Scott Adams and Jack Posobiec both confirm this theory, should we expect full blown leftist terrorism wave now? How will MSM respond?
Rachel Maddow and MSNBC radicalized Alexandria shooter
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Jack's response:
It's the 70s all over again.
>radicalized by facts
This is a problem?
We got another one here. Who are you going to try to kill this time you crazy faggot? Do you even know how to aim?
>Do you even know how to aim?
You can ask the deer on my wall if you're curious
These people are slaves to the narrative created by the MSM and liberal indoctrin-education, unfortunately you really couln't possibly trace the liability back to them, unless they could be linked to something known as being "right wing"
So you're practicing for your assassination attempt by killing innocent animals?
You sick bastard.
>killing deer is evil
Numale detected
May your most precious person die in agony.
May you never find them in death.
>Scott Adams and Jack Posobiec both confirm this theory, should we expect full blown leftist terrorism wave now? How will MSM respond?
a cartoonist confirmed..................
>a cartoonist confirmed..................
A faggot asserted.................
>what anybody with more than half a brain already knows
> Too stupid to understand sarcasm
>Sources close to Dilbert say
Why would you wish for your own death?
This motherfucker died a hard death
They'll try to hide it
Fuck it. They want this, theh are clearly and obviously petulant entitled pussies with the mindset of a spoiled child who didn't get their way. Maybe it's time we just say fuck it and give you the fight you're looking for.
Rachel Maddow needs to be thrown out of an airplane.
That was the plan if you've been paying attention to the totally irresponsible and absolutely disturbing rhetoric being spewed forth from the MSM and retarded celebrities! Libtards have opened Pandora's box and will pay the price if they try any more Terrorist attacks like the one that happened today.
need to boycott their sponsors for promoting terrorism
>hide it
They'll laugh it off as ridiculous and carry on as normal.