Race Realism DEBUNKED!

Sup Sup Forums, I just wanted to inform you that the whole pseudo scientific belief of "Race Realism" has been debunked!

Don't believe me? See the evidence for yourself!


Don't feel too bad, I used to believe in it too, but I learned to stand by the truth and now I understand that "Race" just aint real!

Other urls found in this thread:

unz.com/jthompson/genetics-of-racial-differences-in-intelligence-updated/?highlight=race iq

Wtf I love niggers now

Dont use that word please

>arguing with racists
doesnt sound unpartisan at all

not reading a single additional word

I know i hate the word love too

Judging from her mongreloid face she is making a huge genetic leap forward by upbreeding with the negroid gentleman. Pity about his poor choice egg donor. On future census forms the child can choose 'other' as the race and when prompted to specify can just put "whatever."

There are consequences for race-mixing.
Keep your ancestry pure.

Why not? Is your cognitive dissonance too strong?

Just stop

That woman by your NatSoc standards is an untermensch, and thats coming from a former nazi

This is now a fifty words for nigger thread

Porch monkey
Pavement ape
Obsolete farm equipment


Your bullshit debunked.

unz.com/jthompson/genetics-of-racial-differences-in-intelligence-updated/?highlight=race iq

>democrat icon in post
>cuck post ignoring proven geographical evolutionary differences.
Troll harder, fag. Even Africans from the continent agree with whites who feel the same way. They will always see themselves as different than whites no matter how much you push that "one race human race" bullshit

How the fuck is all of this going unchecked?

>Why not?
right off the bat you can clearly see that when he made this, the intentions of the author were to prove the ebil racist frogs on twitter wrong, not to seek the truth on the subject. So right off the bat, you can disregard the article as not scientific in any way and be right almost always

you'd know that if you had any education beyond high school

Not an argument, please debunk the peer reviewed links in the OP retard

So by YOUR standards no one should ever read a rebuttal because its "biased", oh please youre just a pseudo intellectual

>muh dick argument

>Always shoehorning bm/wf
>no other races are used for the males in these images
Why this be?

One link doesn't debunk anything, also please refer to what your "debunking"

What the Wikipedia one or the harvard business review one?

Look up "White Couples" on google, I'm proud to have a future like that

How about every single link

>So by YOUR standards no one should ever read a rebuttal because its "biased"
not even capable of understand your own langage eh ? typical amerifat

go jerk off to cuck porn

>satanic digits...

understanding *

The vast majority of them are not peer reviewed, just SJW articles without any study behind.

Other ones, like this:


It's funny, because other author in the same website dubunk this article.

Sorry, OP, but your link is bullshit. You're in war against modern science, and you're going to lose.

Not an argument retards

nice shitpost dood

im gonna leave now, enjoy your ~40 replies

What the fuck I cant even understand you

please organize it like this

Original Article: ww.Fag.com

Rebuttal to article: Www.fag.com


>right off the bat you can clearly see that when he made this, the intentions of the author were to prove the ebil racist frogs on twitter wrong, not to seek the truth on the subject
Exactly. If you seek out the truth on the subject, it becomes quite evident that differences between races exist.

Nice backing out faggot

We aren't 12 year old fagets?

One link debunks everything; please, read and understand.

Yeah but the differences are based on environment, which you can CHANGE

Sorry, are you... ?

A) Stupid
B) A troll
C) Black

If you're white and you fuck black males, there is something seriously wrong with you.

>One link debunks everything; please, read and understand.

Please tell me how a link about IQ debunks Richard Lynn's false analysis on skull structure

You have no rebuttals


No Im serious please tell me


>Shifting the onus
Go back to school, sweaty

You like diversity, mate?


>attacks on specific researchers
>dead links
>studies that say nature AND nurture play a part

Lame tbqh. Everybody admits that nature is not the only factor, and criticizing a few researchers or papers is useless because nearly all IQ studies, independent if included nations, socioeconomic background, and variety of test, show the races to possess inequal IQs.

>Yeah but the differences are based on environment



>The role of genetics in the black-white IQ gap has been particularly controversial. The question regarding this in the survey asked "Which of the following best characterizes your opinion of the heritability of black-white differences in IQ?" Amongst the 661 returned questionnaires, 14% declined to answer the question, 24% voted that there was insufficient evidence to give an answer, 1% voted that the gap was "due entirely to genetic variation", 15% voted that it was "due entirely to environmental variation" and 45% voted that it was a "product of genetic and environmental variation".

Yeah, I like being strong because diversity is a strength

Environment is not a perpetual system. And environment is equally affected by the people that live in. The argument of "poverty" is not based in reality because there are, and have been, other racial and ethnic groups that have been enslaved and subjected to generations of poverty and yet they do not act like niggers do.

Not an argument
le xD lololol etc...

>dead links
>studies that say nature AND nurture play a part

Point out which ones and where please

>because nearly all IQ studies, independent if included nations, socioeconomic background, and variety of test, show the races to possess inequal IQs.

Really? sauce plox

Okay I read through all that bullshit and there's still a lot that they don't have "rebuttals" for.

For example:
>racial differences in bone structure
Every forensic investigation department in America (and Europe) examines the bones of a body (if decomposed) to see if it is male or female, and then if it is black, white or asian.

Our DNA can be separated and traced into distinct regions of of the world. This is no longer taboo and even advertised on primetime television (i.e. 23andMe).

