Confirmed for aug 26th. Who are you cheering for Sup Forums Mayweather because he is american or Mcgregor because he is white?

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Mayweather will 100% win by points

You can't refute this.

Irish are white niggers

Guaranteed replies

Freemason symbol.



One of last few good guys on ESPN had an idea about making the first 9 rounds of this boxing, and then the 10th and final round MMA. That would eliminate floyd just dancing around and defending because he would know he needs to finish him before the MMA part. he would get more aggressive and the fight would be very entertaining. It bothers me that no one will copy that idea. This is going to be extremely boring.

>potatonigger vs dindu nuffin
No matter who wins we lose

Isn't Conor mma tho? He going full box mode for this?

Well, it is the truth

Mayweather i hate niggers but cannerfags deserved to be gassed

no they will let him use judo too.

blacks are superior so mayweather will win

Floyd is a faggot who has spent his whole career running away from people.

I hope he gets brain damage.

Gayfeather vs mcbeardy
Not gonna pay to watch that shit
If free, maybe

Is this an ugly ear contest?

unless his body finally caught up with him, I mean I don't know, mcgregor also has a punchers chance, but honestly I believe that mayweather will win.

they're both shit. i wouldn't even watch that shit for free
distraction tactic garbage just like the gladiator times in rome before it fell

Neither, its a money spinner, they both win on marketing alone.

>it actually happened
God fucking damn it. This "match" is nothing but publicity stunt, yet it will make ton of money.


Conor has shocked the world and delivered on outlandish promises before. Wouldn't be too surprised if he knocks Floyd out cold.

McGregor because he is Irish and thus my tribesman.

>doesn't know what a cauliflower ear is and why it happens

Mayweather will run around the ring, occassionally hug him, and win in final decision.

Tough to run around when a guy is tackling you.

professional boxer vs amateur boxer....gee i wonder who wins

McGregor will know him out in the first round. Moreover he'll get into Niggerweather's head the way he has every single opponent so far. His opponents are defeated psychologically before the fight even begins. That senile old nigger's demented ass is gonna get BTFO.

Good luck hitting Niggerun.

T. Moron who has never researched genetics once

It'll be the only way he can win

This. Boxing isnt about knocking someone out. its about scoring points.


lets go Mayweather. Show this potato nigger how to box!

You'd know, Pacquiao.

well considering Mayweather's defensive style this may just turn into a track meet.

>ufc fighter vs. undefeated professional boxer in a boxing match
If it was another boxer vs. boxer fight I'd agree.
Macgregor's been outboxed in the octagon, he doesn't stand a chance in an actual boxing ring.
I predict Mayweather will pull of the KO this time.

no one else is gonna point out the masonic symbalry

I hope that irish thick-headedness (in the literal sense) pays off

Potato nigger will brutally KO nigger nigger so hard shit squirts out his money may trousers and lands in jim lampley's lap

You know I'm right. It'll be 10 rounds of track with the occasional elbow pointing defense.

Every fight he's ever had has been a track meet. He's not a fighter,he's a runner.

>Wouldn't be too surprised if he knocks Floyd out cold.

yeah nah

nobody cares

they obviously do

I don't like mma. Box is better

if it's straight up boxing macgreggor is just an amateur. floyd is easily the greatest practitioner of the Michigan american styles of defensive boxing in his weight class who ever lived. an amateur doesn't stand a chance if it's boxing.

would prefer macgregor to win to avoid the blacked memes
but i'd put my money on mayweather

Well this is new, at least I won't get called a burger anymore, even though I really don't take it as a insult because at least I have high calorie food that's less for a dollar while in most 3rd world shitholes who call me a burger barely can afford their rice kek.

Shit I always miss one

Headbutting is legal right? Conor should just thick skull the nigger to death.

whitey about to get btfo

>excited to see a real fight
>boxing match
>sport that rewards you for not engaging
It'll be another marathon run for Mayweather

Its going to be fun two rounds, then boring as Conor gets tired running after Mayweather, then mayweather eventualy wins on points...

McGregor comes across as completely smug. He's probably fine normally but i want to see that smile wiped off his face.

>I hope he gets brain damage.

