Look at this shit pol, why is this not being attacked like the huge problem it is?
Why does no one care?
We know it's the top cause of death in the nation.
Is no politician actively making this mission to fight?
Look at this shit pol, why is this not being attacked like the huge problem it is?
Why does no one care?
We know it's the top cause of death in the nation.
Is no politician actively making this mission to fight?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because how do you fight people eating food? What kind of legislation can make people take up diets?
Because muh freedumbs
Because life sucks and food is the only legitimate legal drug
Holy fuck. How'd you get so fat? You been drinking butter?
Freedom with nothing to live for and no responsibility. Lets make some laws to solve the problem instead of fixing ourselves!
something happened in the south. I'm not sure what.
People in Texas aren't just fat, they're dinosauric.
this is why we need fat shaming
>the blackest states spreading obesity
I am not surprised
Wait is that bad?
Reduce sugar content on all processed food and drinks (harder than it sounds but it could be done).
Increase fiber content on wheat based products.
Tax unhealthy food, subsidize healthy food, force fast food restaurants and such to serve both alternatives.
I'm not even saying we need to introduce some more legislation, the point is this is a HUGE problem and NO ONE IS EVEN TALKING ABOUT IT. Look up any listen of domestic policy issues, doesn't even matter what side of the spectrum. Privacy, guns, drugs gerrymandering, etc. You will never see ANY list that talks about the obesity epidemic.
I'm sure there are some laws that can help, but we seriously need to start fat shaming or something to get people motivated.
American culture is all about appealing to the lowest common denominator.
We can't have nice food because that would be elitist and snobby so instead of have mountains of cheap shit. Be more is objectively better even if it makes you obese even after you throw half of it away.
Cultural development creating good behaviors around food isn't possible because people move around too often.
It's ridiculous how everyone has fallen for the gimmick. You're a snob if you want to eat food that isn't mass produced.
This is the government's fault. In the late 70's/early 80's they demonized fats and told everyone they need to eat tons of carbs instead. Got everyone hooked on carbs and sugar. See pic.
It quite literally demonizes sweets there
Also no one in their entire life actually cared about the food pyramid
Eh I don't know. I can remember be taught this specifically as a little kid, I assume there must be some kids that had it stick?
>tfw colorado
>Because how do you fight people eating food? What kind of legislation can make people take up diets?
What's changed since 1990? I think that's the real issue. Hint, it's (((sugar))). It's in everything.
>It quite literally demonizes sweets there
>Also no one in their entire life actually cared about the food pyramid
Bread and carbs are basically converted to sugar when you eat them.
If you want to be healthy eat vegetables, meat, fish, beans, etc. Most forms of fats like oil and butter are fine. Low fat foods are higher in sugar. They're worse than eating regular fat foods. Fat is filling, sugar isn't.
The entire bottom row of the food pyramid is why we're all fat fucks.
It's because it is considered a hate crime to make fun of fat people now. When I was a little kid we would yell at fat kids about how fat they were and push them over. By the time I hit the 6th grade they had started the "zero tolerance for bullying" crap.
I can't even imagine making a fat joke in the workplace. Most of the people there are fat (Texas).
There are almost no social functions for family / coworkers here which do not heavily feature food, and all the Texans do sick shit like put marshmallows on Yams and act like it's a regional delicacy. Then there's the fucking macaroni which never ends.
Body acceptance and high fructose corn syrup with a new dosage of GMO foods.
Obviously the legalization of weed will reverse this trend...right?
Biggest problem in my opinion is that it is almost taboo to talk about obesity for what it is, a major health and in many cases a major self control issue. Instead it's treated like some kind of characteristic that you can't change such as race or gender.
While at the same time the aforementioned characteristics are treated as fluid which completely discredits the genuine problems and struggles suffered by those groups.
I have yet to see a single major public figure, be it a politician, a newscaster, or even a celebrity publicly say that fat people are unhealthy.
Nobody gets mad at you for saying someone with lung cancer isn't healthy but as soon as you mention that someone who is consuming 10,000 calories a day and who weighs 400 lbs and has suffered six heart attacks isn't healthy you're a fucking bigot.
Leftism is a fucking plague.
because people haven't pushed hard enough for it.
