The Virgin Problem

What should be done about the virgin problem? Male virgins over the age of 21 are ticking time bombs, ready to go off and take people with them. They're as dangerous as mudslime refugees.

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If you dont lose your virginity before 18 years old, you get executed

Problem solved.

Ahh yes, traditional values such as no sex until marriage are what is killing this country.

damn baptists killing our kids!

prostitute stamps

then who's gonna program?

Face it, the vast majority of people who haven't had sex without paying for it by 21 are mental defectives. They haven't had sex because they're incapable of interacting with other human beings or understanding emotions, aka genetically inferior. It's not a coincidence that the transition into adulthood has been the point at which a boy gets laid since the beginning of time.

Nothing. Let them reap the fruits of their atomized societies that do not concern itself with the welfare of their citizens. Allah help them.

What's wrong with being virgin?

>male virgins over the age of 21 are ticking time bombs
>tfw virgin at 22

be more jewish

>if you don't have sex you're autistic
Good logic. That's why I follow people's advices here.

Everyone who is a virgin wants to be one today. Or they are just lazy or need therapy.

I agree. we should cull all black virgin men over 21.

For one, stop demonizing and shaming men. Many young men don't place much value on pussy, and those who do are left with a sexual market place that's weighed heavily against all but the top percentile of men.

Stop going after their hobbies.
That's literally it.

there is 1k non-virgins ready to kill you while you are watching one single virgins.

Dead man walking here

Try 26.

>LARPing as chad on 4chin.

does rape count?


They haven't had sex because they're waiting until marriage and financial circumstances allow for raising of children.


He's actually right though. The only reasons you might be a virgin as old as 20 are either
>You don't want sex at all (so you have a mental disorder, or some kind of social dysfunction that makes interaction unappealing for you)
>You aren't able to get sex even though you want to (you're inferior, genetically or otherwise)

There is no excuse for being a virgin, especially not after your teenage years are over. And frankly it's dangerous, just look at all these school shooters and how many of them are angsty virgins. They feel rejected by society so they lash out, taking others down with them. But the problem is, if they haven't been able to have sex by that point, it means no one will ever accept them, so they're a ticking time bomb. 21+ virgins need to either be executed or otherwise neutralized for the safety of normal people.

>tfw male unkissed virgin and 25 years old

VR therapy

make public brothels legal again

more feminism

try 29

is such a thing even possible

They think by being a virgin you're going to be a mass shooter waiting to happen.


Stop pressuring people to have sex telling them being a virgin is negative. Encourage them to marry and have kids.

>buy a prostitute
>get rid of the virgin stigma

Are you that roastie who was on here saying this like a month ago?
I lost mine at 19 and many millennials are virgins that never do anything wrong, stop shaming them, it doesn't help, and pretty much all will eventually have sex before 30 without any malicious thoughts.

Just getting along with people seems something horrible to you. I never was interested in sex or relationship since childhood, doesn't mean I'm an autist who can't interact properly with people. Being virgin doesn't make you a different person.

Maybe it's normal people that need to be executed.

End time is nigh.


Women need to be put back on the level of property and breeding stock.

Fucking a hooker is degenerated. I prefer to stay a virgin.

It literally is, though. It's our genetic drive to have sex, and if you haven't had sex by age 21, more than likely it's because you're autistic or have some kind of mental disorder. Men who are voluntarily celibate due to personal beliefs are a tiny minority of male virgins.

A man who can't understand or interact with his fellow humans is simply subhuman and unfit for society.

Be 10

Friend says to fuck girls

Want to fuck traps

End up fucking a speaker system and getting my pee pee stuck

Realize I'm a wet whale in a dry desert

All is good in the hood yall

I only ever saw negativity about being a virgin on TV. There were plenty of people who didn't want to have sex with virgins cause they didn't want to ruin them or be with a clinger, but I didn't see that as negative to the virgin.

That's idiotic.

Exterminate all virgins. They walk among us. Know the signs. Every virgin is a potential threat. You know what to do.

It couldn't possibly be caused by external factors like being bullied throughout all of elementary and primary, being told it's because you've got aspergers and not because they're a bunch of fucked up kids and that if you so much as defend yourself you get expelled.
It couldn't possibly be something basic like a shitty abusive childhood, right? Must be a genetic defect.
10/10 would rape you before cutting your throat.

People are also inherently violent/aggressive. It doesn't mean they have something wrong with them if they don't act like niggers. These tards are more than welcome to join some mormon community where they can marry a 15 year old girl and put a million babies in them, but they don't. They just wallow like pathetic losers.

what happens when 18yo+ virgins immigrate to your country then

I will find and kill you normie scum

What do you think of the minority?