Too late for that. Skip to 2:00 to hear Floyd Mayweather reading out loud


Good for you, now yo ass can roleplay as your favorite nazi, you fat fuck.


Isn't Mayweather like undefeated or some shit?

I would root for McGregor but I'd place my money on Mayweather.

I bet $25k on Mayweather during the Pacquiao v Mayweather fight. It was easy money.

This. The Irish are just subhuman potato farmers.

t. Cucked by an Irishman

I always thought black people were the most obese people on earth, and also I'm only 140 pounds.

Lol @ anyone picking nationality over race.

Do you think an American nigger or some nigger invader in Britain cheers for some white Brit or burger over a random Jamaican, Brazilian, Nigerian nig? they consider themselves black first and foremost.

Are you black? No? Because this is completely false. I always cheer for my country. I don't cheer for my """"race""" because I have as common ancestry with common africans as you have with the fucking greeks.

So are they doing mma or boxing?

If mma McGregor will skullfuck mayweather, if boxing mayweather is just gonna dance and pray.

Lmao if boxing though, of course the controversial underdog is gonna be given the advantage.

Mayweather needs to be knocked off his high horse.


Thats because most of you are niggers or part niggers anyway. You're like a warning of what multiculturalism will lead to.

bold prediction, Cotton

t. leaf

pick one
founders didn't consider non whites citizens and neither do I

well I am from Minnesota so I'm basically am from Canada lol

Exactly. America was intended as a white nation. This "melting pot" bullshit is a subversion of what America is supposed to be.

Whites will root for McGregor
Shitskins will root for Mayweather
Eternal Anglos will root for Mayweather

that's not brain damage
he's just an uneducated black

Id bet all my money on Floyd. I don't like the guy and I want him to lose to Connor but I know in my gut Floyd would win.

Connor could barely handle Nate Diaz for 5 rounds and they probably once went to the ground throughout all those rounds cause they wanted to show their boxing cocks off. Here's an open secret (Connor doesn't have the stamina).

I can always be proven wrong though, hell I want to be.

Would you be a traitorous fuck and bet on a foreigner though?

Boxing isn't like MMA, they go for points in boxing.

Mayweather is a pussy and he would never step into the octagon, unlike McGregor who has the balls to go step into the ring.

Since boxing is mostly points based and Mayweather obviously knows this - he'll just duck and dodge and run around the ring while he taps McGregor on the shoulder and forearm, racking up points. I don't think McGregor is fast enough to KO him. And Mayweather definitely isn't strong enough to KO McGregor.

I hope McGregor gets lucky and knocks that dodgy nigger out. But I think Mayweather will win just because he's playing the game and knows he doesn't actually have to fight to win.



fuck off cuck, I'm not rallying behind a nigger

>racist larper calls me a cuck

You don't even like sports jimmy, go to bed now.

>lasting till the 9th

At this point he would be a literal potaoe., dude hasn't got the best stamina.

Mayweather is fucked then
He runs like a little faggot but if McGregor is allowed to use his legs he will destroy the fucker

I hate niggers and I agree. McGregors fighting Mayweather in his own sport, and it's all for money.

Mayweather is a point fighter(ie: a pussy) he doesn't knock people out

Put drumpf in the ring with Floyd Mayweather and watch him get beat to a bloody orange pulp LUL

stop spreading misinfo faggot

larping about what you faggot democrat? Fuck off

t. divide and conquer shill

He specifically does it to assblast faggots like you who can't seem to take cocks out of your mouth and recognize when people are being confident instead of cocky

Sup Forums is to the right

t. jealous snow nigger

He doesn't fight he jabs and runs away
He's what's know as a "point fighter" which basically means he runs away from everything and takes random jabs to get points and best the ither person in the score card(but even that doesn't matter because the judges are almost always paid to vote him the winner in his fights)
Guy is a shit fighter who people use to launder money

>he acts cocky because you mistake his confidence for cockiness

So, he is being a cocky prick then? I'll be glad to see Mayweather take him down a peg or two.

The white man

Mayweather is too much of a coward to fight mma.

This will be the biggest shit show in sports

Yeah I don't know why anyone pays for his fights. Watching him shuck and jive for a half hour is a snooze fest.