McDonalds got pushed hard enough that they added healthier food options for kids (apple slices, milk, etc) and have removed HFCS from their burger buns.
the big issue here is portion sizes have skyrocketed and everything is loaded with sodium and HFCS.
this started in the 80's, when sugar in soft drinks and sodas was replaced by HFCS due to a huge health push against sugar.
I really dont know what about HFCS makes it cheaper or more attractive nowadays, I assume its something to do with cost, but in general portion size, and sodium need to be reduced. But then people will just buy something else. it needs to be an industrywide push. And where need be, there should be legislation.
NYC's emperor Bloomberg had the right idea when he targeted huge cup sizes, but just outright banning large cups was the wrong way to go about it.
i dont know what the right way is though, probably education.
Michelle Obama introduced healthy school lunches for children. But drumpf shut it down.
The goyim need to be fattening up before the daily sacrifices
We could have the FDA be run by doctors with a holistic backdrop instead of lawyers figuring out what legally constitutes "food"
>Prime Michael Jordan was obese under BMI
>Tax unhealthy food, subsidize healthy food
this is how you get your guns taken away
Look at the map--its mostly a conservashit problem. Fuck them, rampant diabetes means they will die off faster so I see no problems with it.
Typical retarded burger.
6'5" 210 is obese?
a fucking leaf
Result: More purchases of Cheese Doodles, Whoppers, Fried Chicken...Chips and other edible shit.
You can't fix stupid.
>trying to legislate against a self-control thing
it's impossible to do so
>death of america
>not charting beaner colonization
The 2 big issues are rural areas and suburbs. If you go into any major city you will be hard-pressed to find somebody horrifically obese.
The problem in the outer regions is because jobs that once were manual labor are now automated. Farmers sit in combines all day, suburbanites sit at desks, and both drive everywhere.
I went to college in the city and work there now, and I am amazed how much activity I do just passively. I walk on average about 5-7 miles a day, and if I need to pick up groceries or go to a bar I just walk a mile or so. Yeah I'll drive from time to time, but in the suburbs it's impossible to walk anywhere.
>tfw everyone thinks im thin and fit
>tfw my BMI is 27
>live in city
>have to pay $2000 a month just to rent a place
>more crime
>no space
>have to walk everywhere like a peasant
It's not the state's fault that you're a bunch of lazy bastards.
If you fucks introduce some sort of "fat tax" I'm going to be pissed
My BMI is "overweight" but I'm fairly thin and fit. I need to eat a lot of food to keep my strength up. Taxing individuals by BMI or taxing food products to make them more expensive is just going to make it more difficult to be fit and strong
What he doesn't mention is that the US is so safe from invasion due to the assumption of a partially competent civilian militia. When everyone is obese that will not be the case anymore.
Because our entire agricultural system turns out shitty food lacking in proper nutrition. It contains tons of sugars though. Add to that a sedentary lifestyle, and you get a bunch of lardasses.
Being capable of defending your own nation is a duty which must be enforced if it is to survive and be independent.
There is no liberty without duty.
>help reform marijuana laws.
are you people dumb? That's a fucking lie that the majority of people 30+ are below 9.9% BMI in 1990 and all of a sudden it sky rocketed in 2015. To give you an idea what what 9.9% is, that's like super buff dude mode skinny.
20% is what most skinny people are at anyways and is pretty average.
Dunno, do you burgers teach people basic nutritional facts in school?
Even if this trend continues upward, it's going to tail off. At least half of the country is sane enough not to do this to their bodies.
it's the sugar.
I guess I should also mention that BMI is going to encompass everyone who lifts weights as well. I'm not fat and I've never been fat in my life but I weigh 210 at 6'1" and am very muscular. My BMI is almost certainly in the overweight category even though you could find a handful of fat anywhere on my body to grab. It's a shit metric.
The map is showing percentage of obese adults. The color does not refer to body fat percentage.
the fda is a corrupt piece of shit
The American diet is LOADED with sugar
Eh, im not so sure about this. Sugar in itself isn't bad. I think if more Americans simply recorded their calorie intake and macro breakdown they would make better choices overall.
at least my state is okay
You mentioned BMI, not me. The link I provided was in regards to obesity.
