How the fuck is this bitch electable?
How the fuck is this bitch electable?
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Serious question.
>Inb4 Hitler ruined Germany/rightwing ideology forever so they must now commit sedoku to atone for the sins of their father
>Inbe4 women should NEVER be allowed to lead and due to evolutionary history they actively want to invite horde of Strong barbarian men to rape and pillage their soft and weak decadent cuck society will all its gibs, and feminism is just a giant shit-test that men collectively failed.
I hate this bitches God damn face
Because she makes the German people feel all humanitarian n sheit and not eternal krauts
Gay Bavarian lefty here.
She's awesome
Ok, but explain hideohs face and the dumb expressions she makes with it, and the bowl cut and the weird non-human Feminist/North Korea suit jacket shit she wears.
I hope you are the next 'glass ass', Hans.
Because germans are cucked beyond repair, hope they will finally die soon, the more north you go the worse it gets in terms of faggotry.
Your vagina has no powere here, little sissy snowflake.
That sucks man. We need the Germans to finally join the Anglos come the final race war in a few hundred years time.
I'm male you literal fag
>I'm male
I will not be swayed by your beautiful uncut penis.
You can may count on the germans in switzlerland or south austria, maybe some parts of bavaria, but the rest is already gone, they don't deserve to live anymore, they are our enemies now and should be treated as such.
Believe it or not, before the whole rapefugee saga (pre-2014), she was actually a great leader. Guided Germany to economic dominance after a few years of slight decline, promoted traditional family values and even spoke out against multiculturalism (see link). For some reason, something changed. Maybe (((they))) got to her. Who knows?
She worked in quantum chemistry and came into adulthood fighting for democracy against communism
I wish she was our president instead of that fat retard
This is the ONLY correct answer ITT.
Still better than this merchant
Ikr? She's unfuckable and unelectable
The C.I.A
Childless woman - least possible qualified person to lead a country, that's what happened. No judgement. She was probably coastsing on advice, but the minute she tried to apply that tiny female brain, she done goofed. Now she's almost succeeded in ruining 1000 years of European progress.
The SPD wants to fly in somalians straight from the horn to germany, merkel wants them to come themselves in a boat
unfuckable lardass
nah, there will be a new east west conflict. with nationalists settling east and getting weapons and training from eastern europe. that is the future. the reconquista will happen with eastern europe as its base. doesn't take a genious to figure that out.
because she is a pretty good leader. At least much better than anyone else who has a chance to become chancellor.
How's the weather in Bavaria, are there nice lakes?
Looks like a fat retard to me!
Quantum Chemistry - qualifying her in anyway to govern a country. She's a woman. Her only job was to have kids and raise them. Instead she tried to bea man. Look where that has got her and us - she always looks miserable and she's managed to genocide her own continent.
I'd have to see the lakes in Austria and Switzerland are better usually, but we have a few beautiful lakes.
Remind me, what was the worse option? Sheev Palpatine?
There are no nationalists in a significant number left, even the east is moderate at best.
and every single one of them is a fucking democrat.
The most heroic act white man can do is go up to her in public place and smash her head with an axe.
same way anyone is elected.
they arent
Wow, that's an impressive landscape
>Guided Germany to economic dominance
by scamming other european countries, re-selling chinese solar panels and lying on the quality of their cars. She's a criminal.
You know what - doesn't need to be that extreme. Donald J Trump needs to grab her by the pussy. That's all.
What that ugly bitch needs is a good fuck.
Because fuck Schulz.
Because all Germany ever does is fuck shit up for everyone.
t. know nothing about angela merkel
Literally who? Please contextualise and elaborate, we aren't all krauts.
>Looks like a fat retard to me
Friendly reminder that based Macron squeezed the orange out of Fat Donny's tiny hand.
She is better than Schulz.
>Donald J Trump needs to grab her by the pussy. That's all.
I just hope merica seizes the whole BRD and declares is official a colony of america, so they brd cucks can fuck of, refugees should be send to the camps and communists should hang in public, that is the only solution for this failed state.
Also Berlin and Vienna must burn to ashes.
Wow, for real?
Germany deserves this. Germans die, I cheer.
One thing.
The chancellor is not elected by the people.
No one voted for her, they voted for her party.
We have two big parties.
Christian democrats, they're supposed to be conservative, but that's where Merkel is from.
And social democrats, whose candidate is an even bigger globalist and leftist cuck.
Voter base for both parties are retarded boomers who will never vote anything else.
Proof that box heads are very easy to brainwash
Isn't that shill, Shultz or something going to take over Germany after Merkel ?
Fuck mane, that is just sad.
>How the fuck is this bitch electable?
