Won't everyone be voting liberal/left in 50 years since all conservatives will have died?

Won't everyone be voting liberal/left in 50 years since all conservatives will have died?

No, because most people tend to get more conservative as they age.

Says who?

Nah, the younger generation is woke as fuck and if anything, once they're in power they'll see nothing wrong with marginalizing and ultimately exterminating your people. They've grown up with images of ISIS cutting off heads and muslims bombing marathons. The clock is ticking.

most of modern History

LITERALLY a phenomena observed over generations. Even Samuel Clemens is quoted about it. It also happened to me.

A british muslim. Nice troll.

Also, you act like young people can't be conservative. They can be.

You aren't Samuel Clemens



The average person gets redpilled by reality and starts becoming conservative by 22 or 23. 30 at the absolute latest.
It's a demographic that will never go away.

When you're young, you vote left. When you grow up, you vote right. When you die, you vote left again.

Eventually as a person ages, they will become tired of seeing 10,000 terror attacks, nogs robbing stores 5x a day, and kids thinking they can save the world with flowers every time they turn 18.

I know i'm doing my part and raising my daughter to be right as fuk. and be proud to be white, because

>fuk entitled people
>fuk """white guilt"""
>fuk minorities
>and last of all fuk niggers/sand niggers

It's happening at a much younger age these days. Kids are realizing that most liberal viewpoints are complete garbage nonsense and that some things just shouldn't be tolerated. I find it amazing that liberals are so quick to defend Islam, a religion that's created a culture with completely anti-liberal values. Kids are seeing right through this BS at a much younger age.

All the liberals will die too.

God bless Generation Z


You only get to come back to life in heavily Democratic controlled counties ;)

The niggers will be the new conservatives in 50 years. They will never be part of the new non-white utopia. Because. They're niggers.

Yes. The world will finally start heading in the right direction. Liberals with all their shit actually care about the people unlike conservashits.


>fucking leaf

You'll always be their pet nigger, Mehmet.
At least we're honest about it

I can smell those vinegar feet from here. Fucking disgusting

FPBP Going conservative is like graduating from school. Liberals after the age of 30 are like dropouts, centrists like GED recipients.

Generation Z motherfucker. Deal with the coming age of conservatives.

Conservacucks get rekt, muslim will prevail, Allahu Akbar son of whores

>implying that's a bad thing

Agreed. My 12 year old white son is already red pilled.

Bet he suck dick very well

I would choke on those feet desu

Liberals aren't breeding. Gibsmedat caste is breeding though, and they vote for democrats.

According to muslim culture seeing the bottom of a foot is one of the greatest insults one can receive. Pic related.

This makes the OP pic all the hotter.

real redpilled men deepthroat brown girl feet

he gets it

More to fap to?

>all 5 toes will never tickle your throat

yea but if the overton window doesn't shift to the right and keeps going left, the shitlibs will be the new conservatives

>liking paki feet

No because whites will be a minority and there wont be any elections.

I would sniff and lick these feet all ramadan long.

My best ever sexual experience was with an Indian girl who liked to be a domme and liked me to suck her toes.

Ruined me for life desu.

>ywn gag as she sticks her entire foot down your throat, only fitting halfway

There won't be elections. Leftists will be happily living under the dictatorship of xeir Dear Leader, packed like sardines in their multicultural commieblocks, eating their daily 1500 calorie state-issued rations and shivering in their tattered overcoats.