This thread is dedicated to the discussion of all things small government, free market, and self-determination.
Welcome: paleoconservatives, minarchists, laissez-faire capitalists, agorists, ancaps, paleolibertarians, constitutionalists.
Anybody else is welcome to debate us.
Posting Soviet propaganda with no added information is spam and shall be treated as such.
/lrg/-approved people - Bastiat, Hayek, (((Mises))), (((Rothbard))), Pinochet, Timothy McVeigh, Hoppe, Llewellyn Rockwell, Ron Paul, Alex Jones, Augustus Sol Invictus, Christopher Cantwell, and the 1st Irregulars. Some of the Liberty Hangout goys are approved too.
Not approved - Anarchyball, Jeffrey Cucker, or reddit anarchists.
All others - ask before trying to use them as a strawman against us.

>SLOVAKBRO'S PASTEBIN: pastebin.com/vriBmd6A
>READING LIST: libertarianright.org

(Join that muthafuckin discord)

Other urls found in this thread:


I want Straight white couples to be able to protect their cotton fields (wink, wink) with fully automatic rifles.

My normie friends said on normiebook that the government should play a greater part in our personal lives, sickening.

What does /lrg/ think about Rand Paul?

I want niggers to commit violent crimes so I could appropriate them as punishment

not anymore

I heard him saying some nice things about black people.
put them down. its for a better tomorrow.

>What does /lrg/ think about Rand Paul?

Appropriating them is the best thing you can do for them, just look at Apartheid countries.

He's alright, but he could be better.


>a picture of a communist subverter.

Don't think for a second that I'd treat the males kindly. However the niggerladies would have a warm bed to sleep in at night if you catch my drift ;)

wear a rubber.

That's the first fat communist I've ever seen.

Will do. The only exception would be if I were running low on cash...

Yeah take the advice of this guy Or just whack off on a stick and rape them with it.
White genes make everything better, and since males invest less time in reproduction, you should always exploit that advantage.
That's why it's only race treason if the woman does it.

Why haven't you adopted shariah law pol?
>Shitloads of cheap african slaves in the caliphate
>Behead kuffars for offending religion or damaging goats, thus breaking NAP amd justifying their execution
>slap the shit out of women, its okay becuz they're property

I don't think it is.

White Sharia when?

Apes are not dumb enough to be communist, get that shit out of here.
Women, on the other hand...

I agree, White shariah is cool

If they spent less time bashing capitalism and instead spent that time furthering that idea of White Sharia, I'd love them much more.
Even if you're an irredeemable cuck who likes poopdick and you think that it's just a good way to push the window closer to traditional family values, the sooner you realise dogs are more intelligent than 95% of women, the better.






>libertarian party is a bunch of degenerate fags.
Tell me something new, that’s how it was is the old times of the party. I hate all these icky conservatives that have infiltrated the libertarian movement!

Haha hello fellow Libertarians.


Has the time finally come again?

It's what must be done.

the gayest circlejerk

This is the spirit of early fascism, people who working together to protect their lives and their property against communist savages, before the ideals got corrupted by lower politics and the state.


>the gayest circlejerk
your country?

I guess you're right, only a swede would know the gayest circlejerk.

Your state uses you tax dollars to fund race mixing propaganda. and promote homosexuality.

>not in a burqa
And you trust her opinions? Wew.

Leave your house and walk to the nearest gay bar, which shouldn't be far. Sven would gladly beat you off while Olaf fucks you in the ass

Funny how the church is notorious for child molestation and you keep on being good goy christians (let's not even mention Islam whose circumcised cock you love to suck so much), yet a bunch of communist infiltrators are supposed to represent our movement.

I believe that. Communists and the foreigners they fill our lands with vote for a bigger state. So cleary the way to end the state is 1488.

>eave your house and walk to the nearest gay bar
inb4 ahmed shoots up the gaybar

nice to meet you, sweden
we're /lrg/
you don't get to bring boyfriends

Heil comrade.

You should feel right at home then.



börkbörk you retarded globalist lemmings

Nice to meet you, too.
Are you wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a helicopter?


>wanting liberty
Pick. One.
God, people who throw W.L. Pierce around to signal them having read a single infographic that wasn't even aimed at the right people are pathetic.

would it still be minarchism if i also want fire protection tied in with the police? i feel like without that, arson rates are gonna skyrocket. although maybe that'll push the market to invent flame retardant wood.

You're a skinny guy.


Fuck, if only people actually posted the links I provided for them in the pastebin, they would stumble across 1433!, the objectively best philosophy ever.
Yes, the government can do that. No, it should not maintain a monopoly, and you should have a right to opt out of such a scheme.

He's much more swole now.
Anger burns a lot of calories, or so I've heard.

just wow

yfw you realize secession is the only way

Holy shit, to je super. Môžem to použiť na konzervách?


Don't post your photos on Sup Forums of all places. That's a horrible idea.

