NO yancucks allowed. Foreigners welcome, feel free to ask questions about what it's like living in the south.
Kershaw County reporting in
NO yancucks allowed. Foreigners welcome, feel free to ask questions about what it's like living in the south.
Kershaw County reporting in
Other urls found in this thread:
Ohio reporting in
You guys lost the war.
They should take down all the monuments.
You need to raise the minimum wage in your states.
Black lives matter.
Multnomah county reporting in
Nice Confederacy you have there. Would be a shame if someone marched through it.
Do white ppl and black ppl get along now?
Why is there a lot of interracial marriages down there?
Why are homes so much cheaper down there?
How do regular people deal with the fucking heat?
Orleans Parish reporting in.
Army of North Virginia. Louisiana Fighting Tigers
jewwood taught me that all southerners are uneducated human garbage white trash. is it true?
Fuck you traitor
This is now a New African Republic thread!
Whats it like living in dixieland. Is it the same as the movies? Dumb fat hicks with guns and beers
>I think we should give the south it's own country after we get all the black and Hispanic people out of there.
>I'd like to see how long you'd survive without the norths natural resources to carry your ass.
This is now a gay thread
Enjoy living in cucked liberal shithole ((("""america""")))
You shouldn't have to ask considering that, but no it's not true. The southern education system has a bad rep because we have tons of niggers and spics that make the numbers look bad.
yeah real life is exactly like jewish fairytales.
Yankee who's currently living in the south, what's it like in the big cities in the south and how bad are the niggers? also what are you gonna do to stop liberals from removing Robert e lee monuments? I still respect the man even though I'm a Yankee.
Are Utahns considered yanks?
>tfw born 100 miles north from the south
I could of been born a based southerner instead of a cycled yankee.
Reminder that 90% of AnCaps have donated to the AnCap-Confederacy defensive alliance. Anyone who fucks with you can expect to be McNuked and Drone Swarmed to oblivion.
Most of the big cities aren't like the rest of the small and mid size towns here.
Any good redpilled movies about the southern life then?
>Dumb fat hicks with guns and beers
I mean yeah these people exist, would you rather share company with them or pic related though? And what's wrong with beer and guns in the first place?
>what's it like in the big cities in the south and how bad are the niggers?
The heavily populated areas aren't hugely different from your average big city up north (as in not like NYC or something, nothing like that exists here, but just in general your average capitol area or whatever). The niggers are nothing like the niggers up north. They know their place. It wasn't that long ago when they were still being lynched down here. Obnoxious ones exist obviously but they're generally nothing like the thuggish ghetto city nigger from New York or New Jersey.
>also what are you gonna do to stop liberals from removing Robert e lee monuments?
What are we supposed to do? Kill them? That's the only thing that will stop it.
Yeah I'd say I'm in a mid size town in the south, but I'm in the Texas panhandle so It's more like the Midwest here then the south, I would know because I'm from the Midwest.
Same way britain survives despite having everything useful mined out of it.
Those "dumb fat hicks" are usually pretty cool and interesting guys once you get to know them. Friendler than liberals.
Allahu ackbar!!!!
1. depends. going around though, people typically self segregate. This is coming from someone who was not to long ago in highschool.
2. its not uncommon. especially among highschoolers.
3. location etc
4. Im from alaska (originally born in south) and in the south here you just get used to it. it sucks but hey whatever, take a shower once youre back inside
>I mean yeah these people exist, would you rather share company with them or pic related though? And what's wrong with beer and guns in the first place?
I mean i would love to hang out with them but dont they hate foreigners?
sup idiots
As long as you aren't a spic or a nigger. Even if you are test your luck you may get lucky and they like you.
bring me your rebel women
death to america!
That would be like Germany making a movie about "redpilling" people on the nazis.
Yeah. I work for the power company in a rural area and I'm dealing with these types all the time. They are far and away the nicest people I've ever interacted with.
Depends on what you are
West Tennessee reporting in!
NYC here
your "monuments" are just participation trophies and you whine like little kids when we try to take them away
the south is shit and your economy sucks
this is the most retarded flag
Brevard County, reporting in
/dixie/ can into space
Orleans Parish nolafag also reporting.
feels good nobody really gives a fuck about anything.
