>Supposedly botulism induced paralysis, so he still knows what's up and is just paralyzed, this will take 4-8 weeks to clear up with anti-toxin... Don't know if he's on a respirator or not but either way the anti-toxin will have him back up and moving again in a month or two. Norks are cray, any American going there is more cray, I mostly blame this entire predicament on Otto for going in the first place knowing their laws are insane, they take political prisoners and do not have modern medicine.
An American paralyzed in a North Korean prisoner, conscious of what's going on around him, and not a single of our cowardly, incredibly stupid Americans are doing a single thing about it. Where's the protests? Where's Trump saying he's going to fuck them all to death?
Easton Cook
So nothing? No response?
Daniel Flores
>be amerishit >go to Best korea >????? >WHY DO YOU FUCKING GO TO KOREA OF THE NORTH?
>warmbier could just kys
Landon Foster
>Be white >Get shot by black person for driving through Detroit >"You shouldn't have driven there"
Is this reasonable to say too? I mean.. it's his fault for going to North Korea!
Nathaniel Young
Fuck off mart sharter.
Dylan Miller
I think we know the REAL reason he was released.
Jack Gray
Where can I buy this pill?
Adam Powell
Is driving though the dangerous neighborhood in detroit avoidable? For some maybe no. Is vacationing in North Korea avoidable? Absolutely. Also not very smart for going there and not respecting to the T their requests and laws...if you simply must visit dangerous countries you cant act like an american frat boy, stand out, and break the fucking law and not expect your life being ruined.
If i had to visit north korea, for whatever reason, be it a bucket list or whatever...id BFF my guide. Talk kindly of their government and country all the time to them...not steal anything...and ask the fucking guide before doing anything other than following him and looking at shit (including taking pictures)
Yes i avoid dangerous neighborhoods when i can, which is almost always.
Jackson Allen
why do we need to retaliate for this? not worth it, nor does that sound like an actual policy we should have.
Luke Jones
>Israel destroys USS Liberty so America will nuke Egypt and get involved in a war >Kill 34 Americans >Nothing happens
Can we punish Israel for this? Trump needs to take actio-
>They also killed thousands of people on 9/11 including hundreds of Trump's personal friends
Looks like I have my answer.
Andrew Russell
>Can we punish North Korea for this? Trump needs to take action.
What type of punishment? Go to war and lose 10-30,000 men and esculate tensions to an extreme with China and Russia due to "JUST A PRANK BRO" guy who was retarded enough to decid to steal from let alone go to North Korea?
Chase Powell
>go to north korea >try to win a dare and steal some painting even though he knows its against the law and might be thrown in jail for 10+ years >"lel NK commie shits, I do what I want" >get caught >bows and cries like a bitch on trial
how shameful, his friends and family will literally remember him as the pussy that caught redhanded and tried to bawl his way out of prison
Ryan Gray
I don't think it's a good idea to start WWIII over some millennial fag.
Lucas Watson
It's easy to be a warmongering cunt from your fap chair on Sup Forums. If we invade NK, millions of prisoners would be killed immediately. Then they'd start launching bombs, potentially nukes, on SK. Millions more will die. Unless handled perfectly, an invasion of NK would be a small holocaust of its own before we even start really engaging.
Zachary Hernandez
>chad goes to nk thinking it's all just a big joke >steals a souvenir and gets caught
Stupid fuck only has himself to blame
Aaron Martin
>Can we punish This is exactly why every country in the world hates america
Christopher Cox
bad goy
Lincoln Clark
I don't give a fuck about korea
Brandon Lewis
Yeah call me a useless faggot that'll sure make me want to help. This kid was a fucking fag and thought he could go to another country and not follow their rules cause he thought he knew better. Hope he enjoys his extended bed rest cause he got fucking lucky.
Cooper Green
Fuck that moron for going to Norkville. Darwinism.
Leo Sanders
It's okay user, Dennis Rodman is taking care of it.