It's hard to believe that a supposed "developed country" like the United States of America literally does not have...

It's hard to believe that a supposed "developed country" like the United States of America literally does not have clean running water in populated cities. What is your excuse for this, and how can you claim to not be some disgusting 3rd world shithole when this is what comes out of your citizens' taps?

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Eat lead niggers.

Anybody with money lives in suburbs or the nice parts of LA or NY

Niggervilles are third world cities because we dont give a fuck

They aren't populated areas. They're internment camps for semi-functioning animals. They receive ample care from veterinarians and are fed well balanced diets of watermelons and bananas.

Okemos, MI here. I pay a decent amount in property tax in my middle to upper middle class area to keep my water clean. People in detroit and flint don't pay their shit and get fucked.

The problem is you're comparing Flint to an average American city. Flint is worse than Detroit. Flint is the exception not the rule.

in america even just hanging around at home you get filled with lead

i'm more concerned about their fake foods than water, just by the bottled jew if you can't drink tap water.

No city, town, or backwater village with 5 inhabitants in my country has orange tapwater, it's a developed country. There is clean water everywhere.

>my government can't provide a basic service to large cities but that's ok because its just niggers lol

HOW SHOCKING!!!! Nigs and Democrats who nigs voted for couldn't keep the infrastructure built by white people operating?

Next thing you'll try to tell me is that all the nice infrastructure left behind in Africa by the evil white people no longer functions.

>niggers are too stupid to clean their own water
this shit writes itself, holy fuck

Clean drinking water is slavery.

Look both ways before crossing.

Murica where they BUY WATER in stores and milk/juice comes in PLASTIC JUGS


Flint is full of niggers.

You can't believe we have nigger infested shitholes that for some reason come to resemble africa as the percentage population of niggers increases? What piece are you not seeing? Maybe we can figure it out together.

Not long ago officials were stating its 'terrorism' to even question water quality. Nohomo.

That isn't America, that's this African America, whose denizens you hear so much about.

60% of it?

Yeah they had plenty of clean water until they sabotaged their infrastructure.

>my government can't provide a basic service to large cities but that's ok because its just niggers lol

Yeah basically?

Not having a 300 foot well that brings you up fresh, cold crystal clear water.
Not being able to simply hook the pump circuit up to a generator if the power goes out.
Not being able to fill jugs with it and go to the nearest collage campus and sell it as "organic mineral water" and the gated community daddy's money retards will buy it from you for $10 a gallon and thank you for the privilege.

I can help you fix that user, import a bunch of refugees and pay them welfare for a few decades. Problem solved.

Since you're a moron, I'll explain it to you.

The Flint crisis occurred because dumb new-age politicians trying to save money didn't know how to manage lead pipes. Ancient technology really: You let the pipes scale so they're coated internally with a thin layer of mineral: Your water ends up a little harder, but completely safe to drink.

Then you try to save pennies by not correcting for corroding this layer. The layer disappears, and now water is traveling in contact with corroded lead pipes.

It's functionally impossible to fix at this point, since the only way to rebuild that layer would be to convince the people of Flint to use this water for a few years. You can't get at the water pipes because they've been under buildings and asphalt for years.

The city is literally better off starting over 8 miles down the road: The pipes in Flint will never be good again with today's tech.

Visit the US. It's not hard to believe at all. The wealth gap is staggering. Half the country is eastern europe ppor.

>my government can't provide a basic service to large cities but that's ok because its just niggers lol
only niggers and race traitors live in cities, fuck them

any of you hear the tapes of the mayor? he literally blamed it on niggers not paying taxes.

>>my government can't provide a basic service to large cities but that's ok because its just niggers lol

Delinquent property taxes you dump. Many in Flint a 2+ behind on their taxes.

Ah yes, AJ+/Qatar trying to start civil conflict within the United States, because they know we're going to back Saudi Arabia when push comes to shove.

>how can you claim to not be some disgusting 3rd world shithole when this is what comes out of your citizens' taps?
It's the self-esteem movement.

Niggers don't pay bills or taxes.

THIS. Blame the GOP tools such as "One Tough Nerf" Snyder for using unsound water that destroyed the pipes, all so they could try to privatize the Detroit water department.
You party cuckolds are all responsible.

Niggers are the reason we can't have nice things.

The charade can't last forever

I don't know how this works exactly, but does the state handle local water management or does the state? I would assume it's the local government. So why is everyone bitching at the governor?

Like nigga get a brita lmfao

Yeah, why are democrats so bad at providing public service?

Also consider the Michigan emergency manager law allows the state to take over """"""derelict"""""" localities that made mistakes of working with Wall Street.

you're only made because iceland's water tastes better

Lmfao came here to say exactly that.

I love this place.

The most rustling part is we built it for them. We built them a first world infrastructure complete with instruction manuals and the world's most sophisticated support network, and they STILL manage to absolutely destroy it within a generation.

I grew up in southeast michigan, so idk who they use. In mid michigan we have the boar of water and light which is public owned.

The Globalists use this to filter out all the other junk in the water too.

Okay, so Americans love to just say "niggers lol" to any question like this that focuses on a negative aspect of their country, so if they cause you so much trouble why don't you do something about them?

truly i am blessed

because while you can hid behind a mask, I can see your true nature


1. Download water
2. Evaporate water
3. Sell valuable lead precipitate
4. Profit

i would not even trust bottled water in the US nor even rain-water. there is a mass goy-poisoning operation as they know all the goy are wakinig up to the jew.

that looks like piss

do you understand why the water became that way or do you just assume it has always been that way?

It's because they don't pay their taxes. What do you not understand?

