How do we solve the bear enthusiast problem?

> Timothy Treadwell was an American bear enthusiast, environmentalist, naturalist, documentary filmmaker, and founder of the bear-protection organization Grizzly People.
> He lived with the grizzly bears of Katmai National Park in Alaska for 13 summers. In 2003, he and his girlfriend Amie Huguenard were killed by a 28-year-old brown bear, whose stomach was later found to contain human remains and clothing.

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Why solve problems that natural selection solves for you?

bears are awesome

I wish I could hear the footage of them getting eaten. this story is old as shit

I wonder if they will ever release the audio from his death.

use guns

Herzog is such a tease.

Bears are based as fuck, just walk through the forests, scratch their backs on trees, eat berries, catch fish, fight off wolves and kill the odd elk. They try to avoid humans as much as possible, these hippie faggots who think bears are some sort of spirit animal or what ever they believe needs to fuck off and leave the bear alone, nothing likes to be followed around all day, the bear did the right thing killing this fag.

I couldn't think of anything worse than being mauled to death

Bears don't give a fuck, they don't even kill their prey before munching on it

definitely recommend Grizzly Man if you haven't seen it, half of it is amazing footage of bears and the other half is about how Treadwell is a secret fruit

the only reason he died is that he stayed longer than normal into hibernation season when bears become more desperate for food

> Michio Hoshino was a Japanese-born nature photographer.
> Hoshino specialized in photographing Alaskan wildlife until he was killed by a brown bear while on assignment in Kurilskoye Lake, Russia
Pic is his last picture

He's a big bear! He's gotta be ten feet tall, don't you think?

Fake. The audio recording has never been released.

That's not the real audio

Fake audio

>Enthusiast problem
>1 autist who is now dead

Problem solved itself.

Bears and doggos

I wonder how much love he had for the bear when he passed through the bear's rectum and landed in a pile of doodoo on the ground?

There also the fact that bears who knew him fucked off somewhere, and he ended up with new ones
But guy was awesome, could play with cubs without mother becoming angry

Serious question guys

Who would win in a fight, a Male Lion or a Kodiak brown bear

I'm pretty sure the person that owns the footage destroyed it or plans to.

It was entirely his own fault and the bear did not deserve to die

I am NOT a bear

>How do we solve the bear enthusiast problem?
Seem to me this is a Darwin Award situation that works itself out.

kodiaks are 3x the size

Kodiak due just to sheer strength. They can bite through 2" steel plate and have paws the size of your computer monitor. One strike would destroy a lion.

t. Alasaka-fag

Sure your aren't Smokey.

Back in 1800s wealthy dudes would have animals fight gladiator style.

Grizzly always won. Even against bulls.

And they usually won with one paw slap

Size isn't everything, Lions are much faster and more flexible, large African Male lion can be half the size
Most videos I've watched of bears taking down prey, they seem to struggle to kill it, I don't see how they can kill a lion when they rarely kill the prey they're eating, lions have bigger teeth and their jaw seems more functionable, Bears might have biggers paws but their claws are built for digging, meanwhile Lions claws are built for killing and are much sharper, also Lions have their mane for protection and bear wouldn't be able to keep grip of it

We dont need to. The bears will solve the problem.

seems like it solves itself

Pretty sure it's solving itself

brock lesnar

Source? Seriously want to read about this

Well a Kodiak is a special breed of brown bear--their anatomy has pure hate where a heart should be. They have grown especially large and particularly aggressive due to isolation on a remote island. Kodiaks are so fucking mean they are ATTRACTED to gunfire, because it means a dead animal to steal, and human meat as well.

It solves itself. AIDS and heroin solve most other kinds of degeneracy.

forgot pic

It that shooped? That's not a bear, it's a monster.

Theres lots of accounts of lions winning and killing bears in circuses as well
Maybe Kodiaks are overkill considering they're the size of a Polar bear and as aggressive as a grizzly, a Lion could beat a regular grizzly/mainland bear, Kodiak are a bit too much

i avoid participating in these newfagflag posts. but that is not real or some one of a kind monster.

Gimme them tendies


I can greet you in Fairbanks, come and see.

>sushi takeout

how can white boys even compete.

You're in the club and this guy slaps your girlfriend's ass. What do you do?
He's 2m in height and weighs 900lbs

It's self solving.


This movie is pure gold but you're like ten years late on this "problem"

It's even older that that

Fake and gay

Be nice to the bear. Go up and hug the bear. The bear won't hurt you if your nice right. That's what liberals sat about terrorist!
If the bear is Russia I wish the US would make nice with the bear we have the same interests.
Iran too.

unless he and the idiot girlfriend procreated, the problem is already solved
if they did, bring all offspring next spring, rub in blackberry, leave staked out


ultimately it's a problem because the bears will develop a taste for man flesh

I recognize those guys... its a screencap of an Azis music video