I wonder what mental gymnastics the cuckservatives and the republicucks will dish out.
>s...sage you sh-shill!!
Doesn't matter. Pol already btfo
I wonder what mental gymnastics the cuckservatives and the republicucks will dish out.
>s...sage you sh-shill!!
Doesn't matter. Pol already btfo
Other urls found in this thread:
They just ignore it and post threads about how Colbert is LITERALLY enacting 1984 because he was surprised by an audience reaction that one time.
>if necessary
I don't think a leftist sissy fit brought on by a corrupt media propaganda machine is necessity. Necessity would be the government taking away the right to own guns.
>fight the government
>shooting people from the other team because they're big meanie heads
The guy didn't even know who he was about to shoot until he asked someone which party they were from lmao
Got me. Time to rethink and change my entire life
>fighting back against an abusive military
>shooting a democratically elected representative
>the same thing
>Republicans literally trying to turn America into a third world despotism ruled by the rich isn't treason
republicans never even brought the gun debate yet..also pay denbts
>losing a democratic election is tyranny
What is it like to be severely mentally retarded ?
>Republicans literally trying to turn America into a third world despotism ruled by the rich isn't treason
I already said "leftist hissy fit brought on by Democratic Party propaganda machine".
>republican gets shot
by crazed liberal sanderite
Atleast were not fucking sand niggers
Did she feel the same when Giffords got shot?
>Right wing retards before today: Shall not
>Right wing retards after today: Shall not
>1 post by this ID
>implying we don't want leftists to escalate their violence to a point where the right can justifiably genocide them
Wait you mean the goverment is conservative now? Shiiiiiiit
He does bring up an interesting point tho. When is it time? Defined by who?
>Implying southerners aren't significantly worse
One of the victims was a fucking lobbyist. Fuck these corrupt vipers.
Don't need propaganda to see that the rich are making out like bandits while the rest of us suffer, leaf.
Shut up leaf
The 2A being created for protecting citizens from government isn't a conservative-believed opinion. It's a fact. Whether or not a conservative feels this action was justified has nothing to do with the original intent of the 2A by this nations creators.
You're not suffering, you fucking coddled, privileged white faggot.
>rest of us suffer
Speak for yourself. Has it occurred to you that maybe you just suck at life?
Pay your debts, you child fucking faggot.
How mad were you when your reddit eceleb thread got deleted?
>I live in a delusional fantasy world where stealing less money from people means third world nepotism, nevermind the 200 years of history proving that the opposite happens when there is low taxes and small goverment, time to kill congressmen
Neck yourself leaf
>The rich are coddled, entitled, privileged sociopaths
>I know! We'll project all the failings of the rich onto their poor victims!
Surely it will work this time!
Go watch your stories on the TV.
>Steal shit
>Become rich from it
>It's mine! All mine!
>I endorse this message t. retard
>Try to rein in the greed of fucking lunatics to repair infrastructure and the collapsing civil systems
Capitalism only works without a breeding program. It literally requires millions of retards.
>has access to high speed internet and enough free time to be a whiny pussy on Sup Forums
>LARPing as a poor person
>Muslim breeding program is literally sister-fucking.
That's because conservatism and liberalism were established yet. Just proto versions of both. The Democrats were originally the conservative ones, the republicans were big liberals under Lincoln.
>When necessary
Pretty key words.
Pic related is the difference between just call to arms against a real oppressive government vs the acts of a left wing terrorist.
>having a president
>having a government
>Be delusional lunatic
>working and earning money is stealing
>the government stealing is not stealing
You're delusional. You do not live in reality.
I respect him for having the balls to follow through with his convictions. The right of revolution belongs to the people and anyone is welcome to violently stand up to the government if they're willing to die for their beliefs. That's what makes America great and unique. Notice how he wasn't able to convince anyone else to join him on his crusade. What does that tell you about his cause and his methods?
It really is a shame that all of you liberals are going to die in the upcoming civil war.
Her tweet took mental gymnastics to post
>One of the worst internet connections in the "first" world
>Everything is going backwards
>1 state declared no longer even a democracy anymore (NC)
>Another state totally rekt by libertarian bullshit (Kansas)
>Another has third world mother mortality rates (Texas)
>Republishit in charge is literally trying to turn the nation into a corrupt monarchy, complete with rich banker jews in administrative positions after they wreck the economy
Boy good thing those fucking libbrruls aren't in power!
>Facts are fantasy
>Propaganda is real!
>rich earn hundreds of millions of corporate welfare
>rich entitled to avoid justice system entirely
>rich can literally pay somebody to handle their finances and live off of the returns without lifting a finger
No man it's the poor who're greedy, lazy fucks that expect constant bailouts
>Necessity would be the government taking away the right to own guns.
That's almost as bad as putting nonviolent drug offenders in cages.
>"muh gubment won't gibmedat free health care let's kill them"
Why do leftards act like such niggers?
