>almost all the flags on Sup Forums are American now
>Euros are the only ones ashamed of their flag
Could someone without a meme flag explain please?
>almost all the flags on Sup Forums are American now
>Euros are the only ones ashamed of their flag
Could someone without a meme flag explain please?
This is now a budget cosplay thread
I just assume that meme flags are Canadians now.
Twas odd how 99% of the leaf disappeared
All of you faggots posting stuff like this just prove why geo-centric flags were so shitty in the first place. You are obsessed with calling people out for their country and making it a big deal, instead of just talking about fucking politics. Why do you fucking CARE so much about this shit?
I say good riddance to those retarded geo-centric flags. Make it more like actual Sup Forums anonymity, fuck people who want post identifiers.
Euros just avoid talking too much shit and visiting a semi-porn site in ramadan.
Yeah it really was. I wouldn't be surprised if the commie invasion is actually leafs.
really crushes the almonds....
I wonder what the statistics look like.
This is accurate 95% of the time.
Nothing, everything is fine.
Does it need any explanation?
Hey cool... A proper Euro flag
Yeah I basically assume leaf or poo-in-loo every time
Of course you wont see europeans. We re all asleep now, try again in 15 hours
Man, I'm a leaf. I just really want to crusade.
The American flag actually is a political flag. The "fly" (the stripes) are numbered for the colonies but the red and white pattern by itself was the flag of the Sons of Liberty.
America is the largest poster, retard.
>American brain
>Literally does not compute
t. burger
>mfw this only increases the value of my flag collection
Because geopolitics are a thing and it's easier to discuss such things when you can see where someone is coming from.
Every nation has varying degrees of right and left.
Americans are insanely ignorant and arrogant and don't even consider they're talking to non-Americans on the internet unless it's made explicit so then you get nothing but shitposting from Americans asking what it's like to live in the country of Europe that's located in Africa.
>Bolshevik flag
>Fag flag
>Black Lives Matter
All of these are always Canadians. Always.
People finally stopped responding to obvious shill threads. So shills gave up.
australia , leaf, europe, poo all gone.
So you're saying yurocucks cannot handle banter?
That's what it seems like
>it's easier to discuss such things when you can see where someone is coming from.
>Every nation has varying degrees of right and left.
You just contradicted yourself, you dumb nigger.
And if it is relevant for the topic you can choose to disclose it, but mostly it's just used for "leaf", "straya", "poo" or whatever distracting from the topic.
We are not asleep, we are eating iftar and waiting for the fajr prayer.
My Country, 'Tis of Thee
yuropoors sleep for 15 hours? fuckin hell
>Man, I'm a leaf. I just really want to crusade.
My wenches are almost finished . Give me five more minutes and I'll be ready .
Say that again?
Buuuurnin rubbbbber!!
such an insult mang, I'm shocked
>burger education
>but mostly it's just used for "leaf", "straya", "poo"
And it's for good reason. Individuals from those countries tend to display the same behavior.
You're going to be really pissed off about the fact that those countries are still going to be called out since their reputations are cemented. I'm pretty sure the strayans are pirates now. Canadians are hiding behind commie, nazbol, and ironically using nazi flags.
>Canadians are hiding behind commie, nazbol, and ironically using nazi flags.
I'm not hiding behind anything burger-boy .
I have to admit, a good portion of leafs are faggots. We should have a game were you call out of leaf behind a ideology flag. I you're right or doesn't show his flag, you win. Although this is already happening to a lesser degree.
>Every nation has varying degrees of right and left.
Which, by now, is "ultra-right-wing nazi terrorists" and "the most intelligent and diverse people." The former being anything that isn't left-leaning.
feels great to have rare pacific islands flags
stfu cunt
are you calling me a canuck?
Not all of you are shit but you have a reputation for a reason.
Telling us to ignore it is like telling us to ignore the fact that niggers are animals.
sounds good to me
I'm already 2/2 on leaf guessing so far
found the leaf
This flag change sucks.
All the "day of the rake", "Emu wars", and "euro poor" posts hurt their fefes
Couldn't say.
You certainly seem to be advocating for the acceptance of diversity.
Oh hi
Looks like Seung-Hui Cho
I love how much these new flags trigger Amerisharts. "Oh noes! We may actually have to learn a thing or two about the outside world, instead of falling back on myopic, retrograde, national sterotypes, because we're such uncultured fucks."
Thank you, based Hiroshimoot!
Most Americans are newfag the_donald posters who aren't familiar with the old flag system. They are used to insulting on nationality, instead of forming compelling arguments. This is why you angry nu/pol/ get butt hurt about these flags. You are powerless.
