why doesn't Sup Forums know about Mike Savage?
Why doesn't Sup Forums know about Mike Savage?
he's a total putz most of the time
how so? I think hes a loudmouth but he speak alot of truth...something about him unsettles me, but I dont know what exactly
he's cool. the way he interacts with his guests is hilariously unpredictable.
There were multiple posts and threads about him all through the election. What led you to your conclusion?
fucking waste, sorry lads.
A kike with something to sell big deal
I like him. He has talked about the Rothschilds banking dynasty and also the fact that 90% of our media is controlled by 6 corporations. He's pretty redpilled.
Razenberg, Katzenburg, and Schmatzenberg. He knows who's behind it all.
I like him.
>Borders, language and culture.
>Knowledgeable about history
>Knowledgeable about higher art (namely literature)
>Has vast life experience
>Isn't a partisan shill
>Paleo conservative
Unlike most political show, young men can actually learn something from listening to the Savage Nation.
He seems like a typical Sup Forumsack to me. He was the first major media figure to support Trump and promote him, and it can't be underestimated how much he was responsible for Trump's rise.
I enjoy listening to him.
>the only man who has gotten away using judenrats about degenerates
He is on the right track that listeners dont want to listen about dems/repubs all day. Not a fan when he talks about some restaraunts, but when he is yelling at Teddy it makes my day
He is not one of us
(((Savage))) is not bad but sometimes hates on Trump for really minor random stuff. "He need stop tweeting! No one uses Twitter!!!"
I also remember him going on a 15+ minute rant about Jewish talismans and other Jew magic. Couldn't stop yelling Sup Forums memes about Jews at the radio while this stupid rant was occurring.
Read my mind
>it's a michael weiner thread
Well, you fags tell me what legitimate media personality is closer to the redpill than him. No e-celebs.
Serious question. I've listened to Savage for close to 20 years.
When Savage gets off politics and into life stories that's when the magic happens .
>Dead man's pants
Takes you back to a world in which America was strong and immigrants worked their asses off to fit in and adopt the culture.
I remember that. Got on my nerves. I had a Judaism orgasm when that frummy called in and say the Hebrew word for mouth (peh) and mila have the same gematria (of 85)
Still a jew.
I've listened to him about 5 years. I'm not saying he's not way more aware then most. He's right about a lot of shit. But sometimes he goes full Jew and it's just cringy.
He's a slimy, book peddling Jew that will turn Zionist the moment his leash is tugged. At one time he kept calling Mahmoud Ahmadinejad the Hitler of our time, and openly attacked Ron Paul when he was a presidential candidate:
Sometimes you have to look through the flag and at the quality of the post.
I've turned him off more than once. When he starts reading the Bible I tune out.
I've listened to him for years. He's entertaining. I like that he get's away from politics, and just goes off. I remember he spent 30 minutes just talking about old Jewish women, stealing/stuffing their pockets and purses with food from buffet style restaurants in Florida. I don't want to hear about dems vs repubs all the time.
It's like 1.5 hours of political content and 1.5 hours of 'slide' shit that people bitch about, but is very entertaining. Like Sup Forums.
This is the first guy I every heard mention the term culture war. And also harped on and on about "borders, language & culture" for years, maybe a decade before anyone else publicly notable.
Fuck off boomer cuck
You are not welcomed here
Jared Taylor is 100x better
and his following isn't a bunch of old boomer fucks
>Implying I'm a boomer
>Implying I didn't start listening in Middle School
>Implying I'm even American.
I haven't watched Jared Taylor, isn't he referenced in the Murdoch Cracker Barrel video? I'll watch. I'm not against e-celebs, but they don't have multiple millions of listeners/watchers like old media still does.
you mean michael Weinstein?
I want to believe the guy is sincere, he says and alludes to some pretty red pilled stuff. And he is pretty entertaining. There are much worse conservative radio guys. Savage is banned from England lmao.
poor Michael savage you could hear the sadness in his voice
; ;
this disgusting abomination is correct.
He goes as close to naming the Jew as you can possibly get. If he ever went any further he'd be taken off air immediately
I know that his son made Rockstar Energy drink
The truth was spoken
One can not control who Kek chooses and when they will be chosen.
Checked. Quads deserve a better quip though.
He has a Jew pass too. Like I told the user earlier, this is a good metaphor to our new flags. Sometimes you have to look past the label to find the good.
Oh shut it off Robert, I'm in no mood today, WAKE UP PEOPLE, AMERICA IS UNDER SIEGE FROM THE SUBHUMAN DEGENERATES. I can imagine them, those dirty, pot smoking hedonists and their enabler, "you know who" lawyers. Oh don't give me that, those hatzenburgs, ratzenburgs, katzenburgs in New York and San Francisco.
>Swiss America ad plays
For the majority, he airs around their bedtime. That's why.
Spot on.
Love you Mike!
I know that feeling. I don't know what it is either. You hit the nail on the head.
