Taxing childless people at higher rates

Childless people are benefiting from the governmental system while not putting a fair contribution into it. They are evaporating the pensions and Social Security benefits which perpetuate society.

Fewer kids = Fewer future tax payers

By not having the kids, you need to pay more in tax to atone for the taxes your children would have paid.

What I propose is taxing their incomes at a rate which is 15% higher. For each child you have, that amount goes down by 1/3. After having 3 children, you will not be paying the additional tax. This would incentivize people, especially those who are upper middle class (smarter people), to have more children.

This additional revenue generated from the tax will be used to promote and subsidize child births. For example, mothers will receive additional aid from the government for every child they have. Russia did something similar to this and saw an immense gain in births.

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>This would incentivize people, especially those who are upper middle class (smarter people), to have more children.
No. It would incentivize them to either drop out, attempt to hide their assets, or flee the country. Good job, you just made everything worse.

But what if I accidentally lose my dick and balls in a freak incident and have no way to reproduce? Do I get taxed then?

Right, you mean like what happened in Finland and Switzerland? Childless people are stealing money from the system without giving their fair share. This will inevitably implode our safety nets if nothing is done.

>how to create capital flight 101
Or you could just fix fucking shit tier, single-mother enabling laws like no-fault divorce you half-brained lunatic.

If marriage and having kids wasn't such a colossal fucking risk for men with little benefit, there'd be more kids, and those kids would be in stable households.

nope, will leech as much as possible, pay no taxes at all, produce zero children and leave a bloated smelly corpse for some wagecuck to clean up after I suicide peacefully through helium.

go take your taxes and suck a cock

Tax me more, a single white male trying to find a mate, in my shitty appt i cant afford, working my trade i hate, for the sole purpose of trying to produce more children; do this. And i will start killing people

Basically the result of like 90% of all laws

Good question. You would get a medical inspection. If what you claim is true, you would be exempt from having biological children, but you would have to adopt a few to alleviate the government's foster home expenditures.

You're a fucking idiot.
Childless people do pay more taxes doucheface.
They don't get dependant rightoffs while they pay into sevices for children and for schools that they are never going to use.

In other words, your tiny brain can't formulate an argument. Thanks for the satisfaction of winning ;)
How old are you? There would an exemption for younger people, ideally those under 25.

but what if I happen to be a man-child and so by placing a child under my care it would be the same as killing it? Would I have to pay tax too for my inability to be a parent?

I gave you my argument.
I will never pay any taxes to anyone :)


Agreed very much.

In fact, they should be taxeed so hard that NOT having kids is more expensive than having kids. Watch selfish hedonists cry ITT

Hmmm. I'm childless and I still have to pay for other people's children in the form of their education, food, housing, medical care, nigger care, peace of mind, etc. and about 90 other things. You should be taxed 15% for every child you have, 50% if you're poor.

>state-enforced cuck
How about you get a free helicopter ride?

lel, nice id.

>Childless people pay more in taxes
They pay enough to atone for what their 3 children would have paid into the system to perpetuate pensions and Social Security? No. You are clearly too stupid to comprehend simple concepts. Don't feel bad though. I don't expect much from a moron.

Childless people should get the fuck out of America.

If you don't want kids it's because you don't love and respect your people, your culture, your country, your community, but most of all it's because you don't love yourself.

Self-hating cucks can leave.


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Single white males without kids already pay higher taxes you fucking dumb nigger.

And they pay for all the resources boomers use to raise their shitty kids.

>Or you could just fix fucking shit tier, single-mother enabling laws like no-fault divorce
Fuck that. Just repeal the 19th amendment.

>people who don't want kids will just move their assets elsewhere
>you should fix these laws instead (gives concrete example)
>lel naud arguemnt!
What a fucking sperg, at least try to act like you're trying.

Yeah, we need to pay for all those single mothers after all!

Yes because you are stealing from the state otherwise. Pensions and Social Security need to be subsidized by tax payers.

Good. I am entirely serious about this to. Too many childless people are parasiting off of the current system.

Man-children will be gassed

Easier to just raise the tax rate but also raise the child tax credit to offset. Can even get played off as a liberal plan because spic baby making rates.

