Why the fuck are there so may leftist shills on Sup Forums!?

Why the fuck are there so may leftist shills on Sup Forums!?

Seriously there's been everything from /leftypol/ nazbol faggots to basic bitch liberals whining about republican "tyranny" in every fucking thread.

Reminder Sup Forums is a White Nationalist board. 50% National Socialist, 50% Hoppean-Libertarian. Race realist and aware of the JQ. Everyone else needs to wake the fuck up and take the damn redpills already. You leftists are shitting up the board while having nothing to gain from it. At least CTR was paid and there was an election to win.

naziboos get out of my board. This board is for discussing Japanese politics.

Because Sup Forums is slowly becoming less retarded.

That's how it was before the election. A cesspool of political arguments from all over the world.

No because some commie mod at Sup Forums decided to chance the flags so commies and larper faggots can destroy the board

The left cares about controlling free speech. They do this to every major website they go to. You'll know pol is done when they institute "hate speech" laws.

Before the election there were no leftist raids. There were daily holocaust redpill threads and nigger hate threads. Everyone was redpilled and we'd all get a good laugh whenever a smug leftist wandered in and got BTFO in a 250 reply thread with 63 of those replies being his.

Communism works great in an anthill. It's scaling it up to nation-states that's the trick.

I'm literally SJW and I've been here for almost 10 years. Why stop now?

Should doxx the Sup Forums mods responsible for this

Kill yourself!!

Liberals aren't leftist, cuck serf.
Get your mouth off the knob of corporate politics for the first time in your life so that you can speak some sense, boy.

Lol dude this ours they can never change that + the left commie kids will change once they find a job


just because yall have been sucking each other off about kektrumpmaga doesn't mean the rest of us went anywhere


Degenerate Marxist moderators have infiltrated Sup Forums. They want to see it turn on its head rather than have any semblance of identity. This is (((their))) endgame by subverting higher political opinion.

op's point proven

You left out the 50% of nutters, the 50% of school children, the 50% of irrelevant NEETs, the 50% of ...

what they don't realize is that they will have to stay here forever in order to keep surpressing conversation. no one is being converted to their retarded ideas, they are just shutting down free speech with spam.

lefty scum is the worst

They closed T_Donald and the shills there emigrated here.
Also, probably a raid.

t. rural and suburban retard

Why can't the left into memes

this place get pretty toxic during primetime

also you dunces need to stop with this natsoc/ancap/wn etc garbage. its obvious d&c and its getting to be sjw-tier. just be a right wing conservative. whats so hard about that?

We're on the same side. But now we can go at each other effectively. We'll have some fun, trigger each other, and have a good fight of it. Then we'll get back to work.

No one trashing Confederates btw, b/c they know they're under out protection.


It's about Bhutanian cave paintings.

At this point I don't mind Ancaps and the like. If the new flags taught me anything, it's that /leftypol/ is all for a complete and total subversion of any form of debate. At least there's some good debates between the right blocs even if its bordering on memes. Debating with commies and "NazBols" is just pathetic and sad, and they use the (((Alinsky))) playbook the whole time rather than be open to political discourse.

its correlated atack between mods and commies to kick out any remaining right wingers

if by arguments you mean Ron Paul, then yes

Because white people can be white here. There are view places left that are so openly free.

>highest trafficked political page where you can post anything you want on the internet

keep crying bitch nigga

More people LARPing thanks to the flag selection.