Nice assumption. Why do you think that would be the case? What evidence is there for that?
glucose isn't that bad but fructose is
sugar contains 50% fructose
not only that but it's empty calories
Yeah. It can be difficult to get a good balance of protein, fats, and fibers in your diet if you just consume sugars.
This. Sup Forums can't prove this wrong. Sup Forums is a giant bigoted fag box of edgy cunts
>Stands in your path
>"How dare you bodyshame me, you shitlord?"
All of the young people I know are focused on staying fit and healthy, as much as is reasonably possible. The only fat fucks I know are all older and lazy. There's just no way that trend is linear and even if it is then it's not a big deal as they'll kill themselves off with their poor diets. "Fat acceptance" isn't a thing to most people who aren't pathetically stupid.
The point was that BMI doesn't account for muscular people every single NFL player is obese if you go by BMI. It's largely a useless metric. There needs to be a better system to measure your actual fat% or at least heart health. That's all.
I blame the internet. And mom's not cooking home cooked meals anymore.
Fat tax. Japan has one.
Niggers and their gibs. Also, loads of carbs and lack of self-discipline.
FUCK YOU! My body is CURVY as fuck!
What's wrong with drinking butter? You fatphobia
Trump is obese and he's the healthiest president to ever hold office, his doctor said so. Obesity is natural.
basically this
fats aren't bad for you with the exception of trans fats and make you feel more full
>tfw 5'7" and 190 lbs.
At least I'm not counted. Yet.
dont forget about mexicans, indians are allways overweight
Its the (((big bad wolf))) fattening up little red riding hood.
You been warned and warned and warned of Der Jude. But you don't read your history books. You read (((THEIR))) history books.
Pretty much this
>mfw glorious CO
Nuke the south
Ban fast food, and give people tax incentives to cook food at home. Cooking food is MUCH healthier.
Speaking of what we should do... does anyone have that video with the guy talking about throwing politicians off buildings or something like that?
Americans would have to give up working forty hours a week at a desk job to cut down on obesity.
Whta do you mean by this, m8? I haven't posted for some days now kek. Too bad they don''t say the countryes any longer (to detect nigs)
In school, I learned about it then forgot it two hours latter. It has ZERO effect.
>black lifes matter flags
god keked so hard
The government uses food to keep the people complicit. There has never been a revolution run or fought by fatties. Only people who are starving fight in revolutions.
It's not even real sugar its HFCS. The massive power of the corn lobby gives us some of the most expensive sugar in the world. It's why were the only country with HFCS soda and not sugar soda.
No politician is gonna do it because of lobbyists. The food lobby is massively powerful
sugar is 50% fructose
hfcs is like 55% fructose
it doesn't really make a difference
>it's not all fat guys, trust me, I have lots of muscle underneath
Wtf happened in the last 20 years? It's not like food suddenly got cheap in 1990. Did half the country just suddenly give up their self respect? I feel like maybe the obesity epidemic is just a symptom of some bigger psychological problem, like Americans lost so much of their individualism self-determination that many of them are just not trying anymore.
nice try agriculture jew
"I'm not like the other fattys"
>he thinks the BMI takes muscle mass into account
>implying American children, especially males, aren't put in sports that encourage muscle growth
Not to defend the excuse, but BMI isn't the end all be all of healthy weight scales.
>this is why we need fat shaming
When I first started on /pol a few years ago, there was fat-shaming Friday every week. It's been gone for a while now.
Tax soda.
>Sugar in itself isn't bad
If you ate 1600 kcals in pure carbs, no matter what kind of carbs, you will gain weight because of the insulin response.
Kcals in < out is true if you eat a balanced diet, but most Americans don't. It's fast or frozen food loaded up with sugar. It's chemically designed to make you keep buying the product.
>basically converted to sugars
>that makes them bad
Learn how your metabolism works. Sugars and carbs aren't inherently bad, but anything in excess can cause harm.
>BMI isn't the end all be all of healthy weight scales
It is when it comes to populations as a whole.
I'd like to see a chart of only white people's obesity rates plotted over time. I have a strong feeling that these data are skewed by recent arrivals of Mexican immigrants, who are almost always slightly overweight. I've honestly never seen a thin Mexican who was over the age of 25.