Can any Germans redpill me on the state of Germany?

Yes, we all know that the refugees are criminals, terrorists and unemployed slobs.

But this thread specifically relates to what the German court has done about them.

I remember hearing a story about how a German judge let off a refugee because he engaged in "non-consensual sex" or "consensual rape", something like that.

Any other big stories?
(pic unrelated)

Other urls found in this thread:

she got a feminine penis?

Don't bother. Germany is dead and has been for decades. Real Germans are being rapidly replaced with pseudo-Germans. We need help from the West.

Someone resurrect us.

No, I just found this pic on a Sup Forums creepshot thread.
It's a fat ass, no doubt.


>tfw it's summer now so every girl is dressed like this
It's fucking torture.

How many white babies are born compared to non-white in Germany?

Like it's got to be equal at best, right?

Whats the point of having a fat ass if it doesn't have a cute little cock to go with it?

good god

That flag implies you are a Somalian.
Go hump a hole in the mud, nigger.