So glad guns are legal in the US of A. This will only inspire more conservatives to carry.
It's also funny they call government stealing from the public and giving to themselves and those who they like as capitalism when every capitalist supporter since Adam Smith have opposed this.
FFS Adam Smith wrote a very long book against the very thing we see today resurfacing since the progressive era took hold little more than 100 years ago and demanded this outcome on ignorant pretext.
>The person that I wanted to win lost the election and got exposed for getting over 3 million illegal votes....
>Fight the government if necessary.
Liberal logic.
>NC is no longer a (((democracy)))
Cool, maybe they'll genocide niggers and put leftists in gulags. That should be done nationally.
Oh no, I hope the leftist don't go and shoot some other reps. That would be terrible. I mean I totally don't think this is a good thing.
>mfw I can finally purge all you faggot leftists
>government coming to confiscate property
>meant to defend yourself from degenerates
>that you bought for yourself
>with money you earned
>by being a productive member of society
>government trying to reduce out of control spending
>by reducing the amount of other people's money
>that gets confiscated from productive people
>just to be given to unproductive people
>who've never earned anything but an entitlement
Yeah it's a completely equivalent situation, user.
God most of you suck at responding to this type of leftist banter. Three words, remember them;
>1 state declared no longer even a democracy anymore
FYI one of the worst things to happen to our Constitutionalrepublic was the 17th amendment
>implying I'm not pushing people farther left in a hopes to radicalize them so they get shot and killed some more
go agree with them on twitter, just don't go too far and incite violence specifically.
>hot piss takes
what did she mean by this?
What? I know this is b8, but still for the retards who actually think this-
The security fired back and "saved a bunch of lives". Guns did a world of good today. No mental gymnastics required.
Responsible gun owners increase the safety of themselves and others.
It's the same as saying women shouldn't have the right to abortion since some do it thoughtlessly and others do it to save the life of the mother in terms of complicated birth. No one makes that crude of an approximation.
No gymnastics. We realize that the upcoming war will also involve some losses for us. However, we are willing to suffer some casualties, as long as the result is complete extermination of leftist vermin. Trump only needs to give the word, and you will all be dead in less than a day.
The blood is on the hands of the MSM.
If they didnt make republicans look like the KKK then brainwashed idiots like this wouldnt be so driven to mindlessly shoot at our government officials.
Trump's a pretty odd despot, not having been responsible for a single act that limits the freedom of American citizens, and in fact having dismantled several of his predecessor's policies that did nothing else.
>Trump undid the Obama executive order that mandated McDonald's had to give transgenders Happy Meal toys of the gender they identify as?
It was in a gun free zone you fucking idiot.
You should blame the Democrats and the media for filling his head with all that anti-Trump rhetoric that convince him he had to kill Republicans. I will never relinquish my rights over your false flag attack. Fuck you.
We have rules of engagement, if you're gonna shoot one of us- the least you could do is not be a nigger about it and declare war.
thinks that semen queen and understated that.
>username includes a European/ American subculture
Cultural appropriation.
2nd amendment is so people have guns to stand up to tyranny, but it doesn't protect you from jail or criticism when killing someone.
>Exists to fight the government
To fight the government.
Not murder old men playing baseball.
Tell me exactly how if I had shot Nigger Obama a few years ago, that would not have been justified but this was?
Go on libruhls.
Amendment allows people not to be slaves anymore because we are all human.
*niggers not chimping out everywhere*
Guess it's time to take away that amendment!
Yeah, right on, bruddah!
>*shoots a random republican who just so happens to be investigating child molesterers*
Makes me think sage tea.
>Rich making out like bandits
>meanwhile I'm having to wrestle state government of Kentucky for unjustly taking my children
I don't care about the rich, I just want my kids-but I'm white so there's literally LINES of couples just waiting to adopt my white kids out from under me.
top kek
thats a really hot piss take
you really don't want to play this game.
Didn't know Baseball was facist...
if those on the left really think it's time to use their 2nd amendment right to overthrow the government, then it's time to take sides and start the war.
At least the conversation can finally be steered towards the topic of revolution.
and all the idiots will respond to this bait
No wonder the jews are winning. Sup Forums is filled with retards.
Agreed, finally Nigger lynching will be legal!!
The people who flock to the American Liberal (jewish constructed) way of thinking have Metacognitive Incompetence. They incessantly speak non-sense, ingratiate each other, and are oblivious to how dumb they are.
Its time for a civil war in the US to literally massacre them all, and massacre all the jews with them. We could even get the muslims to help us if we can guarantee them right of return to their homelands after we have nuked Israel.
Why use a McVey meme when you know it was a false-flag anyways?
I am reporting as fast as I can. I even bought a pass to report faster
not a leaf post mmm it rly makes ypu think
My kitten wandered off
>what do
do you see those two words "if necessary" ?
Where was the necessity?
I agree but... I feel like sometimes Sup Forums slips into technicalities a bit too often.