Why do we tolerate chimps in our countries...

Why do we tolerate chimps in our countries? Seriously Sup Forums it really gets my noggin joggin that we glorious white people allow niggers to live with us when they commit so much crime, are genetically predisposed to violence, smell like they haven't showered in weeks, generally look ugly as fuck, take our money in government gibs and produce nothing except shit tier music. Is their only purpose to keep socialist parties and KFC in business? It really makes me think.

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isnt chimp skin white?

Dont forget our little promise Esau

>implying there is a difference between chimps and niggers

someone seems like a triggered fuccboi

I don't know user, I want pakis out first then the wogs. That said your picture is retarded, dogs have been selectively bread. People, not so much. Niggers are subhuman, but posting picks like that just weakens our stance.

Triggered? How about fuck you moor don't you have an Alhambra to be building Ibericuck?


is it really only 60,000
isnt it literally millions

lol'd at pic tbqh

would affirmative action for gorilas be an efective meme campaign

wow you just put a map from more than 200 years ago, great argument!


Humans have been around for a couple hundred thousand years and of course speciation is a neverending process. Geographic separation is the important thing here. Also, evolution has "accelerated" in recent times what with all the new developments in human practices.

You have Arab DNA in you Pedro

and what is the problem?

The problem is there is no difference between niggers and sandniggers

The answer is complicated but basically comes down to the rich caring about nothing but money

Also tbqh most of us on here would probably become globalists if we were rich so it's really the eternal autism of human self-centeredness. The Chinese solve this problem by burning collectivism into their culture but we fucked up and our civilization is dying because of it

not having a nice permanent white society for my kids would disgust me
thats why its always jews

Fuck off

How about you fuck off back to Africa and stop culturally appropriating me by using electricity, computers, the internet, the automobile etc. Weren't you all supposed to be building a perfect negroid society in Liberia or something and look how that turned out people shitting in the street and ebola, so why don't you take your hip-hop, rock n roll hell you can even take KFC and fuck off back to the motherland where you can fulfill your destiny of living in shit huts and fucking other primates.

send the niggers back

Literally your fault since bongs are the reason slavery ended.

WTF I love KFC. Niggers are worthless, don't get me wrong; but everyone loves fried chicken: it's delicious!

Are you literally retarded?

That's a completely false equivalence and you know it.

Dogs have been passed through the evolutionary filter of US and OUR needs - they have been deliberately and carefully domesticated and bred for certain traits.

Can that be done with niggers?

And you think people haven't?

god damnit

>arab DNA
>what is the problem
look at middle east baby

It can be done with anything biological, that's what Hitler's eugenics idea was based around.

I mean, soon it will be completely pointless once we get a good solid understanding of CRISPR, and anyone can genetically modify themselves to be anything.

We did end it probably not having the foresight to see that the niggers would inevitably come to our shores back from the carribean and not go back to Africa for some reason almost like Africa is a shithole that breeds shitty people

Not to point fingers or anything but this situation is mostly your fault. Enjoy your (((diversity))) and the ethnic cleansing of your ancestral land.

White people have been passed through the evolutionary filter of western civilisations needs we have been deliberately and carefully bred for certain traits. The only things niggers learnt was picking cotton and harvesting sugar and that because we taught them how.

not to this degree.

Humans modify their enviornments, and environments are the primary filter / catalyst for change in evolution, so we definitely can and do engage in a soft form of self-domestication/eugenics.

But nothing like the highly planned and deliberate kind we do to dogs/cats/cows/chickens/pigs/all manner of plants and such.

I believe in the future when people have free access to change their genes on the fly, none of this will matter; if it turns out one race actually is better at x y z than other races, then the other races can just copypaste those genes to themselves, and if it turns out a different race is better at a b c, then everyone else copypastes them.

Our future will be a refocusing of the rainbow we've become in our tens of thousands of years apart from each other into a focused beam of white light... for a time.

All bets are off once we start colonising space because then people will HAVE to modify themselves to be drastically different in order to most efficiently live on these new worlds.

Worth it to piss everyone off with 0 effort.

Hitler got his eugenics ideas from the USA.

Africans had kingdoms and roads and sheeit, it's just when the British Empire made their primary source of income; slavery, illegal and enforced the ban with extreme naval prejudice, they kind of never recovered.

well i mean no one person or nation can be credited with the idea really, we've been modifying things on a generation-by-generation basis forever; it's no great leap to suddenly go "hang on, what if we do that thing we do with plants and animals, we do to ourselves too".

And white people get mad when i fuck their women.

I realise we Britbongs cannot possibly do enough to ever make up for ending slavery and stopping Hitler but we must not let such things divide us when we are fellow whites and only recognise the one true mantra of life if it aint white it aint right.

>But nothing like the highly planned and deliberate
Our mate selection is highly planned and deliberate too. Humans just don't start getting pregnant at six months old like dogs do.