Other than the fact the man's a zionist who's only remotely identifiable out of self interest. He's not a man of ideology, or integrity. He's in it for what suits him- is the impression that I get. I mean, fair enough. Can't fault him for taking care of his own.
That's a work of art. Truly captured the essence.
Well, I take that back he does have some integrity
lmao good impression
I like him and he's amusing to listen to but when he kicks off about israel he becomes insufferable
you have to be able to identify the motivations behind what he's saying, which isn't all that hard (same with folks like Levin who I stopped listening to a long while ago)
He was a pretty big proponent of Trump early on and I think had him on air too
I like him. But he can be annoying when talks about his dog or boats
He's really all over the place on Israel t b h, I remember hearing him go off on Jews for thinking the US has to protect Israel or even going as far as calling out Judaism but then he'll go off on that Israel has a right to exist and to take out the hajis attacking them. Really hard to pin him down on where he really stands on the subject
I like Savage. He one of the best guys in radio. Honorary Aryan if I've ever seen one.
I listen everyday. Gotta hear about what the deli man Chuck Schumer is up to.
We do, we just don't like him. He sounds like John Lovitz.
I think the "US doesn't have to protect Israel" is hyperinflated pride if anything, while also taking shots at more internationally focused Jews
It iiis the Savage Nation and it's another Rock n' Roll Friday and I- turn off the music TURN IT OFF. I can't take this anymore. You'll have to excuse me I went to my usual Italian place in North Beach and I ordered- I ordered a vodka martini and a dry beer. That's it. A martini and a beer and I've got a hangover. I can't do it any more. But I turned and I looked at Teddy and he, haha, he gave me this look and I decided I had to do the show.
So what do we have to talk about today? We could talk about the shchmendrick in the White House. We could talk about my new book. We could talk about the scum and the degenerates in Hollywood pumping out their filth. (((Ratzenberg))) (((Katzenberg))) (((Schmatzenberg))) and (((Spielberg))).
Ugh, my G-d I can't do this. Turn up the music OKAY TURN IT OFF. All the lines are lit up, so please feel free to call in on any of these topics. Please call.
Last time I heard him talking about our relationship with Israel, he was saying let them go. That the state was a noble idea but it hasn't made the region any safer. This was sometime during the election last year.
He seems to support their right to exist but not the US fighting for them.
lol this is p good
Dammit, you guys are so good at this. I'm dying.
>Nate from Eugene, Oregon, you're on the air
>Uhhh hey Doctor Savage, long time listener here
Thanks for trying though
Fuck Ron Paul, thanks for the Ron Paul bashing vid, will use it to rape pill people
He's the biggest faggot who's ever lived.
Or meatballs. (((Levin))) hits him with that pretty much everyday. I don't even understand their beef. No pun intended.
is that why ur old man is such a big fan?
hahaha ur dad is a massive woofter
Levin is a dyed in the wool republican.
>why doesn't Sup Forums know about Mike Savage?
Oh, we know about (((Mike Savage))).
Rush. Still the best.
Well, that goes without saying.
It was hilarious when Savage named the Jew after the Syria strike.
Wow, lot of fucking faggot numales in here. If you really are red-pilled, you're part of the Savage Nation.
Love Savage, he's probably at his best when he gets away from every day politics and tells stories.
leading up to the election i really thought he had lost a step. not in terms of hamming it up for the radio, or even his actual beliefs. i felt he was slipping mentally and i heard it in his message.
rush is still #1. it's hard to explain how strong rush is. there's a reason he is where is he, yet Sup Forums mentions savage way more often. in a decade i dont think i've seen more than a handful of rush threads and im serious/
rush > savage > jones > youtubers
Rush is Facebook to Savage's Sup Forums. That's the difference. Rush is top of the heap, but look at where Alexa ranks us. People are hungry for unfiltered truth.
>*Master Of Puppets playing*
>Welcome to the Savage Natio-TURN IT OFF!! TURN THE MUSIC OFF!!!!!
>Anyway, I was on my way to my favorite little Italian restaurant on the water when I saw a degenerate marxist feminist ride her bike past me with blue hair. I couldn't even enjoy my spaghetti and meatballs after that, and it wasn't because the meatballs aren't as big as they used to be...its just..I don't know I'm in a bad mood. I had two vodka martinis now I have a headache
>But the craziest thing happened to me while I was eating there, Teddy was sitting there and he gave me this look haha and I knew I had to do the show today.....but he's really quite traumitized after getting kicked the poor thing ....he's still afraid of feet can you believe that? but my lawyer is dealing with it.....I wonder if you can sue for the emotional trauma of a dog?? Anyway, I was eating my meatballs and the crown on my tooth popped out, does this dentist have any idea what he's doing? ITS THE THIRD TIME THIS WEEK. I'm chewing this meatball and I'm thinking "Wait a minute, there is nothing hard in meatballs". Sure enough I spit it out and there it is.
