/goy/ will defend the usury bankster system of perpetual indebtedness to nonexistent money
...because they're inured goyim, forever locked in the yoke of the denial of their own servitude
>prove me wrong
>you cunt
/goy/ will defend the usury bankster system of perpetual indebtedness to nonexistent money
...because they're inured goyim, forever locked in the yoke of the denial of their own servitude
>prove me wrong
>you cunt
Money is worth something because enough believe believe it is.
This isn't hard to understand.
>daily prayers
brilliant brainwashing really
>borrow/use something valuable from someone else
>get upset when they demand equal value in return at some point in the future
I don't borrow money.
you propagate the system (judging by your post- unknowingly) becuase you're a wonderful goyim
I don't think you seem to understand.
>Borrow 1000 dollars.
>Buy your things.
>go to pay back 1000 dollars.
>"lol, goiym, you need to pay us 1000 dollars and 500 dollars extra in interest! *rubs hands*"
>equal value
get fucked kike.
islamic bank is best
So your solution is to become a worthless NEET, bitter about your student loan, envious of those with wealth? Fuck that. Work diligently, pay with cash, and invest.
>tfw Abdul has a point because literally anything is better than being a slave to kikes
It's not really Brainwashing, everyone knows that money is truly worth nothing, they just all collectively agree that it's valuable, but anyone can choose to refuse this.
This is money. Its real with thousands of years of history as an item of value
Currency tokens come and go. This bad boy right here is eternal.
>magic is real
it's brainwashing and you're the finest slave.
>student loan
no, I'm smart
Reason why money has value is because it's a physical form of an otherwise unreal method of wealth.
Used to be bartering back in the day, a man with chickens would trade with a man who has wheat, but there were people out there who didn't -have- a profession. So money was formed in place as a form of way for them to pay for goods they need (such as bread) but do not have their own goods to provide.
But things such as interest, is bullshit.
Interest is literally made up in thin air, i'm sure there's some bollocks story behind it but if someone loans you money, then you pay back that said amount of money. Simple.
Interest is just extra demand added on, and has no purpose.
The same goes for bailiffs who come and take your belongings if you cannot pay taxes/bills, they don't actually take objects of exact wealth, they just take what they can and auction it, usually for far less than said object is worth, thus you're getting kiked out for your hard work if you end up in this interest based debt system.
Debt isn't the issue, it's people falling for taking out loans and getting caught in the interest debt trap.
NEVER take out a loan.
Just work, just save, just think and spend smart.
From all places on the internet, you came to reveal the Jew trick on Sup Forums?
Literally all progress is based off of this.
I'm sure you do your banking at a Sharia-compliant bank, right, Ahmed?
Magic is real but fiat currency isn't money.
Islam and natsoc both reject usury. Central banks are the mark of the jew.this is why hitler had to go. This is why gaddafis libya had to be destroyed. This is why Assad is being attacked. This is why Iran is being demonized.
"All progress"
Right. So I borrow 10 pounds.
I get an interest of 5.
I pay back 15 pounds.
That 5 pounds needs to come from somewhere, aka - my work.
That money given to me, is paid by my employer.
my employer gets my pay by selling product.
Their product is bought by someone who can't afford it, so they took out a loan.
the loan is built and depends on made up make-believe interest money.
People are literally buying real, physical goods for IOU loan money
and it's being paid back with IOU loan money.
Seriously, interest is a scam.
>equal value in return
>clearly and unashamedly failing to grasp the facile notion of usury lending
>still posting irrespective
>NEVER take out a loan.
This. Problem is most people live paycheck to paycheck and live way above their means. But they sure looked cool at the stoplight in their new car that's got a $750 payment for the next 6 years.
heh pal nothing wrong with a little usury and debt slavery at least I'm not a RACIST like you.
Usury was banned in Europe prior to the Reformation.
>Convert my (((money))) to real assets. That's all one can do, and who knows whether that will be enough.
Money is worth someone because the government demands that you give it to them.
Money is the only thing they will take.
It's the same mechanic behind gold. Gold is not important in Japanese society because there wasn't enough gold for it to be reasonably demanded. Copper on the other hand has more significance.
Why would anyone loan anyone money if there's nothing to gain?
actually, the only kebab piece of jurisprudence IS it's anti-usury stance
...whether that's just a product of kike hate -- or an actual tenet rooted in it's fairy tale fiction -- I'm uncertain at this point
because people are morons, and are impatient. Instead of working and saving up money they just get themselves in debt, making bankers absurdly rich because noone knows how to properly manage their money.
