>did you ever hear about... uh, the aquatic monkey theory?
Did you ever hear about... uh, the aquatic monkey theory?
No, I already love it though!
I gotta ear about this ere "aquaic monkey" theery
Jamie, bring that up
thou speakest as though through a mouthe filled withe cockes
>its all so crazy
>we have this arbitrary lines drawn on a map
>and if youre born on the wrong side "sorry kid youre fucked"
You fags are just jealous because he has one of the best talk shows around. He has fantastic guests and engages with them extremely well, a trait I'm sure you wish you had. How pathetic.
They weighted that much?
>assimilate?! bullshit! did we assimilate when we massacred the native americans?!
You were molested several times as a child?
>Joe and Schaud respond
>I am so impressed with Barack Obama
he actually said this.
holy fuck this is weird
Most of this is just banter. I love JRE. He has a lot of interesting guests on.
Out of context, it might be. Once you're well beyond the abuse age wise, sometimes the best way to heal is to laugh at it, and the absurdity/disgusting aspects of the behavior.
He's a melony faggot.
Then you are a faggot.
"will i b a helped boi?"
hes bluepilled as fuck on immigration. i get triggered whenever he talks about it. love everything else about JRE though.
will i?
i guess not
he also hates trump
what a fucking cuck
he's blue pilled on race , or maybe he just pretends he is
it's all just arbitrary man , no reason to have borders man
we're all equal , man
puuuuuuuuuuhhhhhh BOOM
well no because
*brings the mic closer*
every 10 years your cells in your body actually completely change.
i was reading this article about how DMT can actually advance this process into only taking 6 years because your pineal gland- jaimie could you get that article up? yeah but its because your pineal glands can actually make your cells rejuvenate faster ... here we go
*looks over at the screen*
look at that ...
yeah that chimp must be what? 400 pounds? jesus those things will tear you to shreds
I actually love Joe Rogan he needs to get the lad Ben Shapiro on.
fucking nature , man
so dangerous
charls>joe rogan
The fag charls from MDE?
cute trap also Joe Rogan is fascist just look man..
yeah , well
I remember Joe saying he interacted with Don Trump Jr. on Twitter occasionally. Imagine if he brought him on.
charls is a serial killer he will shoot joe rogan in the face jewjitsu ain't got shit against bullets
looking like il duce
Holy fuark.
You think he would rip into him?
lol, in reality Joe has a shit ton of guns and believes in the 2nd amendment.
Why would he need to get a zionist on the show?
He needs to get Ry Dawson with E Bravo
funny u should say that cause , sigh , y wod i even go there
he looks like him and stuff , all that
murder charls
he's a fucking melonhead okay? go fuck yourself
>look into it
>tower seven
that fucking spic is dumb as a bag of rocks
To shit on that gender shit and Islam whatever.
Don't even know Ry Dawson need a big name.
yah fawk him
>When the Jews threaten you.
>let's talk about what the overton window allows us to talk about and pretend that we're edgy while doing it
Ugh are you really looking for attention here? Your ID doesn't change nigga.
joe needs to stop smoking weed. his eyes are looking emptier than usual
here , there , everywhere , i'm walking toxic waste of the nuclear kind
Are you autism incarnated? This threads are a love letter to Rogan and his awsome podcasts.
Someone pull up that video
he's not that entertaining once u get past the melonhead charisma , he dosen't talk about real shit that i give a shit about
if i wanna know about bigfoot i go to rogan
I don't like Joe Rogan, but I do enjoy watching his podcasts. Eddie Bravo is a human meme machine, and his talks with Joe are fucking hilarious, even though they are both retarded. It's also fun seeing Joe squirm when an alpha guest has opinions he doesn't like. He puts on a good show
showmanship is their thing after all
melons i mean , think hitler
Who are the best and worst guests he's had on the show?
Hard to top this one for the worst:
hehe, alright , but i don't c the point u better make it worth my while
so it's like dat? i'm finna.. do something
dan peña , that big foot dude , survivorman
alexjones was meh , his nonsense gets old same as mine
Actually really made me think
yeah wtf was the deal with that dan pena podcast
dude seemed like a con man
Joe Rogan X Richard Spencer when?
Rogan is basically a sponge that barely retains anything after each podcast
which is I think what makes his show great for audiences if you think about it
those where my top 3 , dan peña is the man u fucking cunt , dude is legit
just fucking do it , smell the leather and praise allah
fucking audiences
fucking better bend to my will , that's what they better do
The only people that like that manlet are 15 year stoners who think Joe Rogan is "enlightened." Meanwhile, he's just some cuck 50 year old on steroids centrist who never takes a strong stance on anything that is controversial because he's so afraid of the backlash.
really makes u think
>alexjones was meh
globalist detected
alex jones is always meh , i don't find him amusing for the most part
don't worry ur little yokel brain about it
I don't like weed too much
Did you ever hear about... uh, the monkey fucks a pig theory?
tru story btw
>when the super male vitality kicks in
Rogan is funny but if he cant put together Israel and 9/11 he is a giant fraud.
hey - Id avoid it to were I him, but he's supposed to be a hardass truth monkey.
and he'd lose in a fight to any serious student of combat aikido.
I'd be happy if he would just stop saying ideology so much. It's condescending or something. Everyone's susceptible to ideology but Rogan n sheit
>combat aikido
good one lad
degenerate druggie