Trumptards, who still don't get that Trump did to the Right what Obama did to the Left, will defend this. Orange Judas is deporting Iraqi Christians who actually *are* refugees needing temp safety and a tually facing slaughter by US/Saudi/Israeli backed jihadist psychos
Assad is a war criminal and deserved to get bombed. He has never helped christians, in fact, the syrian constitution bans christians from serving as president. He persecutes them all the time.
Gavin Reyes
you love you some President Kushner, eh, retard?
you fuck off... mindlessly defending a guy aiding isis because you're too cucked to wonder, 'gee, does Trump not really give a fuck about me'?
obvious liberal troll. >President Bannon >President Kushner >President Ivanka
fuck off. God Emporer is president. deal with it.
Zachary Parker
Eli Butler
Fuck all mudshits. Fuck all Christcucks.
James Harris
yeah except Christians lived safely under Assad for years.
the evidence that the US and Israel are backing ISIS is everywhere- up to you if you dont want to even look into it yourself because youre so cucked by Orange Jesus.