Look at this shit dude. We don't even generally breed together to this day in all our proximity.
>We examined the effects of changes in conception risk across the menstrual cycle on intergroup bias and found that increased conception risk was positively associated with several measures of race bias.

Asians don't give birth to black babies. Whites don't give birth to Asian babies. We're completely different on the genetic level because of our past geographic separation, like it was said here

blacks aren't necessarily the problem, it's their cancerous culture. ones that fall out of the culture aren't subhuman, but the majority don't fall out of it and stay as niggers

Don't wolves/dogs become sexual mature to reproduce by age of 2 vs I dunno, Preteens for humans at least? This means that the transition from. Wolves to dogs went through a lot more generations than human did.

culture and race are tied together

nigger culture is a result of low IQ and high time preference. culture in africa isn't much better.

Yeah cause you are polluting the gene pool and then don't have the common decency to be a father after the baby is born

Less generations doesn't mean less extreme variation though. "Directed" breeding by humans doesn't necessarily mean they faced more evolutionary pressure than humans ever did.

>Our mate selection is highly planned and deliberate too.

You can apply that exact same claim to all animals then.

Of course we're different because we HAVE been separated for a while, but not so long we're a different species.

Niggers can still be used as our slave army. We will need them to counter the beaner insurrection. And when the dust clears, we eliminate whoever is left. Left. Left. Left.

They are massive influences on one another, but are by no means 'tied' together.

It's entirely possible for a person from Culture A to prefer Culture B, move there for that reason and integrate.

The issue is when people from Culture A move to Culture B in order to make it more like Culture A.

>You can apply that exact same claim to all animals then.
What? No you can't. This is basic r/K selection theory.

What's the difference between any two dog breeds? Their most obvious differences are in physical characteristics like size and color and whatnot but the differences typically end there. Meanwhile humans don't even live in similar habitats, build the same houses, wear the same clothes, speak the same language or the same way with the same language.

Intuitively we know we are very different and genetically there are ALL SORTS of things you can do.

Humans can be genetically categorized into five racial groups, corresponding to traditional races. Source:

Genetic analysis “supports the traditional racial groups classification.” Source:

“Human genetic variation is geographically structured” and corresponds with race. Source:

Race can be determined via genetics with certainty for >99.8% of individuals. Source:

Oral bacteria can be used to determine race. Source:

Race can be determined via brain scans. Source:

We all know they wuz Kangz what really pisses me off is why do they have to take other peoples achievements like saying Shakespeare was a black woman where I think one of the niggers might have got the monkeys on a type writer analogy mixed up in their tiny brain. Or claiming all pharoahs were black when the nubians ruled for like 200 years then became dick washers for the whites.

integration has been a massive failure and has only led to the increase in welfare

blacks only assimilated because they were forced, once that force was no longer in place they degenerated into the monkeys they always were

i could care less about exceptions, i'm sure there are individualist chinks in china but i don't have the time to go searching for them



The southerners in this country loved nigger pussy so much they imported them in massive amounts



>don't have the common decency to be a father after the baby is born
Wtf? I married and i have 2 kids fag and my daughter has blue eyes and i'm full spic.

For the last time, i'm not saying people AREN'T DIFFERENT.

I'm saying
A) The difference is little, and diet, upbringing and society are bigger contributers to success than JUST genetics (which also play a factor).
and B) Trying to equate fucking selectively bred dogs to the chaotic mishmash of human will is a silly comparison.

Human evolution still has its basis in anarchy and chaos, as with all other natural organics on the planet; domesticated animals are fundamentally different in that we decide EXACTLY how they are to turn out.
EXACTLY; it looks/acts/works how the specific individuals doing the breeding want, or it becomes a genetic culdesac, period.

Human genetic plan is so much more haphazard than this it's like comparing a micron scope to a magnifying glass and saying they're exactly the same because they both magnify small shit for the purpose of viewing.

>A) The difference is little, and diet, upbringing and society are bigger contributers to success than JUST genetics (which also play a factor).
Yeah nah cunt. This is idealism. The dog breed analogy is a good one, because it exposes nurturefags like you for not knowing what they're talking about. Nurture doesn't close the genetic gaps.


Yeah, that's incredibly retarded and speaks archives of libraries of volumes about their extreme insecurity and lack of education.

Thankfully, many blacks are getting woke as fuck and realising self-segregation of their communities is dooming them to a life of pointless tribalism, poverty and failure.

They are embracing the spirit of the west and become leagues better than their former peers for doing so.

Pics or it didn't happen and 2 kids isn't that family way on the small side for a wetback?

>domesticated animals are fundamentally different in that we decide EXACTLY how they are to turn out.
>EXACTLY; it looks/acts/works how the specific individuals doing the breeding want, or it becomes a genetic culdesac, period.
Again, same with people, who take years to select their mates and expect years and years of investment in just a few offspring. Fuck off dude seriously. You're probably not white and doing this out of insecurity.