Redditors, paid shills and what said.
I was close. You're scandi.
Why did you leave sweden?
>whining about stereotypes
Found the nigger.
It's great. I LARP and shitpost and do whatever horrendous disrupting shit with meme flags and everyone just says
>a fucking leaf
fuk u homo ur gay as shit fuk u ur mums gay faggot ahaha we pirate nao
oh shit, I forgot the poos!
mate this ad could be aussie, cept replace nyc with syd and the burger with a snag
Europe is in total surrender by white people mode. Non whites in Europe are not native and thus don't feel like they belong to any particular country, except maybe their country of origin. White pride is super duper forbidden in Europe.
The USA still functions as a kind of empire so you have to allow patriotism if you want soldiers to fight for your Central Banking interests all over the world.
Decades of brainwashing combined with control of all fiat currency by (((them))) has taken it's toll on the white world, user.
Thus, Americans still have pride in their country and Euro's don't.
I'm from crimea.
It's a wild card. So i choose to be gay.
Why are you 52 % white?
Why am I working in a company where we're all racist and laughing at Sweden on a daily basis
you summed it up
you guys have two toys
inshallah my brother, I have also recently broken my fast for the day and went to an iftar celebration with my family and reveled in the communal celebrations of our beautiful religion
>So i choose to be gay.
made me chkeked
Nothing in America runs, you fat burger fuck.
wrong dude, the shart is running freely
I also noticed that almost all threads started by meme flags are either slide threads or bot threads.
"le epic bants" is Sup Forums tier
nazis are the new shitposters.
At least gays and pirates are funny.
lolbertarians are like before, those statists
Sounds like something a Jew would say.
Because Sup Forums flag-based shitposts kill real discussion, Amerifats are the worst offenders because they are genetically unable to understand the concept of "banter" and think screaming LE LEAF LE LEAF LE LEAF LE LEAF at the top of their lungs is funny/a substitute for an argument. Flags are a terrible mistake and ruin discussion on any board that is unfortunate enough to have them introduced.
>all these ass-blasted retards angry they can't use their shitty Sup Forums banter anymore
Now at least there'll be some discussion on shit and actual arguments presented.
>random leafcuck/germcuck/britcuck/auscuck/shitskin/mudslime is saying some stupid liberal/cuck/jew/muslim crap under other flag
>gets btfo'd with actual arguments instead of shitty Sup Forums autism
Or even better yet, their shit threads get saged and ignored.
>Flags are a terrible mistake and ruin discussion
Naw, there is a need for them.
Politics depends on location and the flag help giving context on what people are saying.
Otherwise someone has to say
>German here
I think this advantage outweighs the banter distraction problem
>ironically using nazi flags
yes... ironically...
but ofcourse
European flags are the LGBT, Islamic and Democrat flags.
Only a fool would take anything hear posted as fact. This entire board is satire, always.
What's going on here?
Are we back to being old Sup Forums again, instead of just Sup Forums 2.0?
Tfw you are truly autistic
yes ofcourse
What are you talking about ?
I still post my nation proudly
We fly flags everywhere. At the mall, at school, at congress, outside of our homes, at parks, and even on the moon. We put our stars and stripes on t-shirts, cups, bracelets, bandanas, swim trunks, cars, and scarves. We put our damn flag everywhere so you won't forget who we are, what we do, and we won't have shame for nationality. Freedom doesn't knock baby, it rings.
>off by one
Fuck u 2 satan
Role play is gay don't be a faggot
>we back to being old Sup Forums again, instead of just Sup Forums 2.0?
Yup this, it's not just circlejerking about the posters country
The more intelligent user here wants to group people by their ideology, not country of residence.
>talks of freedom
>no Gadsden
Kek with the rebound
fuck you talkin bout bitch
It takes me 15 seconds to activate a proxy and get any flag I want. Flags, like IDs, only create a false sense of confidence. "Oh, that guy has x flag, he must really be a citizen of x country!" or "Oh, those guys have different IDs, they are definitely different people!"
Kill yourself Amerishart. 9/11 was the greatest day of my life. Oh, what's that? You want to insult me? Well you can't, because you don't know where I'm from. Stay mad, cuck boi.
your flag will fall, the american empire is already crumbling through political strife, it basically looks like balkanisation is going to happen. You have commies and fascists on the streets openly fighting each other, the unrest is only going to increase kaffir, inshallah the demonic union will fracture and let the world live in peace finally.
Yeah, we have a different approach here. I view the advantage for people who want a discussion you view the problems with people trying to abuse it.
My point is that people looking to disrupt a discussion by pretending to be of X nationality will do so regardless of whether or not the board has flags.