Is Sup Forums ready to admit that the whole Alt-Right Populist movement was just a 2016 meme? Trump's failure of a Presidency will be the final nail in its coffin.
Now that the dust has settled
alt-right is kosher approved anti-white movement.
Someone should update that, our election has been changed to autumn of this year
Trump and Brexit are the only things that had to happen to kickstart a shitstorm
>UK which is a major contributor to the EU finances is leaving
>Majority of France are starting to turn on the EU
>Eastern Europe refusing to cooperate with Merkel
>Trump pulls America out of the Paris Treaty and will not cooperate with them like Obama did
The E.U will crumble under its own weight as soon as Germany can't afford to give gibs to every country that is broke thanks to them
I was about to reply with something, then I saw you are a worthless commie.
>UK which is a major contributor to the EU finances is leaving
Maybe, to some extent.
>Majority of France are starting to turn on the EU
Macron recently secured a super-majority in French parliament you dope. France is overwhelmingly pro-EU.
>Eastern Europe refusing to cooperate with Merkel
That's not "the West".
>Trump pulls America out of the Paris Treaty and will not cooperate with them like Obama did
Also cozied right up to Saudi Arabia and came out as "a Nationalist and a Globalist"
Post the one with trudeau being a check mark
I think it's more because you have no argument.
If you guys have won then tell me why the Democrats and the media as well as the globalists are still going apeshit over Trump winning. Maybe you guys aren't in such good shape as you might think. You don't have the United States and you're not going to get anytime soon. If you don't have the US you have nothing. And Trump will be a failure.
Conservatives are teaming up with DUP who want a hard Brexit
The majority of French youth are against the E.U. Le Pen got over 40% of the youth vote. Also Melenchon who was very popular with the younger crowd had a staunch anti-EU campaign. Macron is basically Hollande 2.0 who had an approval rating of less than 30%
Eastern Europe is throwing populist movements because they view Merkel as a totalitarian leader. Its only giving more traction to Nationalist movements
Trump will not play the E.U's games. Him pulling out of the Paris Treaty accord and even calling out Merkel took major balls
Yeah, just like when Dubya won in 2004 and the media and the general population acted the same way. That didn't stop the GOP from going strong and McCain from winning the next two elections.
>The majority of French youth are against the E.U. Le Pen got over 40% of the youth vote
Do you even know what the word "majority" means, you assclown?
Keep Dickie's movement to yourself, we're nationalists. As for populism, it will continue to grow as a force in European politics because the political class are inept and useless.
Le Pen didn't get all the voters who detested the E.U jerkoff.
Melenchon would've done much better
No, it just means non-Anglos are naturally servile. Anyone who lives in the US could tell you this, Germans, Irish, and Italians ruined the US.
You do know that Ã…kesson doesn't want to send people home and is an extreme civic nationalist? His policies are basically mainstream in other European countries.
civil war in a scale we have never seen is about to happen.
Yet he's still called an ebil nahtzee by their media...
Sweden is such a meme country.
meant to reply to
Will that take place before or after the race war that was supposed to happen like a half a century or more ago?
well if you look at south africa the whites are getting decimated so whats your point?
it hasnt settled it just started
shut up normie
>Jared Kushner
Where is this supposed Civil War going to take place?
>FVD and Thierry Baudet aren't on the list
Boy this is a shit list
Trump's failure is what led ppl to turn their back to the populist wave.
Yanks can laugh but their cheetos in chief ruined our future, once again.
It really hasn't...
This man gets it.
>Dat goalpost moving
>Is Sup Forums ready to admit that the whole Alt-Right Populist movement was just a 2016 meme?
We grew immensely. We may have lost the elections, but we have gained a community and this is much more important. We will grow even more in the coming years, and eventually we will make a difference and cast down this Jewish EU/NATO system.
>tfw the other Swedish parties have to adopt SD's politics out of necessity, and to allow for SD to approve their budget as kingmakers
Either we win directly, or we win by proxy.
>conveniently omitting all of the V4...
People are already getting sick of Alt-Right talking points. Haven't you been to just about any other board on this very site, except perhaps for /k/? The slightest mention of Right-wing viewpoints are bombarded with "fuck off back to Sup Forums" posts. It's an old meme already.
>Says FRP is Norway's alt-right party not understanding it is alt-lite
>Does not mention that Alliansen is Norway's alt-right party and actually what you would expect from an alt-right party
Nah not really. The world is much larger than Sup Forums aka Nintendogaf and Sup Forums aka tumblr. And besides I see people telling leftist to fuck off more than what ever you claim is going on. The movement is growing and shows no signs of slowing down. Nice try though shylock
I'm not referring to either of those boards.
The DUP want a "hard Brexit but with open borders with Eire" i.e. not a hard Brexit at all.
>The slightest mention of Right-wing viewpoints are bombarded with "fuck off back to Sup Forums" posts
Not really, what usually happens is some faggot gets butt triggered in a thread and starts spamming go back to Sup Forums which usually sparks an argument of some kind. More often than not I see Commies/sjws getting shit on.
>The movement is growing
You really can't see the growing discontent with the Alt-Right talking heads and culture? Their association with cringe-inducing Pepe memes? The drop in support for Trump? The fact that Theresa May's snap elections completely backfired since large swathes of the UK had already swung back to Labour in this relative short timeframe? The fact that not only did outspokenly Pro-EU Macron win the French election, but his party won a super-majority in Parliament? The lack of any meaningful wins anywhere else in the Western World?
