Hello, my name is Jared Taylor

Huwhat have you done for the huwhite race today user?

Other urls found in this thread:


Hi so called master race. I ate a burger today.

Was it a good burger?

I fed ducks in the park

Hey I ate a burger too today. Cost me $0 since I leech off my parents.

I helped a fellow huwhite man find gainful employment.

That is splendid user! I love being around huwhite people like yourself.

I myself played a game of golf with my huwhite pals.

I went to work.

I went to a vegan, soy-free restaurant and then drank alcohol-free beer with my huwhite friends while looking out to make sure no coloreds were in the area.

masturbated thrice, lost 100 $.

That must have been a very expensive fap.

I lost the money in unrelated from the masturbations.

I mowed my lawn, meanwhile my neighbor (a negro may I add) hasn't mowed his lawn in over 3 weeks

I have bought fresh products from my town's local market to boost the sales of products made by fellow white farmers.

How disturbing.

How terrible of those NEGROS not to mow their lawns unlike us huwhite people who mow their lawns every hour like a civilized race should.

The nature of the replies make me feel comfy.

Our own country when?

spread your message
>like every day

Went on a job interview today. Hopefully I got it so I can work like a good White man should.

>Jared Taylor will never read you bed time stories

Got into a passionate debate with an SJW online. I was defending White People's right to marry and date people of other races.

Those crops were picked by Mexican illegals.

You now have swallowed Mexican genes.

You are expected to transform into a Mexican in approximately 72 hours.

There's a rule in my neighborhood that you can't mow before 8AM. Fucking jews running the place

I never watched this guy but I like people like William Pierce should I give him a chance? Seems like a good person from what I have seen.

I'm Jared Taylor, a Yale scholar using bell curve half retarded whites as chum in my decades long social science experiment on how hee haww dumbasses have pride for no reason.

I went to work, and went to the gym afterward.

He's literally the best debater there is on the issue of race. His arguments are sound and logically bulletproof.

Way underrated, also he grew up in Japan which is why he speaks so eloquently.

>tfw mexican illegals in France

I applied for a job so I can buy some guns and feed my pets.

>nazi flag

Kill yourself

cool I will start listening to what he has to say, thanks.

I taught my white children to stand their ground, morals, and planted possibly a new child in my white wife's womb.

Is he behind American renaissance? That's a great site that's probably where I know of him from.

Posting Jared's latest video, this one is on institutional racism.



He's really the only person in this movement who is legit. The guy has been an advocate for whites before this website even started. There's a reason why he never gets invited on MSM because completely destroys the interviewers unlike Richard Spencer who just rambles.

Here he is in the lions den youtube.com/watch?v=MxKj6Rl1sHg&t=10s

Here he is against this smug ass bastard youtube.com/watch?v=vPaiB5Umilo&t=3s

Yes he is, he's the editor.

Yes, he's the founder

Thanks fellow huwhite brother

>defending blacks



these are good too




awesome thanks, watching this now will watch the other videos posted after
thanks and also kek huwhite
thanks will listen asap

>"Hello, I'm Jared Taylor, editor of American Renaissance, and I would like to talk to you about racial differences in intelligence."

I've never been the same since.

Posting Jared Memes

went to work


working is for fags, degenerates, and queers.

Be a true huwhite man and collect welfare.

I even lifted
Bench 4x8
Pull-ups assisted 4x8
Dips assisted 4x8
60 reverse sit-ups
60 toe touches

It's a bolshevik flag, user.

He is the patron saint of the huwite race.

Went to my job worked out and since I have no family of my own helped them work on their home.
Being a productive member of society and leading by example is important.

William Luther Pierce and Taylor. Who else is their that isn't a clown like Spencer? This guy is great I'm loving everything I hear.

Thanks for the vids Jared


Dat hypertrophy range

Jared is a double agent working for the Japanese Empire

>sets of 8
You're playing with fire, son. Miss one rep and the whole set is wasted. Might as well do creatine if that's where your mind's at.


KEK. Also, i went to work and contributed to society.

huwhat? huwhat was the basis for their saying you couldn't?

How many reps do you do

Probably switch to 5x5 in the fall
But I need to make abs ripped for when I get stabbed

oh man - he dismembered a Paki / poo on her show that was intended to be controversial. I wonder whether it's still online. /So/ good. Good as punched her in the face:
> Multi-culturalism works
> Actually your parents fled your country because of ethnic conflict
> Don't you feel bad, hurting my feelings?
> We built this country, something your people could never do.

The problem is he's not actively for an ethnostate (we'll self-segregate, which we will without interference - that's genius), and, he doesn't mind Jews. Which can also be fair, it's reasonable to be NAXALT.

>1-6 strength
>8-12 hypertrophy
Miss a rep, you're at 7 and get nothing.

Working sets of 3(many sets) or 6 reps for me on compounds.

Total freedom of association, good God the man is a fucking genius I love that term, implies being allowed to - if you want it - set up a white only neighborhood. With no strict limit on how far you may take it.

Okay Swedish flag

Talking about lifting
Would you happen to be the Golden One

Is Jared Taylor the white nationalist version of Jordan Peterson? They look like twins.

But those are liberal things nanodesu

But those are liberal things nanodesu~

Don't take that joke seriously, and I fucking wish. The man has the perfect frame and seems to respond to roids quite kindly. What sort of routine are you doing?

Lifting 3 days a week mon wed fri
Cardio swimming 3 days a week 45 min -1 hour

Switched to a vegetarian diet until I drop som fat


Got pulled into doing some cardio by my sister's boyfriend, so I've just started with that again. I lift MWF as well, pretty much just doing Starting Strength with some minor modifications and additions. You just can't beat it for time-efficiency.

I'm just trying to cut a little before I try to bulk up

Consider moving dips to another day later on if you need it. It's easy to stall when you've already exerted yourself on a similar exercise. Made my chins lag behind when I first started.

I volunteered at my local synagogue. We must secure a place for huwhite Jews and a future for Jewish children.