Only people raising the SJW stink are yankeefag carpetbaggers (who eventually get raped and murdered by our esteemed natives)
gone with the wind? even though it's really not about red pilling but more about life in the south.
Well there is downfall, and I can think of a few other's but their TV drama's and not movies.
>That would be like Germany making a movie about "redpilling" people on the nazis
Are you comparing nazis with southeners?
Also how popular is nascar i heard southern burgers watch that shit
>You guys lost the war.
>They should take down all the monuments.
We will after you take down all the monuments for the Korean, Vietnam, War of 1812, and all other conflicts the US didn't win.
Sherman lived in the south a long time and helped found what became LSU. Sherman hated niggers and agreed with the south that slavery was the best thing for them. Sherman had many southern friends. Sherman only serve d the union because he believed in preserving it just like Grant. Both stated many times if it wasn't for that they would've been Confederates. Also Sherman pissed his pants in fear of Nathan Bedford Forrest and became personal friends with General Joseph E. Johnston after the war.
Also TN reporting in.
There's a few German productions that don't paint the nazis in completely evil light (Stalingrad also comes to mind, also Unsere Mütter, Unsere Väter) but I doubt there is a single one that was made with the intent to make people question if the nazis were actually the good guys. Downfall and the ones I mentioned are still soaked with muh ebil hitler themes and always have the solider characters expressing distaste for the nazi party itself.
implying the Left wont remove them once it's done with the Confederate ones
Oh really?
South is the only region in the USA that has experiencing economic growth. NYC area has been stagnant since 1990s.
They are bro-tier.
PA-fag here
A few southern related tunes. The first one by Waylon Jennings is especially accurate with the line "But the ghost of Lee can still see us fight the civil war."
East Tennessee is best Tennessee
Wake county reporting in.
Same! Also more tunes since people usually like having some for these threads.
Why do dixiecucks deep-fry all their meals? Don't they know it's clotting their blood?
NYC reporting in
Not everything is deep fried. Plenty is but there's plenty of alternatives in the south. Not to mention the south didn't invent deep frying anyway. Personally I prefer my catfish grilled anyway.
Why the fuck did you import millions of niggers and think it was a good idea?
you got kebab removal for hire?
>say meemaw
>yank says "you mean grandma"
I'm only memeing, I actually like traditional southern food as compared to the shit we have here. The only reason I'm still here for is the money.
"And how many of these 10.7 million Africans were shipped directly to North America? Only about 388,000. That’s right: a tiny percentage."
On top of that most imported slaves went north. Most of the southern slaves were born here after importing them was banned long before the Civil War even began.
lookit these yankeefags thinking they know southern cooking
i fucking hate yankees, they started all this marxist bullshit
Why don't you people eat some white mans food?
>Why do dixiecucks deep-fry all their meals?
My Mema loves me very much. Last week she baked me a peach cobbler and a shepards pie. Yankcucks will never know this feel
I've openly called people in my neighborhood carpet naggers. I live uptown and I ripped this NYC cocksucker an asshole so wide he deleted his social media account
I like food from almost anywhere really. The south has a lot more food choices than fried butter on a stick anyway despite common yankee knowledge. But mentioning NYC is an excuse to post this song,
I don't hate yankees. In ways they're as much victims as the rest of us to the tides of marxism. My local Civil War preservation group has a man from Ohio who has done a lot to help us preserve our local battlefield. I'd rather work with a good yankee than a shitty southerner who hates his own heritage.
The lsu archive has an oil painting Sherman that basically shit talks him as incompetent. It's great.
Patrician choice my friend but I would also recommend frying it up with the white man's beverage: milk.
Arizona fag here does the south have conservative qts or is it full of cucks also?
You are right look at the UK they are poor as shit with no resources
Anyone got a good Gumbo recipe? I've been working on one, but it never comes out quite right. I get the trinity right, but seems to go wrong after that.
I'm in south Texas. It's more like Mexico here than the South.
