Can the Republic even be saved?

Can the Republic even be saved?
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Why do you care transit state? Dont you have debts?

The Republic needs to become an Empire to Survive and prosper again.

honestly no. Your picture says it all. Our politics have turned into a whites vs everyone else demographics war. It's sad really. I just hope the beaners don't turn us into some central american banana republic.

Because the GOP didn't try to win anyone else over in decades. It's their own fault.

It's hard to win people who support a larger government over to the party of social darwinism.

What do you think the republicans could have done to win them over? Republicans could have the same exact platform as the Democrats and blacks would still vote D at a 90% clip. Beaners aren't quite as bad just yet, but they are quickly turning nigger tier election wise

I am one of those white, non-Hispanic males who did not vote for Trump. However, I do not make this map more blue, as I voted for someone to Hillary's left - Jill Stein. They should make Stein votes deep blue, and Hillary votes light blue.

Why do Asians vote Democratic?

That picture can't be true, I was told that people with low iq vote republican. Third row are retard level iq, fourth row is barely better, asians are cucks and other is drunk indians.

>I voted for a meme candidate and I think that my vote should have an influence on this map
I can't imagine why you think that your irrelevant vote would matter to anyone.

that's honestly the most surprising part to me of the election results. I have no fucking clue why asians vote blue.

Thank the Jews for the 1965 Immigration Act.


We Asian Americans are fucking soft. Its honestly depressing. We in our attempt to become model Americans decided that being a liberal is the best embodiment of an American.

There are no more Roof Koreans. This generation is soft. Past generations lived through soul crushing hardship and held a small fire of anger and resentment burning. We were taught to be proud of our heritage, but not anymore. We are such a small population, we race-mix with other Asians so there is no need to be proud of our heritage, we are all Asians now. Our hatred of other asians are now considered anachronistic and meaningless, just make money. Thats all we are taught to do now. Earn lots of money, nothing more, nothing less.

Asian Americans are the new form of cucked jews except we are so culturally cucked now that we will never become a meaningful force politcally or socially.

The best you can hope for are the worst kinds NEET asian men or wannabe gangsters to be shitty allies in the race wars. There are very few true asian americans who will fight for America.

Remember the Roof Korean fondly because they were the best of us, and the last of us.

Also poo in loos dont count as asian.

This pretty much shows white people still control the country.

Neet Ching Chong here. I want to kill myself everyday

Asians are the group most hurt by affirmative action, how do these people possibly go out to vote lib one week, and then the next week have their child denied access to a great college because shaniqua happened to be squirted out of some black crack whores poon?

We may not get into the best schools because of affirmative action, but we'll get in somewhere and then we will jew our way into money and a sad life of being cucked relentlessly because we have no identity now.

Whats just being cucked from affirmative action compared to fleeing from communists, dictatorships, famine and poverty? Its fucking nothing, so we cant bitch and if there was a time to bitch we cant because we've been so cucked into not being raaaycis. We're going to continue being cucked forever.

Theres no saving the asian american, we dug our own graves and jumped in and then started burying ourselves so we wouldnt inconvience others so we could be the model minority.

Its over once whites become a minority. Shitskins are simply lazy people. They are from areas nearer to the equator, were you dont need to think 8 months ahread to survive. Which is why they are less intellegent and lazy. They will always vote democrat because thats where the gibs are. When whites become 49%, thats when the US will turn in to South Africa.

What is that flag? I like it

Incredible answer. I'd had the same questions about my slanty eyed countrymen. Thanks for the insight

It's hard to compete with the welfare state you dumb fuck

I love this pic because it shows white women aren't lost like women-haters believe

daily reminder mgtow is the bluest of pills

yeah the affirmative action thing isn't too huge in the grand scheme of things. It's just a random thing that I always found odd. If you are driven you will still succeed, but still. American nigs, and american asians are about as far apart as you can get, and yet at least according to OP's pic they vote almost the same.

Obviously the numbers by state aren't as bad as nigs. But i still don't get it.

Hell men are supposed to be providers for their family and protect their homeland. I thought asian men understood this?

women are a lost cause obviously

Asian men yes, asian american men no.

On the plus side, at least a good chunk of us asian american men will kill ourselves.

Have fun with the asian american women, they all have deep seated daddy issues, are under pressure to succeed, feel the need to go to the extreme to fit in, and have cultural dissonance which just makes them have actual mental illnesses. Like 10x times worse than a jewess.

Simple, manufacture a crisis in Eastern Europe that causes a mass of refugees. Import said refugees into the US and treat them and give gibs to vote your way. Honestly Putin's Donbass situation could be played in such a manner that ensures Republican rule into the future.

They dont

People are fools when it comes to the idea of a "culture war". Its pure and simple that leftist ideals push in favor of non-white races to advance. You run a campaign into office and cut off every form of welfare service you've essentially saved the white race by allowing them to prosper more than the other races. I'm only half white and if a race war happens i'll be hanging at the end of a noose but it's very obvious that if you want a chance at least keeping some form of a Democratic-Republic within the coming years you need a very isolated ethno-state.

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