Do you think tay is a republican?

what is taylor swift's politics?

She's clearly a pessimist. Interpret that with whimsy.

wasnt there some whining about her not supporting the women's march and killary etc?

Yes, the sisterhood was pissed she didn't choose a side, particularly on election day when she posted a pic voting but didn't give it the ol' #imwithher which clearly meant she was waiting for the pussygrab of life.

I'd grab her pussy for sure.

Well you can always settle for KP, a leader of the imwithher brigade who is currently having a public breakdown as Tay undercuts her album release...

She's not really my type but I respect the legs

God I hope so.

She likes black cock and jews if that tells you anything.

She's a whore who's with a new guy every week.

I will never understand Sup Forums's obsession with this girl.

Tay is /our girl/

>dem trap legs

Fuck you kike

It's not a lie. Look on google images. Sorry to expose your queen cuck

What did she mean by this?

There is no doubt that Taylor browses Sup Forums. She's probably a moderate/"conservative"

Her ass itched?

I wish she had a penis. I'd be her lesbian trap wife

No I don't care if it's gay

stacies are apolitical untill they hit the wall and become marxist.

Not for nothing but she does seem to be pretty dumb and illiterate when it comes to matters pertaining to politics. If she would have supported somebody openly, she would be grilled on why, which would lay bare her intellectual ineptitude. Nowhere in her lyrics or music is it made obvious that she is a serious student of art, poetry or the great historical movements of mankind. She's just another stage managed dumb blonde. Get over it.

had to fart


Why would that even be important?

Because she's a goddess

To make money.

"Not for nothing" is something stupid people of the subliterate type say, as is wanting celebrities to openly discuss their politics.


obviously. everyone in hollywood and the music scene is vehemently outspoken democrat shit, the fact shes always quiet and has never shilled against trump even once should be evidence enough

basically shes a normal person like you and me who isnt a militant leftist like 99% of the music industry (country music excluded of course)

You'll never spread your seed in her, would be better to aspire for something more realistic and stop this worshipping nonsense

Considering shes an oldfag, she's probably altright

She's not a rain lib, and that's good enough

why live?

Liberal coalburner. So many pictures of her with niggers. Sup Forums will somehow always deny this or defend this. The moment she got snapped kissing that fucking nigger was when I stopped giving a shit about her. DISGUSTING WHORE

Most good Tennessee white country girls voted for Trump so it's likely.

It's double likely because Karlie Kloss is Ivanka's sister in law.

She's from PA, but otherwise agreed.

post em, yiffee!

>Not my type.

Cuck confirmed

No one at that table but the man is holding their chopsticks right.

Women are dumb.

>reddit spacing

She's carrying a dragon??


Back the fuck off nigs and juden.

Is that a /raretay/

I've got pictures of her giving oral sex, to a white man.

She's definelty a libertarian type who usually voted republican because 1. She played at the 2008 republican national convention and 2. She literally wrote "republicans do it better" on her MySpace

It's all yours


>what is taylor swift's politics?
take all the white semen she can and deposite it inside her Karlie Kloss


>says the redneck with a flag used by inbreds who more often than not appear to have been unable to finish high-school

How does that in any way rebuke my initial points?

1. She seems to be pretty dumb and illiterate when it comes to matters pertaining to politics, If she would have supported somebody openly, she would be grilled on why, which would lay bare her intellectual ineptitude.

2. Nowhere in her lyrics or music is it made obvious that she is a serious student of art, poetry or the great historical movements of mankind.

The Machiavellian Aryan Goddess

So, what's your favorite song?

Mine is Mary's Song

>what is taylor swift's politics?


>rich celeb
I think you're probably better off not knowing.

>calls into question the intelligence of others
>doesn't know how to reference another post on a forum successfully navigated by idiots from across the globe
>references own post


you mean this woman?


she hasn't criticized or demonized trump 24/7, at least she isn't a disrespectful asshole, that's for sure

I also like that she has gone down this path of self-improvement.

shes Kekistani

You still can't adress the point, so should I call on mommy to tuck you in now? Assuming you're a boy, I will give my friend Mike "Shock the gay away" Pence a ring and have him send you to a nice little restreat for "misguided" kids.

I hate how whorish Tay tay has become. I remember hearing her first songs "Tim McGraw" and "Teardrops on my Guitar", then "Love Story" and "You Belong with Me." Very dreamy, innocent, feminine ballads. Then the other day I heard "22" and "Shake it Off" on the radio and died a little inside.

How could she go from a pure, white country balladeer to a degenerate nigger-imitating whore?

From Romeo and Juliet to "22, ooh-ooh, yeah, yeah, yeah, You look like bad news, I gotta have you"

Fucking roastie whore.


I should add that I went to a very moral, Christian high school from 2008-2012 and every girl there worshipped her. Just to think of those sweet, innocent girls """evolving""" with Taylor to corrupt themselves and fit the modern world makes me want to puke.

>I'd grab her pussy for sure.
Show some respect.

she's much less degenerate than her peers tho...

>What did she mean by this?
That's not exactly explicit. I'm sure I look for more graphic when I'm just scratching my ass.

I'd brush her hair over her ear and kiss her

>I wish she had a penis. I'd be her lesbian trap wife

No you idiots she's probably a huge hillary supporter she just remains apolitical so as not to upset any of her fans who are trump supporters to retain her pop all inclusive image

Maybe, but there's no way she's stupid enough to expose herself the way that fake quote in the picture would expose her.

If she understands us, and understands our enemy, she knows she can do so much more for our people by keeping her head down and her mouth shut, and just chipping away at the brainwashing. That might be just what she is doing.

She farted.

>I've got pictures of her giving oral sex, to a white man.
Sure, sure. Give me a pic of your mom and I'll produce a similar image of her having sex with anyone you want me to.

>take all the white semen she can and deposite it inside her Karlie Kloss
Incinerate yourself, faggot.

Anyone else think she looks like a nerd? I mean shes attractive, but still.

Fuck she is disgusting. I hate this crooked bitch more every time I see her.

When is Trump going to lock her up.

back to Sup Forums

She is Muslim

I saw Perryshill on a David Blaine special. They were on a rooftop, and she struck me as vaguely alien and came off like the stupid cunt she surely is.
Blaine impressed me very much, but I would have enjoyed the special more if, for a trick, he had thrown the fucking cunt off the roof and she landed on a kike.

(((Alison Brie)))

>Anyone else think she looks like a nerd? I mean shes attractive, but still.
Yeah, but it's not necessarily a bad thing.

I mean she's a btard so she's some amount of nerd

yes, I am going to open carry on our date to applebee's.

Hey Taylor, You're so pretty!

She is redpilled and smart enough to go with the trend and have a profitable singer career. Voted for Trump and is a Sup Forumsack.

She's Lena Dunham Best girlfriend, she's a degenerate

faggot cocksucker


now thats a good jewess

>5'11 and always wearing platform shoes

Fucking thot watchtowers

She farted on her hand. Probably nonchalantly sniffed her finger too.

she visits Sup Forums

she's one of us!

Being perfect

Jerk it off

>I'd grab her pussy for sure.

conservative leaning democrat (parents are either republicans or reagan democrats)

probably voted for hillary and obongo though

I hear she's fully T3 redpilled and named the Jew.

Fucking nigger nothing like my mexican girls

This is a vulgar post. Delete it, please.


t. someone who has used that technique to silence a fart before