/our hero/
Sweden uncucks
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Fucking based
He sure fucked Sweden over.Now the shitskin muzzies can't be deported until they get out of the hospital.
Great job
OP and replies screenshotted. Thanks for the OC
Great, now Sweden can use this as an excuse to implement more pro refugee policies
>whose identity has not been revealed
so young and so righteous.
Now more people will wake up and start taking actions against those refugees.
Doesn't change anything. People are fed up, more and more. We had a guy targeting Achmeds a while back but ordinary people doesn't even really remember him anymore.
White Rage
The black rage is their defense.
Now when the young guy in Charleston did his shootings, they instantly convicted me which gave us lots of publicity.
The guy who just did the Jewish Center killings has just been convicted. At the beginning of his closing argument he put up on the whiteboard that “Diversity is a code word for White Genocide”.
But oddly enough, nobody came after me.
One explanation for this is, the same reason they put it off with CNN, they can’t deal with me.
But all this has made me consider White Rage.
If a black man runs around killing white people, it’s because of oppression.
Now if we have white guys out killing, In The Name Of White Genocide, it may be a warning.
Isolated Black killings of whites are the result of a legitimate “Black Rage”.
So isolated killings In The Name Of Genocide, may mean that instead stopping all discussion of White Genocide, the White Rage may indicate that’s exactly what we need to discuss. Or are we going to just have people keep picking up guns?
At the moment we’ve had very isolated incidents, two of them, but should we not consider White Rage?
There is no excuse for anybody just shooting other people, on a basis like this, but it may signify that we are going to have to discuss the real issue. And that does not mean with in the current bounds.
So maybe we should start looking at these isolated two killings as White Rage.
And a warning.
where is the link you retard?
>/our hero/
>whose identity has not been revealed
Yeah right
Watch your mouth fag.
Not been identified huh? He's not white, is he?
>protesting against their deportation
Looks like he just expedited the process.
I saw his car. There was the german nazi eagle on the hood of his Volvo.
Fucking hilarious. We've developed our own truck of peace proto types. Kek wills it
Looks like a Swede on Sup Forums got tired of being called a "cuck" on Sup Forums.
It was probably just a random bird user, lets not jump to conclusions.
As if the government isnt going to do that anyway, minds as well retaliate at this point.
He probably just sneezed. Swastika is just a Hindu sign of peace.
Get this man a good lawyer
Another one added to the filter
also tl;dr kys faggot
Pic related
He literally hit 0 people
More like /((their))guy/
>be mudshit
>get deported
>cry about it
>get truck of peace for the effort
This is great
St. Breivik, bless this Swede
>uses sodomite language while being the actual sodomite
Hell is for ever!
People here barely remember the terrorist attack in Stockholm. Wake the fuck up yourself
Swedes aren't "waking up". Jesus christ. Most Swedes are at best civic nationalists and literally no one is for sending people home.
lmao could you imagine
>Mudslimes getting a taste of their own medicine
Absolutely comfy
Sweden No!
Bad goyim
By the grace of Allah please behead this man
Any other news agency apart from RT who we all know is pretty biased?
Good job Swede a little less cucked but long way to go!