>What is your excuse for this

lazy stupid niggers

This is what happens when you let niggers work at the water processing facility.

Infrastructure is boring and does not get votes, no politicians is interested in spending money on infrastructure projects.

I mean the niggers, why don't you do something about them if they are the source of all the woes of your country?

Didn't this essentially come about in Detroit because the black elected politicians made some really stupid calls in regards to water management?

This is what happens when your democrat district has no rich people to tax and you expect black democrats to pay taxes... there is no tax revenue for your district

>being this classcucked.

good prole.

>why don't you do something

because i personally can't. no one dares to send them back.

I thought the emergency manager was installed by a republican governor.

detroit isn't flint though. I fucking misspoke in my original post like a retard, but does local government handle water issues, or is it the state?

the reason is because niggers would let any infastructure boost fall into absolute detritus in a matter of years.

Niggers have so love for their homes and land, and are only interested in being niggers, they are a waste of an investment.

You could make a futuristic city were they all live in floating pyramids, but they would ruin it all in a matter of years

And what 3rd world shit hole are you from?

The water in Flint was fine when whites were running the city. Niggers take power, whites flee and it turns into Africa.

Niggers don't pay taxes so there's no money to have even basic services like clean water. I don't think people outside the US fully grasp the severity of the nigger problem in places like Detroit and how the vast majority of the population in these areas basically live off the grid other than the welfare they receive. It's a tumor that will grow and grow until it collapses our nation.

Should have been privatized a long time ago. Government run utilities are a fuckin scam.

People who have been fully indoctrinated into American Exceptionalism have exactly one object of shared culture, and that is Exceptionalism. Without an out-group to bitch about, there is literally nothing holding Americans together.
Both Detroit and Flint have been placed under emergency managers by the GOP governor. The local district controls the public infrastructure, but in Detroit's and Flint's case, the governor controls the emergency manager who overrides the local government.

Ask the people of Flint why they choose to drink lead.



Flint problem sucks but It's a shithole and things like that happen in a shithole. Just like high crime and bad education. I wonder what the commonality of these areas...

if you're too afraid to do something about them then don't sit around complaining that they're fucking your country up. one person can do plenty of damage, a group of people can do even more

the 90% white one with clean running water

This desu

It is because we have tons of aging infrastructure that wasn't destroyed in two WWIIs fucktards.

Replacing infrastructure isn't cheap or easy to do.

why dont you bomb your own infrastructure then so you have an excuse to replace it

>Both Detroit and Flint have been placed under emergency managers by the GOP governor. The local district controls the public infrastructure, but in Detroit's and Flint's case, the governor controls the emergency manager who overrides the local government.

so it was under local lib control when the shit became a disaster? people are just pissed at how the GOP gov has handled his response to the local fuck up?

>Replacing infrastructure isn't cheap or easy to do.
Not when you insist on having some private grifter in the way cutting every possible corner and pocketing the difference.

detroit is being depopulated . its not a big deal. they closed down the last grocery store in detroit like 3 or 4 years ago

the city is in a state of disrepair and there is little in the way of employment. people should move to a nicer city like baltimore... hahaHAaHaHahaha

No, they were under the GOP governor's emergency manager's control when Flint changed to river water that corroded the pipes and lost Detroit's water department that major customer.

We're becoming less developed as more shitskins flood into our country. The resources that would have been spent developing, upgrading and maintaining infrastructure have instead been spent on useless brown people.

Okay tough guys, go ahead and try to gut and replace the pumping in your own home.

Protip: It is much easier said then done

Dems like poisoning their constituents with lead. Keeps em stupid and voilent.

Even in areas where the water is "clean" it really isnt. Im not even going to go into stuff like lead and fluoride.

In my area, companies like dupont, have ruined the drinking water. Some years it seems like every other month there was a "do not drink the water" advisory.
They told us our water was "safe" for so long and then the government simply revised the rule book for the "safe levels of c8" and made the "safe level" a little bit lower and threw one of our cities into an instant "don't drink the water" panic.

This infected water is used in businesses to prepare food and drinks, and ice for drinks. Even if you drink bottled water, if you eat out then you will never get away from it.

50 years of democrat control will do that to you.

They already do

Niggers elect who they want to govern them in a democracy. Crazy isn't it?

This is how you control their population. Gods work.


Isn't this whole debacle caused by niggers trying to organize something more complex then a sock drawer?

I'm not complaining because my county/city has great drinking water. I was explaining why flint has shitty water.

it is very easy to do and worth it but a third world shithole would not understand it.

Actuality is 4th world in the third world you tab water is not burning.

Cities can afford employees.
Perhaps you Young Republifats are too dumb to notice that.
>Niggers elect who they want to govern them in a democracy. Crazy isn't it?
>thinks that the system itself is not corrupting
This is an 18+ board.

Reminder that people are being charged over this, because Flint's infrastructure was still full of lead pipes that corroded when the city officials switched their water source.

Flint, MI hasn't had a republican mayor since 1975

Give me the tl;dr

Why did they switch their water source, and how did they not realize the one they were switching to was full of lead?

uh what do you expect water supply is controlled by the government and government institutions employs mostly lazy nigger females looking for a "show-up" paycheck

how do you fix the piping is a majority of the citizens don't pay their taxes

time to blame whitey, and not the black democrats that have been running these cities for decades.

Flint MI is a nigger infested shit hole.

By niggers, for niggers.

Don't blame up, blame the corrupt nigger democrat politicians.

Good, hopefully one count for each citizen that died because of this farce.

I guarantee you that Grosse Pointe's water? Crystal clear....