Let me help you expand your collection senpai


really makes you think

GOSH don't you know? they're adaptions! doges are like that because we domesticated them. whites are white because of da snow n shieeet.


It just be society n sheeeit

>posting your family on Sup Forums
kek, when you get a family you'll understand

Here are some dog breed analogies for you faggot

To be honest, I would rather take in wolves than niggers.


we all da same bru

Who is this semen demon?

hey! That is onor fair to chimpanzees.


Nurture is not the only factor in outcome, genetics plays a huge role, but attempting to lump people of value into categories based primarily on race alone is clunky, inefficient and ultimately self defeating if the goal truly is identification and preservation of genetic elites.

There are absolute dribbling knuckle-draggers in every society, and it's entirely likely genetics plays a role in this; yet the rigid, clunky system of racial politics would have me favor a retard of race X over a retard of race Y because 'technically' according to the accepted racial zeitgeist of the day, race X is on a better average than race Y.

It's just too inefficient to me, too prone to aberrations to the central doctrine.

In time the 3rd world will advance to modern levels and their population will stop expanding like ours did (they may very well go through a few extremely bloody population bubble bursts in the process), but ultimately time will favor the smartest in all corners of the globe; no race gets to escape this filter we make for ourselves.

>pick pics that fit your personal narrative



churches chicken is better u fuck

Is race mixing really bad Sup Forums? When I was younger I used to be a full on white supremacist and actually hate blacks, but now I'm dating a half black chick, and I feel differently. Will my ancestors really judge me that harshly. The one concern I have is my children not having the same Germanness that I do. I am not 100% German anyways, and she is more German than most white Americans, her father has entirely German heritage. Whats the difference if my kids have curly hair and don't look the exact same as me?

>There are absolute dribbling knuckle-draggers in every society, and it's entirely likely genetics plays a role in this; yet the rigid, clunky system of racial politics would have me favor a retard of race X over a retard of race Y because 'technically' according to the accepted racial zeitgeist of the day, race X is on a better average than race Y.
Which is absolutely fucking true. It's clear that you're just uncomfortable with the implications of what I'm saying.

The US for example would leap forward if all the niggers suddenly turned into white heroin addicts. Murder rates would plummet. Crime would plummet. Welfare usage would too. The country also wouldn't be having this RACIAL TUG OF WAR between our shitty parties.

There is a reason why all white countries are desirable countries and all black countries aren't, and it's not fucking coincidence.


>Again, same with people, who take years to select their mates and expect years and years of investment in just a few offspring.
But they make that decision for themselves - one person, one generation.

They do not get to plan out their entire legacy in the same way humans do to domestic animals.

You get one choice, YOUR partner.
Sometimes people get greedy and try for a 2nd or even 3rd generation (manipulating their kids/grandkids decisions) such as some indians and arabs, and guess what - they haven't managed to make themselves into some ultra master race with this tactic now, have they?

>Implying racemixing isn't that bad

>60000 years of evolution


Evolution is the process by which one species becomes another.

Neither of those is an example of evolution.

Shame Clint's son didn't become an actor like his Dad, literal spitting image, could've carried on his legacy.

The star at the center of our Solar System kills white people that exposed to it for a long time. You knuckle dragging neanderthals were in caves eating raw meat while advanced societies were building empires and culture. In less than 30 years your people will no longer be a majority in America and your women will increasingly leave you to mate with minorities. Your genetic material is the weakest and most recessive. While you're on Sup Forums bitching about other races yours is slowly evaporating and the planet will shake you off like a bad case of the fleas. Image related, it's "civilized white people" burning down their entire city like a bunch of low iq animals just because they're team lost a game of hockey. Hopefully you'll humble yourself and realize how stupid you sound, but I somehow doubt it.



Again, nobody 'bred' them - they are where they are; they can affect the next generation using their limited choice of partner, but there's no professional human breeder sitting around crunching the numbers saying "hmm, if i breed X with Y, i'll get a Z with these traits which i can then use in the next generation to get one step closer to my goal of making a ZZZ creature"

No, they are where they are, they pick a partner, have kids, boom - that's it.

To human selective breeding of animals.

Clint probably warned his son about how jewed the movie industry has become and wanted his son to stay out of it. We probably would be getting movies of Clint Eastwood's son + sum black 70s afro chick.

>The Good, The Bad, The Ugly 2

I'd buy 5 tickets.

>six bullets later he met his creator

>instead of

>six bullets later he met the Maker

>They do not get to plan out their entire legacy in the same way humans do to domestic animals.
Well yeah, they do, because 90%+ of Whites for example choose White mates who are generally tall, generally good looking, who can generally survive financially in our society, and so on, when they COULD ALSO choose to mate with blacks. How can you unironically suggest we're not breeding ourselves?

>ultra master race
That isn't the point. The point is just differentiation, and we're all voluntarily doing it.
