Can we have a lib comics thread? All depictions of degeneracy and derangement welcome.
Can we have a lib comics thread? All depictions of degeneracy and derangement welcome
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dump time for the uninitiated
the faces in this comic are unbelievable.
That's dumb logic. I mean all of these are stupid, but mental illness hasn't ever been an excuse for not taking an exam unless they're so far gone they're committed.
and this experience
finishing with sadness
New law: all non-passable trannies should be shot.
are edits ok?
Holy kek I can't make it through that. I can't tell if someone is trolling cucks or if it's really written by one.
jesus christ, he's delusional
Define passable. There's always a tell.
>NuMale :Be careful when researching this kink: some incorporate racist elements into their scenario
I refuse to believe this is real.
Sup Forums btfo
And to think you can now get your kid taken away in Ontario if you don't think these people are sane....
Low Standard Test: Average girl not weirded out when they use female rest room.
Higher standard Test: Could fool you during a short encounter;
Alternative: You briefly consider fucking them
>Pick your level of standard
Don't be so sure you can always tell friend. I knew a tranny that pulled straight men all the time. Most went through with it.
And passable.
No exemption from the degeneracy purge
Wait a minute. How is it possible for two males to have a child?
I'm from NYC, and I heard about this rich gay couple that wanted a kid. They mixed their sperm together (to make it random), inseminated an egg they purchased from a smart and successful Harvard-educated egg donor, and placed the egg in a Midwestern woman as a surrogate.
But that still requires sperm and an egg. Is it possible to inseminate an egg without cells from another egg? Did I miss the news on some breakthrough? I'm legit confused.
Please don't postthe lasagna one.
i thought it was legit up to the third panel
postthe lasagna one.
The voice can be the tell.
Also your friends are gay lol. If they weren't hammered they figured it out before they were told/shown a penis and just didn't care.
Wtf is that?
i want newfags to leave
"Dad" is a tranny
That seems incredibly fucked up. Why is that legal?
Tranny makeup should always be a giveaway that it's either a dude or an incredibly ugly and vapid female underneath.
One of the "dads" is a woman dressed up as a man.
hearty kek every time
Where do you live?
I'm in Manhattan. That might be why our views differ so much. They are scary good at it.
Those are legitimate concerns. It's like these people never matured past teenager-hood.
Stop, you're just making this (swe) tranny even more famous. If you don't stop she'll have her own show on state television or become the next culture minister. I beg you
Remember Robot Hugs?
>he doesn't recognize the person in that picture
So, when did you find Sup Forums?
If I weren't so paranoid, I would commission a comic of Stephie getting gelded like a farmyard animal.
A bit of guilty pleasure to balance the pure pathetic cringe
Fucking move out. It's not my fault you stay in that prison of feminist passive aggressive enforcement of conformity.
I'm in Vegas, I've seen insanely good traps. Again, even amazing traps rely on huge amounts of makeup and often act overly feminine to compensate. Where are they hanging out? Who are they with? Are they a 10/10 alone? Whore or trap/whore. You have to take everything into account. Asians are really good at it.
Based demon
Can you provide a reason it shouldn't be?
Besides that you don't like it?
The delusion in this one is astounding.
Not really. It seems unnatural. I'm pretty sure a lot of governments don't allow it, so I wonder why it's legal here.
Here's a spic I know who is a real women with a twat and does the tranny makeup anyway (because she's an ugly, fat, mestizo otherwise)
Ok, yeah you definitely know your shit then. I thought maybe you were in Alabama and were talking about a truck driver in a wig.
Yeah, I'll concede all your points then, except I don't think most people are as observant as you (or honest with themselves). I can't prove that they didn't know at the time, and they'd never admit it anyway.
But passable traps really don't bother me that much. If all trannies were passable I doubt many people would give a shit.
So the balls are removed. Does that mean it would not be gay to fuck it?
The freedoms we enjoy come at the expense of others enjoying theirs basically.
This. Even if the trap is passable, them acting overly feminine is usually the sign of a trap.
There is another comic where he cuts up his dress, but the bug has been edited to be Jesus and it says Bible quotes.
Yeah. I'd false positive that as a tranny.
DAR made me realize that even in my degenerate phase, that lesbians are just women and that women don't know what they want.
Fek that's awful. That's my point, you should avoid tranny makeup regardless.
I feel like I'm making myself retarded reading these.
This could be an original.
>it's like these people never matured past their teens
You shouldn't use metaphor to describe things exactly as they are.
I wasn't observant until I moved here and spent a years working in the tourist industry, so yeah most people probably just glaze over the signs. I got to where I could almost always predict the conversation I'd have with people, what their jokes would be, where they were from, etc as they were approaching.
I like how inane trans comics are
Hahahaha I just found this one
>But passable traps really don't bother me that much. If all trannies were passable I doubt many people would give a shit.
Same. I still find it degenerate, but I'm fine with passable ones just living their lives and not making scenes.
Actually including the word "like" would make it a simile.
Because it is absolutely degenerate.
Same with any of the LGBTetc. Don't disrupt the lives of other people and we won't have reason to hate your bullshit.
Last one, before she found her "style"
>sexually harassed
>told I'm not a real woman
One of these things is not like the other
you learned that from propaganda on Sup Forums 100%
quit letting people spoonfeed you bullshit
My identity is african frog jew from space. I come from a race of ancient aliens that helped build the pyramids.
Jesus fuck I'm retarded, I've been reading these comics from right to left because of all the manga.
Wow. Hispanics are possibly the worst with makeup. It's practically tradition to wear tranny makeup.
> deadlift curls
I don't see the point in being "trans" if you're not going to do full on hormone treatments, surgery, change your sex on your license and whatever else.
Yeah because shitty magazines sold in grocery stores are much more open minded than an industry built by leftists.
Should've taken out the son first.
These are really bad
the artist clearly hasn't been allowed around real children for quite a while
But that's not how comic history happened at all! Fucking Dobbson and his virtue signaling
This actually made me shudder