I propose a virgin tax of 50% of their entire income, or face castration.


Why should we punish the pure ones? I say the virgins should be the higher ups.

Don't you understand? It's always incels, mudslime or not.

>arms always flailing in confident, unpredictable ways

This is so fucking true and I think it's the most annoying thing that cocky guys do lol
>Our study suggests that a proportion of adult virgins have been on a life-long trajectory of low integration and unpopularity among peers. This seems to extend to a lack of sexual opportunities in emerging adulthood, but more research in the area is needed to draw conclusions."

Male virgins are defective degenerates who should be exterminated like roaches.

I second that

>t. virgin

>Muh dick: the hypothesis

You're not fooling anyone, your post reeks of the delusions of a loser. Your kind will be cut out of society.

Gb2 >>r9k

til nicola tesla was genetically inferior

Look at these filthy degenerates calling us defective and ironically degenerate.

>unironically calls virgins degenerate

start a charity that identifies troubled teens/young adults and pays prostitutes to seduce them while not revealing they're prostitutes

Men can't be virgins; they don't have hymens.

elliot rogers is a pretty big piece of shit. instead of targeting chads and stacys he just went around killing random people.

We are the gods who walk among these degenerate sinners. They better respect us or pay the price.

We are the pure ones. We are the chosen ones.


Yeah it's not so dissimilar to the argument that banning guns will get rid of murders. If people have intent, they'll find a way, regardless of circumstances.

Or we could be focused on careers and making your fucking life better with our inventions and research.
And not screwing everything that comes by so that we can have a self-disciplined, loyal, and strong family.

>look here we got an alpha male

t. trap lover

aww what's wrong little guy, feeling triggered? Gonna go shoot a bunch of chicks who won't bone you so they'll know what a gentleman you are?

So what is so good about pussy? There are better holes, user.

But women are whores and I want to wait for my virgin waifu to lose it with her

Young adult here

>What should be done about the virgin problem?

Nothing. I lost my virginity with 21, and I've slept with 26 women in the range of 6/10 to 10/10 within 2 years, and have been celibate for 2 years since that. I was starting to become sex-addicted, and I didn't want to continue on this path of degeneracy. I have to say, my life has been no worse, I have more time to read books, work out and study. I'll find myself an LTR, and then a wife after that.

If you work out, dress well, and get over approach anxiety it's easy to find women. Working out is the most important part really, and it's useful for many other things. I tried to start "life-advice" threads on Sup Forums, but the mods keep deleting them. If we can get every Sup Forumstrooper to work out and find a gf, our movement would be for the better, some people can live by themselves, others I understand can't.

this is nonsense, stop trying to make people feel bad


>tfw not a virgin but only had 1 gf and that was years ago
I-i wont go on a shooting spree right?

this thread is BS 21 yo going on 22 virgin here

Pussy is mainly for breeding, lol

Failed normies are the real problem. Kys

I am a 21 year old virgin.
I also have no friends and hate myself. I fear that you're right, OP.

Typed like a woman. Maybe I'll rape you too.

what country do you live in, fascist friend?

kill the kikes

t. proof that male virgins are violent degenerates and bad people

They need to read Julius Evola and Jung


t. Proof that Americans can't interpret 'maybe' properly

The normies, whose only evaluation of accomplishment in life is that they're sex crazed degenerates, found out about Sup Forums from normienews.

This is gonna be a long summer... I'm starting to realize just how much we need to gas these degenerate white niggers to purify the gene pool.

Anyone who's had sex with more than 6 people, and various other sexual degeneracies, should be gassed. /pic/ needs to go full Nazi again to purge normie scum from our board.

if im going i will at least go to /d/

>Need to be executed

So the person who thinks it's a good idea to kill people who haven't fucked your mom, aka any generic slut, is the mentally sound one. You sound legit.

Preach it.

Exactly, good comparison.

>ugly people do not exist

No thx, your mentality is that of some gov support reciever, a waste of space

*Sup Forums

We will get our revenge some day fellow pedes

>le everyone else on Sup Forums is a loser because I'm a loser

get the fuck out, your kind has always been a minority here, stop circlejerking

rip homeschooled kids

>rape goes up 100x

Just part and parcel of living in a big city goy.

Just send them to Nevada for a weekend. Easy.



Create an elite squad of concerned whores who milk their cocks to protect the rest of the citizenry, duh.

>implying not all women are whores
Women ruin everything they take part in. Just take a look at my country for example.