Are Germans the worst of the white race?

Are Germans the worst of the white race?

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They may fuck up alot, but they were also the ones to notice the (((Existential Threat))) we all faced

Nothing they've done has outweighed how much they set everyone else back.

So did Muslims and Europeans (during the medieval ages), your point?

>the best

>germans invading rome
the germanics created a superior system in the wreckage of the corrupt and inept declining roman empire

>1204 sacking of constantinople
that was french soldiers and italian navy

I blame cuckstianity for the wars, not germans. Religious wars didn't exist until the semitic d/c mind virus spread

Not Germany's sole fault

Germans tried to destroy international jewry, Hitler was a hero

she hates germans, if she was honest she would deny being german at all

German-swede here, swedes are worse.
Most cucked people on earth.

She is Saupreiss and Polish hybrid

>t. slav



If it wasn't for them we would all still be making the Jews revenge pyramid as slave.

This video will never get old.

Ancient Greeks and 19th cecentury Germans are the peak of white civilization

I hope that Deutsche Bank will go bankrupt in the incoming recession.

That's unlikely, my poor post-communist mate
We fucked Europe with the currency and our high living standards

Euro is fine, but the rising prices aren´t
Everyone should have the same fiscal policy to avoid retarded governments to ruin country during one election period

Food is good, though
I like going to Lidl for some international shit
French cheese was fucking great

The rising prices are a direct consequence, not of an EU Free Trade Zone but becuse the Euro currency can't cope with the disparity of wealth, income and GDP. Before currencies like in Greece for instance could be weakened relative to the German one and thus allowing foreign money and investments to flow and offer cheap but good holidays in the tourist industry.

I'm also guilty of buying at Lidl and Aldi but it's hurting our regional agriculture and the made in China or another East Asian shithole product line is also bad for our economies.

Sry for the shitty English, typing on phone

>19th cecentury Germans

Funny how all the good ones from back then, were the ones who hated Germany and nationalism.

All the good Germans were either killed in WW2 or immigrated to Argentina

Yeah, I´ve noticed already the different value of Euro in Austria, Italy and Germany, it´s weird to buy Nutella for a different price just over the border.

Also. Fuck Czechs, we´re fucking Slavic version of the Jews, we all look at the lowest prices and thus limiting the fine imports we could get. e.g. there is only the smallest possible Nutella available in Czechia

Well it is really hard to be taken seriously when every word in your language sounds like either a burp, sneeze, or cough

What the fuck are you talking about?
1871 best day in my life

Nah, Poles and you are West Slavic and had quite high cultures as well, Silesia, Bohemia and Moravia are even cooler than Polska

Hey /his/! Enjoying your visit?

Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Marx, etc.

oh, and 1918 best day of my life

The poles are finally getting their revenge from ww2 by erasing Germans.

>Degenerate Weimar Republic

The key word is *had*
I am one of the last branches of Bohemian nobility to continue our culture
We are surrounded by serfs

They have nothing to say, but bitch about everything
They do not enjoy life as they consider it suffering
It all seems like they´re sheeple only focused on work and some social networks posting

Hitler was Austrian

Europe is facing a grim future, my friend.
Do your holy duty and get your life together, make the journey to become an ideal man and keep your bloodline and heritage alive.

Fuck Germany and fuck German people.

Yeah, good old day

I am trying, but the perfect women are scarce, I need looks, intelligence and personality, but everytime the chick lacks one of the essential trio.

I´ve already denied 9 of them

Also. Czech women are stopping to celebrate their traditional Easter Monday by letting themselves being whipped. (Actually it´s more like a slight touch to just immitate the violence)

fuck drumpf and fuck drumpf people

>the germanics created a superior system in the wreckage of the corrupt and inept declining roman empire

>created a superior system

No, they abso-fucking-lootly did not. German run "Rome" was a shadow of it's former glory and technological/legal prowess.

>that was french soldiers and italian navy

Franks were a Germanic Tribe.

>I blame cuckstianity for the wars, not germans

Doesn't change the fact that it's creation fucked Europe up for centuries due to constant warfare and religious strife.

>Not Germany's sole fault

Partially true, but your nation's rise ruined the balance of power in Europe.

>Germans tried to destroy international jewry, Hitler was a hero

Very true, but you did it in an overly brutal and ham-handed way which is very typical of Germans.

>she hates germans, if she was honest she would deny being german at all

And yet Germans do nothing about it at all. Although this does apply to practically every European nation at the moment.

Stop denying you country's damaging effect on Europe.

All the nations were once great, but the things like globalism completely buried, what we once were

>They do not enjoy life as they consider it suffering

If you are poor and ruled over by people who exploit you, then your life is suffering. Can you really blame them? You won't win there favor by sneering down at them like a pretentious prick.

>Doesn't change the fact that it's creation fucked Europe up for centuries due to constant warfare and religious strife.

>Partially true, but your nation's rise ruined the balance of power in Europe.

>Very true, but you did it in an overly brutal and ham-handed way which is very typical of Germans.

