Sounds like conservatives are the snowflakes but ok

facebook com/groups/conservativesnowflakes/

Literal goldmine of SJW regressive left weirdos. They're currently arguing among themselves about letting their dating partners know if theyre trans or not (hint, they already know).

Will be dumping screenshots of this hilarious train wreck of a group.



post moar fgt






heres a list of the (((mods))) yeah the main admin is actually a self-proclaimed jew


>these people need a free chopper ride

the post that started it all

Facebook was a mistake.



OP please tell me all of this is fake or satire. I've never actually seen a leftist group like this, only the parodies Sup Forums does when they make fun of them but this is just insanely eye opening. It's somehow worse than anything we even come up with to insult them.

It's funny how my views haven't changed since I've been in middles school, but somehow I'm considered a Conservative for disagreeing with these people.

I swear, these people polarize support away until nothing is left but hate and discrimination

this is all real.

If you want to reason with them, you have to think like them. Say you need to know because your "just OCD like that". They'll take you seriously either because of the lingo, or because you are now suffering from something. Easy.

>this is on a Libertarian page

forgot to post this gem

Concussion from a hammer and decapitated by a sickle

heh nothing personnel cis white boys