Can the aut-right stop making the threads please

Je to super a hej, použi to. Až na to, že alternatívna pravica verbuje medzi inteligentnými ľuďmi, ale čo už.
t. Snek

t. reddit lolbertarian

I know right. fuck these conservative infiltraitors.

You came into this thread well-knowing that there'd be Pinochet.
You're no better than a sandnigger rapefugee, even worse, you don't kill faggots. Get out.

Ty si dobrý kkt. Takéto grafiky mi posielaj. Trocha to prerobím do normie-friendly verzie, a šupiti pupity.

(Inak prečo som vedel, že si to ty? :D )

Geographic location, anarcho-capitalist or gadsen? Discuss.

Lebo som asi jediný Slovák v /lrg/. Počkaj, pošlem ti link na discord - je to lit.
t. Snek

>create thread about small government and liberty
>worship a dictator

Nice. Now tell me why it's reasonable to believe the current parasitical (((holders of capital))) should keep their """property""" because muh natural law. Your ideology is an absurd masochistic pacifism.

Besides, here at /lrg/ we use flags to tell each other apart.

Any society that doesn't explicity reject communism and leftism will be overcome by them.


white supremacist.
He is a man. Not a god. He ended the dynasty of dictators is chile.

White supremacist is too edgy for me.

If you live in any of these yellow states and you don't have a Gadsen license plate, you need to sort yourself out

Montreal, Canada. Anarcho-capitalist (I use Gadsden flag because it looks better and people here don't take the ancap flag seriously)

You mean the Jews? When have I ever said this?
By promoting cultural rot and decay, abusing state power to rid us of our own property, and flooding our lands with shitskins, I think they've already sealed their fate. You won't see me crying about the NAP when the violent revolution starts, and it's going to start sooner or later.
If you're a NatSoc, your ideology is dysgenic as you discard the very foundation of what made Europeans superior to other peoples of the world, and that is short time preference for wealth and having to provide for themselves in a harsh climate.
The Jews have broken the rules they'd put up to keep the goyim in line. Well now the goyim have realised that the line does not exist and they've been tricked. That's the end of the nose.

So I just found out while debating a FUCKING COMMIE that apparently Chile has privatized water, and they found that the privatized water companies were of far higher quality than the public water companies.

So yeah, that's pretty cool. I'm no ancap, but when the fucking water utility is proven to work as a private system then I'm definitely reconsidering my position.

well said.

This, the goyim know.

i drive a company truck otherwise i would have already

how does piping work? do they share underground pipes? is there one company per county? is the piping network a huge clusterfuck? i don't see that working

>tfw I wanna get a Gadsden tattoo but british but it's an american thing.

What do lads?


Why are you flying an anarchist flag? You are confused. It's time for you to pick a side.

I don't know how the system works in detail, you can check out more here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_supply_and_sanitation_in_Chile#1998-2004:_Privatization

Of note is this particular segment:
>The privatization was carried out in stages, beginning with the five largest of the 13 regional water companies serving more than 75% of users. Because of the staging, it is possible to compare the performance of the privatized and public utilities at that time. This comparison shows that from 1998 to 2001 private companies invested substantially more than public companies and - unlike the public companies - increased their labor productivity significantly. Tariffs increased for both types of companies, but more so for the privatized ones. However, according to one study, "in Chile a social consensus emerged that has made the higher water rates acceptable given the improvements in service quality and the addition of new services such as wastewater treatment."

nice try nigger, we both get along pretty good.

Does anyone have the Mehmet my son version of this

It's not even really an "American" symbol, it's the symbol of all those who don't want their rights trampled on, it just so happens that Americans use it the most.

do it. post here with /lrg/ timestamp.


What is this from

sauce for the gif

Who else here /classic ancap/? I think hoppeanists and libertarian fascists are friends and politically they're definitely closest to me besides maybe agorists or minarchists, but I personally don't share the exact same ideals as them.

>You won't see me crying about the NAP when the violent revolution starts

Good, the NAP doesn't matter, it's fucking air. Natural resources will not be mismanaged by bloated multinationals. They will be nationalised and governed by people who have a deep, ethnic stake in the nation and it's people.

I'm not natsoc. In many ways natsoc was a 1930s german workers movement. Hitler said something on the subject though:

"There is no license any more, no private sphere where the individual belongs to himself. That is socialism, not such trivial matters as the possibility of privately owning the means of production. Such things mean nothing if I subject people to a kind of discipline they can't escape...What need have we to socialize banks and factories? We socialize human beings"

You are full of shit. The history of Europe's superiority is the history of Europe today. Capitalism is useful if it's useful. It should never be treated as a goal or principle, it's a poor one.

this thread is gay

Short trailer/film called Keloid. It's not a real movie, just a bunch of gif worthy segments put together of kickass robots.

I mostly use them because this is what I imagine an anarcho-capitalist army would look like in the future.

> "There is no license any more, no private sphere where the individual belongs to himself. That is socialism
Wow Hitler really was a moron

You entire post is retarded. So many morons like you out there are stupid.

what ideals specifically?

You are just a small man with a tiny peanut brain.