Those are just a few I can name off-hand. Your document isn't based around fact and discovering the truth, it's just based around arguing.

what the fuck are you talking about? the off topic thread itself? yea I am wondering how it survives too.


So why do you want get rid of it? Because if we race mix through generations, our descendants will all be the same, no distinct cultures or races, just an undifferentiated mass. Where's your diversity then?

Yeah but they just asked random people not actual doctored researchers, they asked pseudo intellectual richard lynn types, also its an appeal to authority argument youre making

If were all one race there wont be any racism, also please read Alon Ziv's book "Breeding between the lines: WHy racemixed people are healthier and more attractive"

Not an argument krautfag

Like, Jews?


Can I see some studies please?

Who cares about Lynn at this point?

Other authors like Rindermann are demonstrating the same, he just published a study confirming the relationship between national IQ and wealth.


According to whom?

Bait just jumped the shark
Nice try though.

diversity + proximity = war

Hi leaf. How's the weather up there in cuckland today?

Who got surveyed in your link? When was it conducted?

>her authors like Rindermann are demonstrating the same, he just published a study confirming the relationship between national IQ and wealth.

I will look at this




I'm actually from brooklyn you asshole



Where and how is it a repost?

>Alon Ziv

This is a bad bait.

He was even beaten in his Reddit AMA. Not even the Reddit users are buying his bullshit, it was hilarious.

keep the black and white separate, that's the best way to handle things

worked well for hundreds of years till you kikes had to butt in

Please source me on this, also can i get a link to his actual study that rindermann did?


Wikipedia says hes more reliable than Lynn but I cant find links to his studies

Where does it say in my link this:

>Yeah but they just asked random people not actual doctored researchers, they asked pseudo intellectual richard lynn types, also its an appeal to authority argument youre making


Please source me on this, how is america a superpower but we've had multiple "races" here since our beginning? How is diversity not a strength for us

Well no Im saying what does your link say about the people who they surveyed, im too shy to click on it

america was 90% white and 10% nigger in 1960s, diversity is mostly new

and what do you know, more diversity just means more division and the decline of this once great nation




Do you know how much time you have to invest in a scientific research?

Okay whatever, nonetheless rindermann says that Africa could increase their 75 IQ by 10-15 points if education improved. Whats your take on that? Also doesn't it make the "Nurture over nature" argument more valid?


> "Haplo, bones" Can I see some studies please?
Holy shit, I can tell you're a fucking idiot just by the way you talk. You don't know what haplogroups (not "hablo" dumbass) are? You didn't know that forensic investigators can tell what race a dead body is by examining bones?

This isn't a fucking "study" this is common sense. You want a study to prove to you that the sky is blue? Give me a fucking break. Here, I'll even take the pain of finding some educational resources (not "studies") for you faggot.


>Rindermann says

Even increasing 15 points, Europeans will still overperforming them. What's your point?

Yeah but bones are a function of environment, if you break someones bones they will be less dense. Environment plays a factor which is why bones are different tween white and black

>28 posts by this ID

My point is.... well fuck i dont know

>Can I see some studies please?
And just in can you're realllly fucking lazy, I'll even copy and paste for you dipshit.

>The determination of an individual's ancestry is typically grouped into three historical groups, Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and Negroid. However, the use of these classifications is becoming much harder as the rate of interancestrial marriages increases and markers become less defined.[33] By measuring distances between landmarks on the skull as well as the size and shape of specific bones anthropologists can use a series of equations to estimate ancestry. Typically, the maxilla is used to help anthropologists determine an individual's ancestry due to the three basic shapes, hyperbolic, parabolic, and rounded, belonging to the three historical ancestries, Negroid, Caucasoid, and Mongoloid respectively.[34] In addition to the maxilla, the zygomatic arch and the nasal opening have been used to narrow down possible ancestry.[35] A program called FORDISC has been created that will calculate the most likely ancestry using complex mathematical formulas.[36] This program is continually updated with new information from known individuals to maintain a database of current populations and their respective measurements.

Yeah im not a one post by this ID shill, im here to debate reasonably and factually

Kys shill.

Good Lord.
My sides.

what were muslims doing on a beach is the real question

It isn't environment, but evolution.

Even if that was true I'd still be a nationalist. Caring about my group over another is just self-preservation.

If you were trying to prove race realism, that image is proof positive that human + monkey = ugly monkey.

No you're a different kind of shill, the shitposter shill.


I've looked at a few of these. Most of them don't disprove race realism. In fact most of them are actually arguing in the same vein, just with a different approach.

Communists, brainwashed cucks, and low IQ people are the only ones dumb enough to not comprehend genetics underpin intelligence and behavior leading to extremely different rates of "culture" and "actions" between races on average.

I gave your "evidence" a once over and it's just more excuse making for nigger behaviour. It all boils down to, "it's all the white mans fault."

None of that explains why niggers were swinging from trees while we had international civilizations. Race realism explains that.

Wow, that is some real knowledge you have here

You're doing God's work, user. Love you spainbro.

Your one link doesn't debunk anything either. It's just more liberal self-loathing.

its not one link, its a bunch of links

not an argument and your sources is outdated


A quick skim of those links shows
>You have no idea what race realism is
>You have no idea how anything works
>You are an angry nigger.
>This is bait.

Kill yourself.

What? You litrally cant say that you advocate for your ethnic group but refuse to procreate to make more of them, but nationalism killed 200 million people last century, we dont need a repeat

wtf i like niggers now

What? How?

Its all falling apart
Just couldnt keep it up, could you?