>Let's go to the calls.....oh dear looks like we have no time left in the hour. Be here or be nowhere.
>Swiss America ad
He's a pretty smart, whiny, attention whore.
Rush is somewhat better.
Alex is currently the best, but no where near as good as he used to be.
it's not about a filter. rush is a foundation and he's a foundation every day. believe me - savage would salute him just the same. show format, audience size, whatever. rush is your favorite commentators favorite commentator
I like Rush's philosophy, but he's just not that interesting and engaging on the radio though.
Mike Savage goes into history, religion, philosophy, and many other different subjects and knows how to tie them together.
Here ya go, I posted this in another thread. I've been a Rush listener for a long time.
He supports Israel as a nation but doesn't want the US to be funneling them the insane amounts of money as they do. How is that hypocritical? You can support Israel without being a complete ZOG bootlicker
not savage enough tbqh
robin HOO HOO
Kek, that was my old shitposting ground in the '90s.
Listen to everything you can find by William Cooper
It's a way to calibrate the bullshit meter.
Listen to all the pundits, who dont annoy the fuk out of you, but prove what they say is true.
Trust but verify.
Pretty good, la.
bro i am 38 years old i understand the whole thing. rush has been the same guy forever though and has always been the benchmark of broadcasting success even to the point where "conservative" hosts have tried to mimic his voice and delivery. he needs to be saluted. savage is incredibly strong as is jones but jones has his own brand and savage isn't does too.
it's just that Sup Forums has a thousand fucking louder with crowder threads or gavin threads for every rush thread. they just don't have the fundamentals
Boarders. Language. Culture.
>that's all
We need him for
Shoah II: War of the Jews
6,000,000 Kosher Americans
6,000,000 Zionist Terrorists
I'm right there with you, even though you are a year older than me. I guess my whole point is that we've been fighting this fight forever. My parents even explained to me that the Nixon era was the same as this. At some point someone will win, perhaps, but we are locked in eternal struggle between two ideologies. Anyone that tells us that it's different now is a fool who never experienced the same thing, over and over again.
Rush is very talented and entertaining in his own right. Savage has a personality that is very relatable to a lot of people and which expresses their outrage how they would like to themselves.
Rush to me is like an old Boomer spook who wants to regale you with Cold War-era stories about the evils of Communism. Savage is like your tipsy uncle who wants to deliver a fiery sermon while you're eating Thanksgiving dinner with him.
Rush is much more measured while Savage is emotional to the point of sounding unhinged.
The guy is jewish and doesn't like white supremacists. What a shocker.
He's redpilled to the nth degree. Here's what he believes:
1. Jews that control the media are undermining our culture and families
2. We need to close the borders to preserve the republic from invading third world, unintelligent people which is hurting America
3. Marijuana and other drugs are toxic to your mind and body
4. The left is masquerading as centrists when they intend to implement communism
5. The culture has become degenerate
6. The media is corrupt and are hiding the truth from the public to protect the left
He's correct and based. Good guy
>haven't watch Jared Taylor
Go watch Jared Taylor, you fucking loser. He's got, like, 15 years of content out there.
The way Mr. Taylor got redpilled is that he was born in Japan to missionary parents, then went to Africa as a missionary. Being around Japs, he knew that even though he spoke perfect Japanese he still wasn't a Jap. He was still a gaijin. Going to Africa only helped him learn this lesson on ingroup preference.
I'm on it. Thanks.
American Renaissance is his website/Youtube channel, btw. You can find stuff of him on a lot of other channels, though. He's got at least one interview with people like Milennial Woes, Gavin McGinnes, Red Ice, and has spoken at NPI, I believe. Just places to start.
I'll look in to it. I've seen his name many times here.
This isssssss, the savage nation. Robert let the music play, alright turn it off. So it looks like the bums in the media have done it agian, Anderson Stupor and Wolf Blinky Blitzer are covering up for the Seltzer man sanders and his supporters attempting murder. i warned you about this in my book Stop the Coming Civil War. And where is the Trump I elected? oh yeah he's out there giving a vanilla ice cream speech that sean spicers sister probably wrote. but i dont want vanilla ice cream, I WANT ORDER. I WANT THE MEDIA CELENTORATES THAT
ENCOURAGED THIS MAN THROWN IN JAIL. oh i know im not as educated as jake tapwater, i know im just a shock jock with multiple science degrees but I want these rats put away. the savage nation that single handedly elected trump didnt vote him in so these, these... well i cant say its a family show. We did not vote for this violence. WHERE ARE THE POLICE. WHY IS NO ONE STOPPING THE COMMIE ISLAMOFACISTS.
Anyways those are the topics, this is the savage nation be here or be nowhere
*swiss america ad*
Oh you mean Michael Weiner. I know that he was a total liberal back in the day, and threw a big hissy fit when he was passed over for a job at Berkley.