She is not, the past couple of elections have proven that Europe has no democracy, is being ruled by soros and the elite to keep the Saudi oil running sturdy
How the fuck is this bitch electable?
because pic related is the other candidate. either way germans are fucked.
Literally everyone in this picture looks like a kike
Pro tipp:
They are kikes
>She is better than Schulz.
They're both vile EU shills. Same Eu same immigration and same public expenses to Brussels and friends.
I guess you can't write anything critical of them in Germany in fear of being thrown in jail so I'll say it for you. They fucking suck!
He's done better in 3 months than the last 3 presidents combined and he wasn't even in politics before this and this coming from an illegal spic you fagot
At least that guy has fuck loads of charisma. And a hot hooker wife he paid for. And a hot daughter he has probably molested (and so would I in his shoes).
But Schulz is a lefty. Muh equality. Muh le evil1% should pay their fair share. These SPD fuckers want to increase the taxes.
Well, she isn't Donald Trump... that alone makes her pretty attractive - in all senses of the word.
If i had to choose I would fuck Trump
Let's be fair - she might hate YOUR face; I do.
Merkel doesn't even have an ass. This guy clearly squats 4pl8s
Shulz is the happy merchant meme come to life. I didn't really want to believe jews were trying to destroy europe, but this fucker is so contemptible, so blatant in his hatred of Germany I don't see what choice I have.
That's a 75 y.o rump and still pretty cushy
Stop watching Marxist TV and come to the real side
>These SPD fuckers want to increase the taxes.
Like everyone else (not sure about the afd)
and Germans will be happy to pay more taxes to show how much they love the state.
99% of Germans are socialist in a way, even the ones who calls themselves rightwing.
If you want to end the welfarestate or avoid taxes people will fight you more than if you just ramble on about rapefugees.
I blame prussian socialism for this, we all could have been happy in our holy roman empire, but no nordgerms couldn'T hold back their faggotry.
Tan german
Why are lefty memes so weak? Having to resort to photoshop?
It's called, guilt.
When are you going to realize that democracy does not work the way (((they))) told you?
She is in fact the only one electable under a (((democracy)))
They both represent the same shit, immigration, outsourcing of production, total control of the political sphere to Brussels.
When you no longer have any job because of cultural appropriation you don't have to worry about taxes.
And you can't stop immigration without crushing the union, which no one outside of Germany really wants anyway.
The way things are going with the EU, the shit is going to hit the fan either way.
Is it illegal for krauts to visit us now that we have Nazi flags?
>arab is clearly doing something to trump's head, so he lowers it
are you all this stupid?
das raycis
Drumpf is a big guy
reminder that she and her party will get atleast 37% in the upcoming election
I'd fist her asshole.
What did she do wrong?
>If i had to choose I would fuck Trump
I'd chose Trump over any EU shill. No homo
Back in the days the prussian "welfare system" made sense. But it got out of hand. Neither our pension system nor healthcare was made for so many takers and so few givers.
Back then 99% worked and people die young. Things changed and we still run the old system. This can't work.
Ok, last photo of Merkel, I have to go to bed. Night guys!
To ease peoples confusion:
They elected this litteral Rothschild in France, therefore anything is possible in Germany.
It was still socialism and look to what it lead, the worst thing is the austria is even more affected by this, even though we never had something that socialistic, until (((democracy))) became a thing.
I'm not a wagecuck. RRG would really hurt me. If they really create a property tax and remove the Abgeltungssteuer I pay insane amount of taxes.
I know RRG is not possible at this point but still just the thought of these commie collation gives me shivers.
lmao Fat Donny stacked half his cabinet with Goldman Sachs, half of his advisors are Jewish, yet you fat cunts never lose a word about that
Why are rural and suburban retards so fat and retarded?
Krauts are fucking dumb.
>It was still socialism and look to what it lead
The only socialism that actually works is Old-school unionism / Orthodox Marxism lite.
But since the EU Eurozone is supposed to be free without workplace protection this is impossible. The only way to promote industrial growth in Germany is through the destruction of at least 2 or 3 of the EU pillars. might as well tear down the whole union, it's only there for corrupt purposes anyway.
Germans only exist to destroy Europe and she is better at that job than Hitler, Kaiser Wilhelm, or Martin Luther.
>Why are rural and suburban retards so fat and retarded?
In other words socialism is not something the poor wants. And Trump scrapped the TPP, he's promoting industrial growth.
tear down the union
end the states
burn the fed
hang every commie
fair enough
dont fucking remind me
Instead of calling Merkel names we should concentrate on a second Berlin airlift that wil bring the uncensored truth to the German people.