Why not both?

Getting married with no-fault divorce is asking for divorce.

And our children have to pay your social security and medicaid. That's 60% of the federal budget shit for brains.

I like how you cherrypick the extreme example of single mothers. Even so, a single mother with many children is still better to society than a degenerate childless couple

>What I propose is taxing their incomes at a rate which is 15% higher. For each child you have, that amount goes down by 1/3. After having 3 children, you will not be paying the additional tax. This would incentivize people, especially those who are upper middle class (smarter people), to have more children.
No. It will just make the leeches breed more as always.
>This additional revenue generated from the tax will be used to promote and subsidize child births. For example, mothers will receive additional aid from the government for every child they have. Russia did something similar to this and saw an immense gain in births.
No they did not. Fom your own fucking article.
"The population decline hasn't halted, and demographers warn it could plummet again. But today births are on the rise, from 1.4 million in 2006 to 1.6 million in 2007 — their highest level in 15 years."

It's beyond dumb and it won't work, It never has.
"After the triumph, Caesar set out to pass an ambitious legislative agenda.[85] He ordered a census be taken, which forced a reduction in the grain dole, and decreed that jurors could only come from the Senate or the equestrian ranks. He passed a sumptuary law that restricted the purchase of certain luxuries. After this, he passed a law that rewarded families for having many children, to speed up the repopulation of Italy."

Meanwhile Denmark had the highest birthrate ever during WW2. One of the hardest financial times in recent history. However since then, we had the most benefits to women to have children and one of, if not the biggest, welfare state ever seen in history and we have not been able to break 2.0 child per woman since the 60's.
Tl.DR. Stop giving women money, they will always squander it.

>Single white males without kids already pay higher taxes
The question wasn't if they pay higher taxes. I asserted that taxes for childless people need to be augmented. You aren't very bright.

You are a liberal retard excatly those people would start to get many children, who shouldn't.

jesus christ you fags are fucking DUMB! stupid faggot.

>Too many childless people are parasiting off of the current system.
>work to pay for system
>meanwhile parents write off a bunch of shit
You literally have it ass-backwards. The childless already pay for all the services parents use.

You're actually retarded.

You first.

Or statists could fuck off with subsidizing shitskin babies.

Consider suicide.

>encourage unwilling people to get children
>child poverty and mistreatment levels skyrocket.

What's your obsession with this word?
When did I say anything about "enabling" women? Women should go back to being chattel.

>millions of single moms who not only have to pay less taxes but also get welfare from the guys they fucked and dumped
What now?

You wouldn't need this communist nonsense if you rolled back all (and I mean all) the feminist laws. But beta providers are always going to feebly try to find ways to glorify their beta provider status.

>create nothing but dysfunctional retards and criminals
>better than nothing
You've got it ass-backwards. Not having any kids is better than creating useless drains on the system.

How can this thread have such a high concentration of retardation.

Also, do you not know how common single motherhood is? It's pretty damn common, it isn't a fringe case.

>And i will start killing people
Please don't forget to properly take the steps to convert to Islam first :-)

I gave an example already. People aren't leaving places like Finland and Switzerland. In fact, people are dying to get in. These nations enacted similar legislation to what I have proposed.

Why are you people so fucking stupid? Does your mind not intrinsically discern implications? With reference to the article, and as you have acknowledged, the birth rate in Russia incremented after fostering births by giving mothers additional $$$. I aspire to go even further than that. Mothers need more money to raise their children. Women who choose to have children should be treated as workers and be entitled to money from the government to promote births.

Must be a slide thread because that system already exists in the USA.

3 kids $50,000 income, federal income tax rate minus 10%

>let's encourage genetic trash to shit babies even more than they already do!
>the population must continue to expand forever!
>the government knows what's best for you and should be allowed to control your life!
fuck off statist

>ITT Sup Forums acts like baby mama welfare recipients
i guess if you can't beat them, join them

If you don't first repeal the laws like no-fault divorce, forcing single men to get with women will ultimately create more single mothers.

This confuses the tradcuck, who thought if they only treated women even better, they'd stop being promiscuous whores.