Blamming germans for these if fucking retarded you autist. It's as bad is muh anglos


>Romans try to invade Germans for centuries
>Germans btfo them
>f-f-fucking barbarians REEEEEEEEEEEEE

I meant it generally

People are not poor, they´re descended from the poor.
They are not exploited, they are just empty bodies with no radiant personalities to bring something into culture other than repetative patterns taught in schools.
I blame fucking commies for exterminating our high culture, nazis for exterminating our jewry, which was kind and working for the benefit of the populace.
I am not being a prick, I just describe my experience so far as someone, who is of different background than most of the populace.

I only had bad luck with them as well.
The better they look, the worse they become.
Here in West Germany it's especially degenerate and adopted to the modern American worldview.

Nice flag. Please kill yourself.

I don't get the Templar one. Weren't they against Kebabs in Europe?

First post best post

That´s sad
Aren´t you from Bayern?

You forgot the part where they spawned Karl Marx and the Soviet Union

Nice strawman, be sure to keep it away from the ovens

I support all of these besides the first one
fucking italians had it coming

My id switched kek

>kekistani flag

I noticed
I need to go, my brain needs some rest
I wish you good luck as well
Goodbye, good neighbour


>Very true, but you did it in an overly brutal and ham-handed way which is very typical of Germans.
Coming from the country using white phosphorus.

Goodnight, sir

People unironically believe this?

Not Germany's fault.

If Canadians decided to slaughter a bunch of American tourists, would you accept inaction from the American government? No? Then you have no right to complain about Germany's invasion of Poland, as Poles were attacking ethnic Germans.

Blame Jewish/Communist indoctrination.

Another anti-white shill post

20th century was a jewish attack on the German Empire(the last great empire) and they succeded so well that modern germans are actively helping them

I wouldn't be surprised if all of that was actually due to Jews.

>They are not exploited.

Many if not most are. Society is a pyramid scheme. Those at the top do not want competition from those bellow them. They want obedient workers. Hence the conditioning. No matter how hard you try, survival of the fittest always comes back into the equation.

>they are just empty bodies with no radiant personalities to bring something into culture other than repetative patterns taught in schools.

As an oddball/creative from a family of self-made millionaires who went to public schools I can relate to this statement. However, many talented people are often plowed under or forced to conform in order to survive in today's sterile corporate environment. People (even intelligent ones) often also hate anyone who does fit in with the established social norms/etiquette of society. This makes it even harder for those who are different or think differently to breath and act freely.

Lets see

Late Roman empire was a degernate shithole their society was fucked every few years a general would lead a civil war or someone would stab the emperor to become the emperor then get stabbed and repeat, they even hired German and Celtic mercenaries to fight their wars for them because they became some pussies

The fourth crusade was actually the eternal Venetian/Jews and the French

Martin luther was against the corrupt nature of the Italian popes making up fan faction and giving redemption for gold

ww1 was actually the slavs for being super autistic about getting a state when they were already on the road to a semi autonomous state and Russia being hyper aggressive in the Balkans and the following chain of alliances

ww2 was started by Jews pushing for the destruction of Fascism because it threatened internaiol trade


It is, look at what Moses Hess, the creator of Zionism, had to say about the Germans

Funny how you don't mentiom the Ottoman empire involvement in ww1

I don't blame Germany. If you want someone to blame for Europe's slow descent into madness, it's the French. It was the French revolution that caused a chain reaction, dumb fucking baguettes.

>Implying Austria isn't a breakaway province of Germany

No that title goes to the IRISH

effiminate cuck numale men
masculine 3/10 women
joyless drone culture

That is correct

Show me your flag then

>inb4 amerishart
with even more cucked men, fat women and degenerate "pop" culture run by pedos and Jews

>Being this fucking stupid
Austria is Germanic
Vienna was the literal seat of the 1st reich


Also, frankfurt school comes from germany.
Germany never had a true incredibly big empire like meds and anglos,
they are truly subhumans, their best role model is murderous welfare snownigger, skinny viking larper Varg.

>implying Anglo's aren't Germanic
I wonder where the Angles and Saxons came from???


Germans need to be genocided. The fact of the matter is the most successful whites have been the Anglos and the Greeks.

The Germans are shit, Nordics are shit, the French and Spaniards are shit.

Slavs are OKAY, and Russians are okay as well. We know Russians are okay at their core because it was only (((influence))) that fucked their collective psyche, just like is happening to the West now and for the last 60 years.

I'm German-american, but this shit is pretty funny.

you barely have anything of relevance to be proud of and just like niggers you must steal and claim other races achievements, sad!

No, Anglos are nordics.

>implying I'm not pure beady eyes Anglo
Anglo = Anglo-Saxon
Now where did the Saxons come from???

Romans and native Celts got btfo and got GERMED in England

Don't forget to sage this shill thread, im just having a bit of fun

There weren't any Romans left in Britain when the Anglos came. They had given up Britain centuries earlier.

There were still Roman settlers and ex vets living there along with the native Celt population just no standing army.

>ex vets

You mean the half-breed descendants of the grandchildren of Roman vets?

well close enough Anglos are pretty damm Germanic and Celtic, I'm leaving the thread I don't want to give the shill op anymore baits or 0.005 per posts

german reservations lol

nah they are good people