Go look up OldRow on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram
St. Tammany Parish reporting in.
oh trust me, the left is coming after every single monument. I don't give a shit about the confederacy, but even I can see that it's a slippery slope.
they are currently tarring our nations founder, Sir John A. MacDonald, because he was supposedly a 'racist'. They will not be happy until all of white civilization is destroyed.
NC reporting
The ex confederates states have an economy bigger than germany or japan.
The more I read about Sherman the less I hate him. His options was either burn everything or let the war drag out and be forced to kill more southerners, many being his own former friends. I think he did the right thing no matter how cruel it was being in the situation that he was in. I think the south's anger is better used on our modern enemies than on Sherman.
Both sadly.
You have to be completely retarded to think there's any difference between us yankees and the southern buttfucks EXCEPT:
obesity is fucking astronomical in the south, southerners really are quite trashy, everyone eats McDonald's at least 2 times a week, and everyone works at a gas station or test stop or shit motel along side the major highways where northerners pass thru for vacation or work
The south is pretty much. Atlanta blows, new Orleans blows, all of Tennessee blows, all of Kentucky blows. The only good city is Raleigh-durham but even those two areas are full of retard rednecks
Terrorists and members of the rebel alliance. Should've hanged all those criminals for the treason.
Richland County reporting in. TSWRA
I didn't have to speak to a single negro today
I'm from the texas, so we get a ton of internationals, but most of them are pretty cool. the ones that act all high and mighty get shit stomped on occasion, south africans are my favorites so far, i've met an aussie or two, they can be a mixed bag. typically the french, spanish, and some germans are frowned upon cause of liberalness. anyone though that is hard working, not a cunt, and can show respect is accepted and welcomed, with the exception of muslims among traditional texans.
Are the young generations down there keeping on with the southern heritage, or is the media turning them into cucks just like yankees?
St. Slammany nigga
Cuckery is rampant in dallas.
ITT a bunch of fat redneck neoliths talk about how great it is to live in places where the amounts of niggers are startling. Have fun living in Dixie you poor pieces of gutter trash
do you guys think this whole flag thing was just another tactic in Making the South Rise Again?
Slavery is the result of greed, and cotton was incredibly profitable worldwide.
Slavery is voluntary social contamination by proximity. There should never have been any niggers imported for any reason but the Lost Cause apologists recite the standard Reconstruction era propaganda. Both sides lied as a matter of course so there's no innocence to be found.
SC reporting in. I hate niggers more than most locals who are just vaguely sorry nigs exist, and I don't hesitate to point that out. In my many years of experience I'd say there's actually more racism up North. I'm a New Jersey transplant here for what the South used to really represent, but they are going soft. All those redbone niggers are no accident. There are plenty of good Southern women, but also an army of white trash sluts eager for the BBC.
Great gun laws, low gas prices, no POV inspection in SC because there's no reason to have one in non-Rust Belt states (I'm a mechanic and know whereof I speak), low taxes and affordable land make it a nice place to live.
I'm eager to move my family to the smoky mountain region of Tennessee in the coming years. Probably Knoxville or Johnson City. Any tips on which city is better etc?
I'm not surprised, but I don't really consider Texas to be the South. Technically it is, but I consider Texas to be really its own kettle of fish.
Pear River County, Mississippi
Checking in
Unfortunately mostly the latter. I'm in several southern heritage preservation circles and I'm pretty much the only young adult in it. It's mostly older people. Why I wish people who consider themselves any kind of right wing would take preserving our heritage more seriously.
The advent of social media has still corrupted our young no different than it has everywhere else, unfortunately. In heavily black areas the girls are also corrupted by nigger culture. But the parents in general are more conservative so obviously it's not as bad as northern or west coast whores.
>New Jersey
>brings up BBC in first post
really makes you think
Fuck yeah! Immigrants shouldn't change their new home, they should loyally support it.
two questions:
when did Sup Forums get flags back?
how do I make florida The South again?
just saying if the south does rise again, me and my fellow whites in NJ are riding down to join up
Metro parts of Texas defiantly not, but rural Texas yes.
I'll put my foot so far up your coal mining ass you'll look like a faggot kebab.