Is Zoroastrianism a Sup Forums-approved religion?

Is Zoroastrianism a Sup Forums-approved religion?

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>non-white subhuman origins

Arent they aryan?

We a gnosis board

'Caucasian'/'Aryan' - meme created by jews and usefool idiots to dilute Europeans with subhuman blood

Yes. Any Aryan folk religion is.

Yes, they are the master race Hitler drew inspiration from. He identified the German people as an European version of Aryans and the nazi regime was buddy buddy with iran.

Hitler also considered some part jews to be worthy of party membership. In other words Hitler was a pro-immigrant emancipator. Der Untermensch, if I ever knew one. One drop rule. Germanic blood to not be mixing with inferior jewnigger shit

no dude lol. you should worship Kek!


> In other words Hitler was a pro-immigrant emancipator

In other words Hitler was a realpolitik master that didn't buy into his own propaganda.

iranians FALSELY believe themselves to be holders of the title "Aryan"
they are larping
there is nothing in their or any other religious scriptures (CHRISTKIKES, i'm looking at you) that even remotely mentions the word "aryan"

VEDA is WHITE ARYAN in origin not smelly brown iranians

Incest>marrying muslim

>t. mongol rapebaby

>iranians FALSELY believe themselves to be holders of the title "Aryan"
just lol

Hitler was an imbecile that should have acquired peace with Britain at any cost and should have never recognised JewSSR subhumans. There were no geopolitical need or political importance in allowing part jews in. There were too few of them anyway and most NSDAP members were against them. Hitler was a subhuman that risked corrupting Germanic blood

Pure South German blood, but leave it to part negro Iranian subhuman in the US to elevate on race

iranians aren't white nor are they aryan

>Hitler was a subhuman that risked corrupting Germanic blood
germanic blood is already impure and the language is indo-european - type

You again. God, what a pile of fucking trash you are.

Germanic blood in Germany is nothing but Germanic with minor Celtic (sometimes Baltic and Slavic component). Nothing like you part black subhumans in Armenia

>you part black subhumans in Armenia
you're calling me a christian armenian? what is wrong with you? look at the flag, रष्यदेशीय raṣyadeśīya

"The fire rises," the religion.

They don't accept converts either. Pretty cool to be first.

shitskin begone. go shake your non-human abo Indian genes somewhere else

fuck off, you dirty serb

I'm interested in learning Sanskrit. Where should I start? Is Devanagari as impossible to read as it looks?

>non-European Indians
Literally must be wiped out for having abo genes

Hell is for ever!


He's a mentally ill pajeet who hates Iranians and Christians.

you don't know what you're talking about

He aims to becoming some sort of "celeb". Do not reply to him and do not screenshot him.

you idiot


There is only one true religion and it is Islam.

Also reminder that the Avesta predicts the birth of Christ, which is seen wit the 3 Persian Magi arriving to His Birth.

Anyone with a drop of aboriginal or negroid blood is a subhuman and a subject to extermination. That includes all mongrel untermenschen races that inhabit South Asia
Having sex in South Asia after 85 IQ asiatic shaman gave you drugs is not "Aryan" or "spiritual"

Hello, you're like, half Finno-Ugric? Like, Asian? What the fuck are you even doing here being this autistic about blood purity?

Still better than pagan LARPers.

it's even coming back, kurds are converting in droves and even build a fire temple

Shut the fuck up mongol rapebaby.



Coming back? Never was dead unlike paganism.

Now you're just making shit up

eh, i mean getting back to becoming a large religion

Anglin is a nigger. Wrong site
Hitler was a cuck on race, daft cunt. Alfred Rosenberg and Himmler are the men to look up to
Like Alpine Celtic Germanic speaker 98% of Christians are non-white subhumans. christians side with religion over race. Extermination is in order



Himmler was a backstabbing piece of shit who left his leader and his people to the Allies. Really good person.

Not christian.

what if ahura-mazda is God?

гниль жидoвcкaя cъeби

>Andrew Anglin


I'm 10, but I think anything other than fidgetspinning doesn't qualify as religion

Go away Ahmed.

Hitler backstabbed the German people and NSDAP comrades. when he allowed part jew subhumans to Jon the party. Hitler looked like an idiot, when he recognized the JewSSR and made a pact with them, instead of seeking Anglo alliance. That alliance could have brought the Darwinistic future - extermination of non-Europeans or at least Celtic-Germanic dominance

Anglo alliance? UK decided to side with the cucks and declared war on Germany. Hitler brought back family unity and national strenght after the degeneracy of Weimar.


Uncle Adolf was a great person.

Any thoughts on Melchizedek being Zoroaster? I always wondered if this is why the Magi came to Bethlehem.


Stay mad Rusky.

It's not that simple. He should have at all costs push for alliance with the British Empire. He shouldn't have went to Poland, because he knew they would declare war on him. He should have IGNORED AND REFUSED JewSSR and worked closely with Britain
>not being a dumb ass religious moron makes you a jew
Worship your non-European filth all you like, tajik


All pre-Islamic culture from its conquered territories should be supported.


No, this is where the Jews came from.

Odin or Zeus/Jupiter, you want nothing to do with Allah, El, or Yhvh.