Nigger Names

Why do the negros insist on such stupid fucking names?!

All they do is make sure your kid will get their resume thrown into the trash at first glance.

Other urls found in this thread:

Why would you do that to your own child?


Laugh when I see it on the news.

I laughed wayyyy to fucking hard at this.

I saw the OP pic in my feed this morning. You see plenty of them living near Houston.



Sounds like sinus medication.


>dakota for a man
lmao @ thar lives


>Asians have the whitest names

>Young Woman

Top kek

And it's the really retarded niggers that have the most kids, as proven by these names.


Negro habits infesting our culture is politics you dirty negro trash

even whites have retarded names. the asians are the only ones who name their kids right. I would say spics too, but brayans and kevins exist.

niggers just say and do whatever pops into their minuscule minds at any given time

literally my dog has more of an attention span



Should've went with Marlboro.

Naming kids after places is common user.

That's why girls are called Paris etc

>Discussing nigger names is politics


But as whites that's kept to trailer trash, and we openly mock them for it.

With niggers it's something they're ALL proud about.

nigger hating is a traditional Sup Forums past-time

maybe reddit is more your speed Tyrone

Sounds like a pharaoh, guess they wuz kangz after all.

You know your ID stays the same even if you swap flags.

Why so upset nigger. What's your dumbass name??

]eerious : Bracketeerious
'sia : Apostrophesia

Should named her "Kool" life her daddy.


Because they are high on crack when they fill out the forms. Most of them can't even spell a full word longer than 5 letters.

>why do nogs act like nogs?


Illiteracy mixed with Congolese vulgate.

It's a stupid fucking made up naming convention for black people. They would do way fucking better to research their ancestry, find out what fucking part of Africa they were spawned in, because little known fact, IT IS A BIG FUCKING CONTINENT, and name their offspring after their own tribe.

Or just fucking assimilate already and get with the program.

It's hard to even imagine the Onion doing shit like this now


Read this with first name in italics last name in bold.

I would honestly be surprised if there isnt a nigger out there named Bracketeerius.

I would think tyrone would be included

She's good looking despite her name and criminal record.


One time I met this woman named "Shanayjanice", that's like 2 black names in 1

ur gross

why are you so concerned about what Black people name their kids? Sup Forums is truly going to shit

>people think this ancient the onion joke is real
>satire is quickly becoming reality


>that's like 2 black names in 1

oh yeah 'janice' is a huge female name in the black community. it's really taking off

My name is Leandro. I'm a Castilian spic.

These are not the most popular black names. They have been replaced with ridiculous ones for the purpose of spreading racism. A simple google search confirms this but I know the simpletons on Sup Forums prefer to believe whatever affirms what they already believe.

Reminder that Sup Forums are gullible morons who lack the ability to discern a fake source from a real one and are the real perpetrators of fake news, not the mainstream media.

Kek, samefagging nigger caugh with his lips in the fruit juice

Somebody post the one


>the dash dont be silent!

ITT: niggers and halfricans on damage control

Only in America, burger.

fuck me it sounds like medicine that makes you lose your hair

Only a nigger would name his son after a pack of cigarettes.

>shitty negro names
>shitty negro parents can't teach their kids to swim
Gets me every time

Would make an army with and fight hummies until we make the biggest WAGHHH ever.

Maybe this is why...

>Girls are called Paris, clearly a masculine name, in America

Why are they two names put together. Isn't that a Southerner thing?

Yeah that joke was really funny when it made the rounds on Sup Forums back in 2007.

Jermaydernay Shapiquirondius Jackson

No, they have asian names. The only white names there are Michael and Michelle. The others are nicknames, which they named their kids after to emulate the short names in their home countries.

I'm white with blonde hair and blue eyes and a big dick. Just trying to educate you youngins.

Sup Forums has been laughing at niggers since this board was created, tyrone.


Niggers and white trash associate Paris with romance and therefore femininity.

Hard to blame them considering how cucked france has been since WW1

I'm 1000% confident that this is fake.


>Changing your flag is samfagging.

It's the first time I've seen this feature.

these are the best threads

fucking shitavious

This one threatened to shoot up her workplace with an Uzi.

It is fake. That list is from the onion. This list is correct:


Reading posts before responding is hard.

Every time the pic is posted, I'm astounded by how many people fail to recognize it.

I found it on The Onion.

Niggers gonna nig

Now find the top nigger names.

Those are just top of list, in a white country.

>white names
hahaha fucking new worlder scum

>Black names


Needs an edit so it says parent/warboss.

Because niggers want to make their names distinct but can't think of anything intelligent so they end up making shit like shapammala.

Kinda like how if you go to africa half these niggers names are ooga booga and tribal shit like that


when a gif has both liveleak and bestgore watermarks,
you know this its about to get real.

Baby stole the moonlight

Video highly related

my favorite nignog name is Shaqueefa


>Yo ay sup my name's Shitavious but all my homies call me Shitty for short

its a joke

Satanisha gonna Satan.

so he just skipped the foreplay on this one

You magnificent son of a bitch!


The news articles in this thread prove that real nigger names are even more ridiculous than the fake ones.


God damn.


Planet 75% water.
Can't swim.