>Problem is most people live paycheck to paycheck and live way above their means.
that's not the problem -- that's the SYMPTOM
the problem is M A T E R I A L I S M
is that picture a troll?
that picture's a troll isn't it.
>...that's worthwhile
>i̶t̶'s̶ its
Christianity also rejects christianity but christianity has been cucked. Orthodox Russia is the only christian country that gives me hope.
Were not talking about taking out a loan to build a swimming pool. We're talking about loans to build factories and things like that. So if you have an idea and want to build a factory you should save up the 250 million dollars?
four(4) trolls, actually
We get that just fine, but if you really want to nitpick debt doesn't have to exist, people simply decide to accept it. People just decide to accept a clique of lenders gaining more and more power over real assets by simply manipulating money. They didn't manufacture a product, or built an industry, or managed a factory, discover a device or idea, they contributed nothing and will soon own everything.
>Christianity also rejects christianity
Derp i meant usury
That's a better way of putting it. Idiots want everything right away in a futile attempt to impress strangers and appear well off. Millionaires don't spend $50k on a new truck and $150 for a pair of jeans, broke poor people do that.
>negotiate a shitty interest rate
>it's the jews' faults
wokka wokka
Currency is a prerequisite for complex commercial transactions. Such transactions are why you (even if you are the poorest motherfucking in the U.S., are still wealthier that 99% of all prior generations).
1. Value: money does have value - the value is what its sponsor government forces others to recognize it as. If a vendor refuses to accept cash, you can literally call the police who will force them to accept it. Yes currencies "value" rises and drops because it is traded on an open market -- but in the most basic sense, people trading in money are trading on the soundness/ability of the sponsor country.
2. Jews did not invent money, the ancient Greeks did.
3. Debt predates currency.
Ofcourse I wouldnt expect anything more from some asshat who posts under the communist flag. Read some goddamn economics, or alternative watch Milton Freedman videos on youtube.
Then that's risk taking.
You only do it if you know there's a damand and you know you'll make sales.
Otherwise every fucking nigger would be out there making a t-shirt line and hoping to make money.
There needs to be demand, in order to get the loan to make the supply.
Paying back that debt with interest on businesses is dumb, because they're effectively leeching off of your profits.
As I said, all interest is scum.
>negotiate ANY interest rate
Also people bitching about interest... there is a cost to getting borrowing shit (i.e. the cost of loaning some retard 50k a year to go to college could be used to invest in a significantly safer investment - interest follows risk) Jesus, take a fucking intro class...
Or perhaps try to be the one who invests/loans money rather than barrows it.
the people loaning don't loan 50k for a student loan, and invest it in something safer instead of handing out money which they don't have?
I mean gee whiz!
Self control! Who'd a thunk?
Where else are you going to get a non-dischargable (i.e. cannot be discharged through bankruptcy) consumer debt that pays such good interest?
Sup Forums was always a Zionist board
$ is backed by 0 currency, therefore, to be paid for employment is to take money from a non-existent supply of currency derived of thin-air, and thus to be paid for employment i'd have to put myself in debt, to pay for the non-existent money i am owed, and using as fiat currency.
I'm not really going to be paid without my payment being backed by no currency, and therefore place me in debt for the money I am owed, whilst taking from a non-existent supply of fiat currency, and putting this fiat into trade; if that is the case, why would I pay taxes?
Why should I?
I'm merely paying for my release from a non-existent debt.
Debt is extremely useful in allowing a business to have certain cash assets on hand to pay bills. Maybe one month a business is tight on cold hard cash and doesn't want to take chances at not being able to cover operating expenses, than taking on short term debt is really the only convenient way to go.
You just don't get a loan. If you cannot afford x don't buy x.
This is why we have a massive generation of entitled kiddies who've gone to university and can't accept what debt and interest rates are.
They've been brought up by fucking boomers and spoilt rotten.
Absolutely. What kind of backwards world do we live in where the religion that does not approve of disrespecting Christ is our "archenemy" while the one that says he's rotting in his shit forever is our "greatest ally"? A world's that been well and thoroughly kiked.
Why oh why oh why couldn't this be the timeline where Shia supplants Sunni Islam as dominant? Sigh.
Precisely WHY we're well and thoroughly kiked.
Of course that's true. Debt shouldn't be eliminated as a concept but you be death with differently. Right now it's not use to manage shortages but to create shortages. When a very wealthy lender "owns" a good portion of the economy it's easy to jack up the prices of a lot of things through various means and force more chumps into his scheme.
leaving this here