasion abilities were unmatched.

He escaped death and assassination attempts several times, both before and during WW II.

>We haven't had to yet. 1776 is what happens when big dicked men do something.
>muh pee pee
By seeing that you can't even compromise i can tell that you'd never go with some guy into one room.
>it's GAAY
fuck you. And you're retarded to be American nationalist after all they've done to you.

Lol your whole country is pathetic you are mixed nation you have no history you have no people you are their first experiment...

Civic nationalism is the most stupid thing ever

He and his father had many disagreements but Adolf still liked his father and called him an "honourable man" by the time his dad died you could kind of ish say it was a single mother but hitler was basically independent enough around that time

>to me
What are you talking about? I like my life

>my whole country is pathetic
>has literally cucked the entire world 25 times over

you can practice eugenics yourself. find someone who is superior to you, and use their sperm when you have kids. if you won't do that, then stop complaining about eugenics because you're just a poser.

>muh history

Lmao how about the present you little bitch? Which pathetic eurocuck 60% tax rate 35 hour work week country are you in?

You're native american getting cucked by US and liking it.

>get's bitten by snake has to sell house to stay alive
a literal fucking ameriturd nigger opening his mouth

Other natives got cucked. Now they are a bunch of drunk tards in desert reservations.

My native ancestors were actually alpha so this did not happen to them

>walking around the west
>literally getting bitten by a rope lizard

The fuckers don't even have legs, holy shit. How beta do you have to be?

Also just get a job that has insurance.

Your culture is dead thus you're a cuck

The thing that makes hitler great is precisely that he's NOT a born "alpha" he was an outcast in school had a dream of being an artist was homeless for awhile wasn't from a well off family but he rose from this to do everything you said.

I embrace the fact of who hitler was. His story actually gave me hope of not becoming a fuckup when I was in school because I was exactly that kind of kid in school. Because I found his story I made a point to better myself and work to a greater goal when I was headed on a path for suicide or maybe a shooting spree

If we can talk about the more "human" side of hitler not "hitler the leader" or "hitler da ebil gas man" but hitler on a more personal level and show people that part of the story I think we would find a lot of people who could identify with him

Where can I read about his early years?

Don't forget
> virgin
> no kids
> college dropout
> druggie
> disloyal to his own nation
And above all
> s*cialist

That is some muslim level of "he wuz good boy, he dindu nuffin"

>Muh dick
Nice argument

Pulled that out of your ass?
>college dropout
They didn't accept him you retard.
Yeah, a lot of "researches" based on bullshit, they didn't even fucking have his body how can they know nigger?
>disloyal to his own nation
His nation was German people so that's bullshit
Nothing wrong with that.

Conclusion: You're retarded fegitlord who doesn't know shit about anything

There is a book written by his lifelong friend who was actually Czech about him. I'm sure you'd find it if you tried. I read some of it and it's fascinating. Makes you actually fall in love with his fanaticism.

> austrian
> now g*rman
> nuffin wrong with communism as long as its white people paying for my gibs
Off yourself faggot.

>socialism is communism
Democratic socialism is far superior to dumb ameriturd system.

No arguments left? You're a disgrace for libertarians here.

I'm a white guy from the Midwest. My culture is fine

>I'm actually native american
so which is it?

He's less than 6 foot, but he'll still beat your ass. He was a hard motherfucker.


I already told you.

My native ancestor fucked a norwegian. I look white


> democratic socialism
Wtf is that, do we take a vote before we let bureaucrats mismanage the economy or aftereards.
> le argument

What the fuck?

Hitler a cute. A cute!

/thread. most people that hate on Hitler wouldn't be fit to shine his shoes

he was a decorated veteran, outspoken politician and charismatic public speaker. he was many things but not a beta. betas are mostly followers.