>he doesn't know that we already have a child tax credit

>How can this thread have such a high concentration of retardation
That's the tradcucks for you. They believe that forcing men to impregnate as many women as possible in a broken anti male system that inevitably creates fucked up broken family units is better than fixing the very system beforehand. They're scum and absolutely short sighted moronic retards.

Lets do a thought experiment;
Imagine only one family in a 100 had kids. That family had 50 kids somehow. Obviously this society is shit but keep an open mind.
Even IF the family with children had to pay no taxes they still have to take care and put the effort in. The family is literally perpatuating society and those children will run everything once the childless families get old. You can see that the childless families are degenerates no>?

Hnnnng, feed me next

>remove compulsory child support
>force abortion to require consent from both parents
>if parenthood is questioned the assumed parent is assumed to not be the father until proven otherwise with tests
>ensure the employment market is more stable and ensure people feel safe they have a source of income
>lower the costs of buying a house/apartment
>make laws that enforce marriage fidelity, if cheating is proven the cheating party loses any claims to anything in the marriage/family
>no splitting of wealth on divorce, you earned it, it's yours. Taking people's property to support slackers is idiotic

and what shall we do about all these niggers who have 9 kids each and NONE of them ever pay a dime in taxes? are you really this fucking stupid?

>People aren't leaving places like Finland and Switzerland.
Literally because of lack of shitskins and all the other laws being better.

Which is why if you want your stupid "gas the childless" plan to have any chance of success, you first remove no-fault divorce and other single mother enabling laws. Otherwise you're just funding the next wave of fatherless niglets.

>Women who choose to have children should be treated as workers and be entitled to money from the government to promote births.
We already have a system like that in the US, it's called welfare, and all it produces are useless fatherless niglet criminals.

Basically you're still retarded.

>Mothers need more money to raise their children. Women who choose to have children should be treated as workers and be entitled to money from the government to promote births.
We did that in Denmark. A single mother who is not working in Denmark is living above the median wage in Denmark. She has plenty of money. A massive welfare state that pays for everything. Schools, highschool, university and free healthcare. Still can't get it above 2.0 in half a century now. But you just can't help yourself. No matter how much evidence I throw at you, you are a communist by nature.

Fix women first moron.

Perhaps we should also tax people with daughters more since women don't actually pay any net tax in the west (on average that is).

Those 50 kids aren't being cared for by that one family. more than half of them will have no attention at all and will turn actually die from lacking a mother's touch.

Babies who aren't given enough affection actually just die or end up completely mal-adjusted.

Now let's say they hire as many nannies with everyone else's money to take care of the kids, you've solved that problem, but you now create a severe genetic bottleneck as the other families are incapable of having their own due to the carrying capacity of that society being taken by the children of one family, which clearly is completely fucked up genetically and socially to create that many kids.

Basically, social engineering; don't, just don't. You don't subsidize failing businesses, and society is nothing like what you described, kids are still being had, we're just reaching equilibrium.

Constant growth being a good thing is a jew myth.

>nigger are you retarded? Do you have any idea how much I, 33 upper middleclass no wife or spawn, have contributed to the degenerate system we have now? Way more than I receive you fucking half breed mouth breather.

Pretty sure I pay an assload of property taxes that fund schools I will never use.

Let me opt out of property tax and I'll be glad to kick in a little more income tax.


The single best tax exemption is rug rats you new fag.

At what age should we start taxing them for being childless?

Over population is going to kill us all!!
Go have kids REEEE keynes relies on perpetual growth REEE

>Childless people are benefiting from the governmental system while not putting a fair contribution into it.
t. Someone who has never ever filed taxes
What is married filing jointly? What are dependent exemptions?

>They believe that forcing men to impregnate as many women as possible in a broken anti male system that inevitably creates fucked up broken family units is better than fixing the very system beforehand
yup, saying they want a strong white nation, but really they just want more sex lulz. stay thirsty, my friends.

The problem is you'll just be paying niggers and spic and other trash to have more trashbabies.

So I'll be taxed until I can't afford to have kids of my own?

Child care costs should be tax deductible in my view. Every single essential cost associated with your children should be a tax write off, especially homeschooling costs.

This, fucking this.

Holy shit, every time someone complains about slowing population growth, an economist loses their soul.

