GOP and Trumpfags double standard
It's called holding the enemy to their own rules. Taking the moral high ground is for losers.
You faggot progressives have been doing this Saul Alinsky crapy for ages, and now that some amoral opposition do it you guys cry hypocrisy. Personally I think it is wrong, but I have no sympathy with you progressive faggots. You made this mess.
I think you missed my point there
> randoms making absurd gas chamber jokes is the same as a known comedian promoting a realistic beheading stunt of the president
3/10 made me reply
You know the progressives are hated when they support a man like Trump. Wake up you guys, you lost to a faggot.
when Sup Forums makes holocaust memes it's done anonymously for a reason
I don't think anyone on here was actually offended by Griffin's head photo op. We just know how to play the game and show the world how hypocritical the rabid left really is.
Feeling a impotent today, Mr. Canlimpdick?
>hillary clinton suck the ass of saudi arabia, trump not support the terrorist
>Words are just as damaging as supersonic bullets
And you should've changed your flag to commie before LARPing faggot. Besmirch their name at every opportunity.
Yeah, i didn't get this shit at all.
I believe whats-her-name is pretty dumb for doing the severed head shoot, especially as she got so shocked at the backlash - like what the fuck did you think was going to happen you dumb bitch?
But it's free speech nevertheless, that's how it works and i'm fine with that.
Lol the people here are just as stupid as people on the other side of the political spectrum, nobody has the capability to see contradictions in their political views. It's one of my favorite things about Sup Forums is how unaware a large portion of the user base actually is
>clinton is a pro kike and suck the dick of bibi, trump is politically incorrect
>Anonymous posts should be taken seriously and literally
Speech is free but you might have to pay. Dude from Duck Dynasty was free to say faggotry is disgusting but he still got fired
>implying pol is one person
>implying ive ever larped as some edgy hitler wannabe
You are mostly right. The difference is it is funny over here, and there is shit talked about here that is not talked about elsewhere.
That's not a double standard.
We're right and you're wrong. Leftists are mentally ill and need to be put down like communist dogs.
Honestly, I don't care about the beheading pic. Or the play for that matter. They can do whatever the fuck they want. It is a problem, though, when people call for the assassination of the president. Unlike those providing a portrayal, they're actively calling for violence.
>thinking you can hold the right up to your standards but not live up to them yourselves and cry about it when someone points out your hypocrisy
Wew lad, there's a reason you're a leftist
>implying trump-kin care about hypocrisy
Its pathetic when trump supporters try to say he is an antisemite. They also defend him selling weapons to a sharia state and then insult others by calling them sharia blue. The users of this board are seriously retarded.
Those pulling the strings have learned this. They are no longer trying to control the content, but instead are controlling the context of everything. That way people feel free in the soft tyranny they are completely unaware of.
It was a prank!
Seriously though, do these shills have NOTHING better to do with their time? At least the rest of us engage in meaningful political conversation, or shitpost for entertainment. You all are just a bunch of spiteful cunts who post here specifically in hopes to derail the board. You could be doing something meaningful, or something enjoyable, but you resort to this because you're too prideful to suck it up and move on. The election was over 6 months ago. We dealt with 8 years of Obama, you can deal with 4 years of Trump.
>When the doctor prescribes more liberty
It's a pretty bad sign when you can simply point at an entire state to objectively btfo republican rhetoric. All conservashits can do is point at states like California and delusionally state how "horrible" the state is or repeat muh Detroit muggafucka over and over again. You could debate what you like or dislike about California, but Kansas is an objective trainwreck by any measure. It's one of the few states that literally gives away free land now because nobody wants to fucking live there.
Nobody here has tried to justify him selling weapons to them. Similarly, nobody here believes he's an antisemite. We acknowledge his faults. You're living within a delusion if you believe what you've said.
>It's called holding the enemy to their own rules. Taking the moral high ground is for losers.
this seems up virtually every post here. zero logic or moral consistency. you can always, always just claim that "the left started it" or "i'm just giving them a taste of their own medicine". that can always be claimed and it can never be checked. it's either always true or always false. and of course there's always le irony, sarcasm and layers. a million ways to get out of having to explain yourself when someone contradicts you
i hope that none of you have become conditioned enough to actually try any of that stuff out in the real world. because it would have zero effect except for making people hate you. nobody respects a guy who rants and raves in a serious tone and then when he gets BTFO says "lolz i was kiddin' bout that part"
>one of the few
And what color are the other states, I wonder? I'm joking, because you lied to begin with. No state gives out free land.
Kansas is shit because Kansas is shit. The politics are mostly irrelevant. The location sucks ass.
We are not the ones saying that insensitive things should be banned, but since the left believes that, we hold them to that standard.
Ive seen them do both. You people are terrible liars just like the man you support.
Yeah I agree - reddit/r/politics is the worst echo chamber I've ever seen in my entire life honestly. The upvote/downvote system is so skewed to provide only consenting opinions even when that wasn't the initial intention of the system. At least on Sup Forums and all of Sup Forums anyone can voice their opinion and regardless of what it is you have to read it if you're reading the thread.
>Lefties are pieces of shit and need to die
>Lefties do shit to demonstrate that they are pieces of shit and need to die
? What exactly is hard to understand.
I'm not a lefty and i'm not a righty and hypocrisy is rank on both sides. However, the right wingers are often more guilty
Yeah man. The future does not look too bright. I do not know where the human race is heading, but I do not get good feelings about it.
>moral consistency
The crowd that supports feminism and islam has no room to complain about moral consistency
>that can always be claimed and it can never be checked
Except it literally can. Stop pretending the left hasn't been trying to shut people down for years
>At least the rest of us engage in meaningful political conversation, or shitpost for entertainment
leftists are not allowed to shit post or have a sense of humor.
The difference is we're not serious, they are - that's dangerous.
White Power! Kill the Democrats!
My state is based af muthafucka. There's cheap land, tons of Aryan farm girls. life's pretty good. hopefully the christfaggotry will end and we can go full romano paganism in my lifetime
Yeah, I wish countries like Russia weren't such shit holes I'd like to move out of the states if they continue to degrade like we've seen for the past 20 years. I'm more worried about the backlash that is bound to happen once trumps presidency is over... I really think that we're going to see the most liberal candidate ever elected in all of congress and the white house.
someone make more of these
A Super Mario Bros flag?
That's politics. Everyone does it, except for cuckservatives (which is why they lose).
Sup Forumstards are Zionists.
>4 years