Go right ahead and bury your head in the sand and deny all of these things. But just know that it'll just make your losses harder to swallow as they continue to occur.
>The slightest mention of Right-wing viewpoints are bombarded with "fuck off back to Sup Forums" posts
It's always been this way you're just too new to remember it. Now, it has changed. I see more and more right-wingish posts on other boards and even websites than I have seen ever before
>Wants to ban Islam from Norway
>Is libertarian and a Ron Paul supporter
>Does not want us to fight "Israel's wars", video related
>Wants to ban circumcision
>Has a sword
Look at his twitter and google translate it
Sure, I've seen it too. Right-wingers emboldened by the election of Trump with their anime/Pepe avatars talking shit. They're all shouted down and ostracized by their communities, because theirs is an increasingly minority viewpoint.
Maybe all of it are memes, at the end of the day it seems that the social status and hiearchy is more important than ideology
If you are confident in the inevitable fall of globalism then all you have to do is to make the correct precations to survive the incoming shitstorm and rebuild from there
This shit was happening way before trump.
>goes to other boards dedicated to other subjects
>brings up Sup Forums talking points
>wonders why he gets shouted down
You're a retard, that's why.
It's like going to a pool and trying to play bowling in the water. People will see you as doing something retarded that this place is not meant for. And they will eventually tell you to gtfo.
And rightly so.
And you are probably among the first to be outraged when somebody from Sup Forums tries to talk anime on Sup Forums because "this is not the board for it! REEEEEE!". What's with the hypocrisy?
I don't use Sup Forums talking points on other boards.
Funny that you say that. We expect the Greece to find their eggs somewhere next year and default. They just wait until the German elections to make it really sucky for Murkel. The left is far gone, and they don't have a Corbyn, they fcuked them all, so nobody is left to do anything.
>Trump pulls America out of the Paris Treaty and will not cooperate with them like Obama did
There is nothing to pull out. Just don't do what you promised. The Chinese are rolling in deep kek right now. And you should tell your military to stop this shit free energy and start buying coal right now.
Your off your rocker.Trump is not the president of the West and it sounds like you've been listening to the legacy news channels and believing it.
May saw the abyss of Hard Brexit. Threw her "reelection" with an abysmal campaign. Has numerous people in her own party that are ready to overthrow her.
Everybody in Europe is grandstanding like mad, but all KEK out to the maximum at the end. Nobody goes trough with anything.
In this regard, Trumpino the First of the American Oligarchy still has to prove that his fantastic plans aren't just to fill his coffers and the one of his shills. It currently looks like that some are willing to accept oligarchy and rampant money grabbing as long it helps somehow. A different kind of swamp perhaps?
I think that you are correct, this might still back fire and lead to a no deal situation which might end up with the default hard brexit
>Trump's failure of a Presidency will be the final nail in its coffin.
Trump is doing nothing.Bush destroyed Iran and Afghanistan, Obama destroyed Libya and Syria, Hillary would probably be in Iran right now.
So far, Trump's failure is better than the success of those before him.
This current wave of far-right politicians is waning. But these were always bottom of the barrel politicians. The far-right voting pool is still very present though.
Europe has always been the hard battle to win.
We are openly more liberal than americans.
Americans are more keen to be patriots than europeans, because of past wars and religious promotion.
It will be an extremely tough fight to fight here in Europe because of the non-religious liberals. But we can do it.
Not to mention that our systems are completely different. We can't just vote for one person and call it a day. We have a bunch of different parties that people are split between, which makes it even harder.
But I can promise you that scandinavian countries won't disappoint in upcoming elections.
SHut it terrorest democrap
That would be a hard brexit. An open border with the ROI would be the only feasible thing we could do if we didn't want another fucking terrorist crisis on our hands
If we didn't worry you, you would not post here. Nobody asked you to push in on /our/ world view. Go fuck off back to leftypol
>Macron recently secured a super-majority in French parliament you dope
The parliamentary elections in France didn't even happen yet dumbass.
At last. Long live the ethnobotanist movement! Fuck civics
As long as the United States is paying for half of NATO, as well as being the biggest consumer of goods on the planet, yeah, Trumps the leader of the West.
FPBP. Ethnic nationalism, no foreign blood, full sovereignty and racial hygiene
Having MSM on your side and still Trump won, can't hide reality.
Trump is a puppet for israelis, oil business, military industrial complex, kike and banking circles. Anonymous idiot, he does nothing at all
None of those are going to help fix your countries
>You really can't see the growing discontent with the Alt-Right talking heads and culture? Their association with cringe-inducing Pepe memes? The drop in support for Trump?
Those people are a vocal minority. You're basing this assessment off of all the people talking shit on twitter, social media, celebrities, journalists, mainstream media etc.
But guess what? Those were the same ones who were talking shit about him before the election. Nothing has changed: they just never shut up.
>Germans and irish ruined the country
Ayy lmao. Top fucking cringe kek
Can somebody hack our elections so the far-right candidate wins?
I hope to god you are right
So what you're saying is this is a repeat of the early 1930s?
>just recover from serious depression
>Europe becoming unhinged
>US builds massive military
>Saves the world
okay whatever. round 3
It may not be the "west" but the fact is, the EU is being resisted.You can just say " it doesnt count"
>raciali egalitarianist
We'll try to kill him come the day of the rope
This is just the beginning, nice try tho faggot
do you only grow white flowers or something?
People of same tribal and racial extraction preparing the green environment for their future and harmonious present