Perpetual growth is unsustainable, especially so when you consider that worthless shitskins are the majority of that growth.

How do childless people save up to raise their kids if they're gonna have their excess taxed away?
Or do you propose that people have kids before they even get their first job?

If its true then how come i get shit back in taxes every year with no kids and my brother who has a kid gets more than me back? I also make more than him and me and my wife both work full time.
Im no tax expert and its a non issue for me but reading this just doesnt line up with my experience.

You already get a shit ton of tax write offs for dependents and joint filing, you've got enough, you fucking leech.

You're basically forcing me to pay for your child services; you're just like those fucking niggers and their welfare.


mfw this is literally what is happening right now in America

This. OP's a crypto-marxist nigger-loving jew who wants to tax single whites to pay for nigger, spic, and mudlime babies. (((OP))) hates whites. Kill all commies.

More kids = government has to shell out over $100,000 in the hole on education alone before it gets anything back in taxes.
Immigration is the real thing we need to incentivize.

The better way to do it is to increase taxes all around, then incentivize family building and increase birth rates. If you decrease taxes for each child born into a nuclear family and cap the limit at 7 or so, you increase birth rates, increase future taxes to run the country, increase the white population (let's be idealistic here and say this doesn't apply to gooks and dindus) you'll solve so many problems and make the country better! And if people follow suit and have more children, their tax rates may actually go down in just a few years, lower than before. Seems like a win win win win situation.

What you need to incentivise is sustainable regional population.
Or else you might all end up living the Las Vegas not-so-wet dream of running out of water.

>it's an user pretends they know how to best run a society episode

Better yet, make the tax reduction depend on the child's achievements. Hooligans/youth offenders get their parents tax breaks removed, while high achievers and kids who stay in schools continue to provide tax breaks for their families.
This would incentivise the parents to pay more attention and make more effort in making sure their kids are not off smoking weed and stealing ca... I mean dinduin nuthin all day long and instead forcing them to straighten their punk kids out.

But woman are already low paid because of that.

Yeah right. Apart from the raw wealth transfer via taxes you get paid leave from work for months/years (Sweden). Add to that a socially acceptable excuse for coming/leaving early. Oooh you skip work - you must be a good parent! When I get a new job i will fake having kids.

Targeting the smart middle or upper class is a good move, but how do you prevent highly fertile low IQ people to have 4 or 5 children? If you want to halt the dysgenic trend, you need different systems for different populations...

Amputationed cock and ball is gonna cost you an arm and a leg.

>he wants to perpetuate society

>instead of giving tax breaks to families with kids he wants to tax people without kids
wouldn't expect any better economic thinking from a commie

Childless people already pay taxes that go to things like schools and parks.

>giving single mothers even more benefits


White people pay the most taxes already and this is just another tax to send money from white people to subsidize blacks and Mexicans having more babies.

Great job user.

Tax exemptions for bleachers now

Taxing childless people higher makes it difficult to save the money you need to have children
t. user that's trying to have a kid

As a smarter childless upper class person i'll tell you this. I can move to b2b work with company outside my country, and that's just one of options to avoid your stupid taxes. If no option left i'll stop work (i can live from renting my flats) or i'll emmigrate.

Already happens in the USA. Provide tax benefits for children to encourage families rather than tax penalties, because you will get orphan mills like a motherfucker.

man i miss fine arts

I love myself which is why I pocket 70% of my paycheck and have $25,000 in the bank. No plan to ever have kids. Considering a vasectomy.

>a single mother with many children is still better to society than a degenerate childless couple

> a burned out slut living on welfare is better for the country than two working, tax paying citizens

thank god retards like you dont get very far in life

You see shit for brains Thinks that you don't need money to nigger rase a kid, but then you just get more niggers...

I'm for children lower you tax rate, but you will not be subsidized to have them. And I mean end well fare and food stamps...if you cannot afford children, and/or your children die, at least your shit genes die off.

Shit nigga we already got 7 billion people, we don't need every one of them mating

neck yourself idiot

Did you know the Koran says that when alone with a woman she must breastfeed you 7 times so that you don't rape her? It also says that Mohammed was as white as whip cream.