> tfw Rand Paul condones domestic terrorism in the name of the 2nd amendment

Time to take guns away from reckless disorderly retarded rednecks

>less than a half-year after an election


Maybe the 2nd amendment people can do something about it


>trump is considered a tyrant by brain dead deluded liberals

I don't even like the guy, but holy shit. liberals are a bunch of whiny pussies.

Are you going to keep posting this? Because no one is falling for your deflection.

Shills are really pushing this tweet today. I've seen it at least 10 times.

Lmao I love how leftists are saying the attacker was a redneck. He was a commie cuck who was pro Bernie Sanders.


Rand Paul was there. He could have been the one shot

>Rand Paul
Shot at by a gimme DAT you tyrant

Why would you do that? It's the democrats doing the vast majority of the shooting.

Do Dems actually think a government which doesn't force insurance companies to cover people with preexisting conditions tyrannical?
Rand is right, but this fag started shooting because the government wasn't tyrannical enough for his taste.

Stop voting against your economic interests , faggot



He's right you know. The whole point of the second amendment is to defend ourselves from criminals, and to have access to the means to rise up against the government if necessary. In my opinion, the moment the government starts trying to take that right away is the same time that right ought to be exercised.

I find it interesting that the libtards always seem to forget just who it was that fought to keep slavery.


But isn't Rand right? If this dude think the govt is being tyrannical can't he go and get his gun and give it a go? I'm so bloody confused. Pretty sure everyone would be loving if this guy shot a Dem?

Reminder that one of the victims was a lobbyist and DC is a cesspool of psychopaths and narcissistics engaging in immense corruption.

Can anyone explain how Trump has legitimately been a tyrant?

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

The "Democrats" of that age had what are modern Republican values.

I'm pretty sure there's actually a specific word for this switch over in party names.

Reagan signed the EMTALA that defacto requires every Americans healthcare to be paid for.

Not that you have any idea how anything actually works, or care about reality at all.

>7 Series
>Pic of a Z3

Commie retards

Guns is what prevents citizens to be raped or butchered by niggers.
Guns are the only real force citizens can oppose to tyranny.

But yeah, better be a libtard crybaby and protest in safe spaces. Totally efficient.

Complete bullshit. A meme that democrats have been pushing since the civil war. "No, we're really the good guys!" No one believed it until you faggots co-opted the media.

by not giving back the rightful clay to more hispanics and blacks. better check the white privilage right now!

>the armed forces kill lots of innocent brown people around the world, and cops are racist and evil!!
>ONLY THEY should possess all the weapons in the nation

Democrats can't possibly be this retarded

Message aside, what fucking hole did this meme crawl out of? It seriously looks like nothing I've experienced on this planet in my 20 years of living here. What a dumpster fire.

>Time to take guns away from reckless disorderly retarded rednecks
Come get 'em you hippie fuck.

That's right. Democrats are the real racists.

i feel civil war 2.0 comming.
ya or na ?

That's how wars go, you dumb fuck. You like it when your side kills the other side. You don't like your side being killed. Like the difference between between me liking my dick getting sucked, and you liking sucking dicks.

you're wrong faggot. stop having pointless party loyalty and start look at what people believe. im a catholic paleolibertarian and i would have been a Democrat back than. dont forgot many of the leading members of the early Republican party were actual socialist from Germany

>>Didn't check the tweet date

if u let him suck your dick, he wins.


50rds... Zero clean kills. Yep this guy has never shot before


>Lmao I love how leftists are saying the attacker was a redneck.

redneck is a term used to describe an ignorant white man. has nothing to do with what political ideology you subscribe to .

No, he obviously means when commie kike-slaves come for "racist," "sexist," "Islamophobic," wrong-thinkers. Gun rights are non-negotiable. Any attempt to infringe on those rights should be resisted as violently as needed, as it is only ever for the most evil of purposes.

One of yours just opened fire on a baseball field full of republican legislators.

You'd think you guys would want to sweep this one under the rug, but then again, liberalism is a mental illness.

Come get it.

>No one believed it until you

>Presuming a party

How's that brainwashing treating ya?

If you were a Democrat back then, you'd be a Klan sympathizer, lyncher of niggers and of other foreigners.

What people believe and what is true ain't always the same.

Carpetbaggin' Yankee sumbitch.

lmao look at this nigger, you triggered coon boy?

>shit on soutbern Democrat from 1860s
>calls me a carpetbagger

wtf is wrong with your head boy?

You really shouldn't post this tripe. Civil Rights Act was split North vs South, not by party. Northern pro-CRA representatives Rep & Dem outnumbered southern anti-CRA Reps & Dems.

>shooter is retarded Bernie supporter


he's not wrong. The problem isn't guns, the problem is mentally ill leftists.

>shilling this hard.

Everyone knows what you mean when you say redneck, shill. You mean a gap-toothed hick in a trailer park.

You don't mean "ignorant white person."

I hope your pitbull eats you in your sleep.

>it's totally okay for the government to be tyrannical

Whew lad, that is lots of good info. Possibly the best tweet ever. I don't know what his angle is, but I like them all.


It is easy to spot the tyrants, they're the ones trying to take your guns away.

Just about ALL the shooters are lefties or lefists' pets. And yet, it's leftists who want to destroy the 2nd Amendment.
Oh HELL no. Not until every last one of you communists is either IN PRISON or PERMANENTLY REMOVED from America.

In theory, 2A is to protect ourselves from a tyrannical govt. In REALITY NOW, it's to protect ourselves from TERRORIST COMMUNISTS ON THE LEFT who are so CRAZY that they cannot accept that the American people have ejected them from government.

And we're not done yet. 2018 and 2020 are going to be another proverbial bloodbath. Unless y'all force until one before then, for real.

I swear some of you autists are worse than the faggots inventing genders