Be white

>be white
>blame blacks for beeing in west
>forget that white started slavery and build their countrys whit blacks slaves

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This whole country was built with cotton... fuck off bait.

A dark brown man covered in body hair. The first thing you notice is his smell. Curry and poo. He has a skinny frame, oily skin and hair. Slimy. Oozing curry and poo from his pores. A thin pathetic moustache. Pitiful.

He pulls down his pants to reveal a small penis surrounded by a mane of smelly greasy pubic hair. He turns around and I see his buttocks smiling at me. His butt is covered in more coarse hair, black. Small cheeks. He bends over and parts his cheeks. A waft of pure poo fills the air. The black hair is thickest here, with a brown hue. Dangle berries can be found. Yesterday's shit clinging on to life. The poo is a light brown, like pumpkin soup. He uses his hands to part the mattered poo hair to reveal a little brown butthole. Caked in poo. Disgusting. The epicentre of filth. An ugly crater. A dirty yet prolific anus.

The Indian.


Me: As farming equipment
*Sips tea*

the blacks sold their own mithers to jews and spanish sailors, and the jews sold the slaves to the Southerners when the irish slaves were too weak and stupid to do the work.

Sorry but it's a basic academic fact that slavery built the U.S and gave way for the industry and infrastructure that we have today.

did they???????????????

hmmm makes you think

i don't blame them for being here, i blame them for stealing and being violent and leeching off government welfare. you know, standard nig shit

right, retard

You can stay if you mow my lawn.

Reminder that the first american slave owner was a black guy named Anthony Johnson



Yeah but I don't want you here. So...make like a dogfuck and leaf.

Her ancestors were working at least

Niggers left africa on their own accord in order to hustle their product, negro slaves, to anyone & everyone most likely using techniques similar to todays negro hustlers.

>white person oh shit your right. Get back on that plantation that cottons not going to pick itself.

Actually blacks started slavery.

Right, like it built the industrialized North.

niggers were given the opportunity to be sailed back to africa when slavery ended
the ones that stayed had the common sense to know going back to africa was far worse than being lynched by whitey

My ancestors bought slaves once they were already here.
A small handful of private businesses owned by Jews brought the slaves here.

I'm not my ancestors dumb nigger.

>captured by African kings
>transported on Jewish ships
>sold to Americans

Only whites held culpable. Sure, cool.

>Whites so proud about how awesome they are
>Too lazy to tend to their crops
>Instead of hiring white people that were already in the country they steal people an ocean away on another continent

And whites have the balls to call other

Pls let us start lynching and enslaving niggers again. Lets give them something real to bitch about.

>>forget that white started slavery
nice try, faggot

Liberia or the US, tough fucking choice isn't it.

Our ancestors wanted them all gone, ASAP. We've all been suffering for centuries around these evil freaks.

The irony is that person looks more european than she does black. Mullatos are so insecure.

>white started slavery


>nigger can't finish sentences


We built your cities

We built your railroads

We fought in every major war

The least you could do is show us a little gratitude.

Whites did not start slavery. The Pyramids in Egypt were built by slaves. These far outdate the slavery in the united states.

Our ancestors wanted slaves, not uppity negresses.

>whites started slavery

> blacks sold blacks to jews
> jews sold 94 percent of these blacks to the caribbean and south american countries
> 1/4 of free black men in the u.s owned slaves
> a very small percentage of wealthy white people owned slaves for their plantations while the rest had to make do with their own labour
> but apparently this is the fault of every white person currently alive in america

The biggest question we should be asking is why don't niggers fuck off to africa to become kangz again if they are so oppressed in the U.S?

We wuz kangz an sheit.

slaves were farm equipment. farm equipment doesn't build a country

That doesn't mean that nobody alive wants them in America.

But I'm Indian. And I'm pretty sure the chinks don't want nigs here either

My ancestors aren't Jewish.

I dont blame blacks for being in the west. On the contrary, I realize that blacks will never see equality in the imperialist racist west and thus want to allow blacks have their own nation state among their own people.

Remember that whites were also too lazy to build railroads so the stole the Chinese too


Can I get a sauce on those numbers for later use?

Built they country, built nothing negroes were rural cotton pockets until about 1920 facts facts facts

the thing in that picture is 100% HIV+

I love how blacks always believe that the white people living today are the same people that brought them over here during slavery. Those people are long dead, niggers.

They stole the Irish too to build those railroads and all those fuckers ended up settling the west so fuck you


Now this is nonsense, we wash our asses with water after every poo, it's a lot better than just using paper (which I also use before washing)



they've built the west much in the way a horse builds a house

they were bought as a tool, and used as a tool
leave it to the americans to call them people and give them rights

They were fucking cotton pickers you stupid nigger, they were not builders or architects...literally they were like a fucking donkey, hauling shit around for us

Nope. My ancestors arrived after slavery was abolished.

The only people who wanted Africans here were the 2% of Americans who owned slaves. And slaves did not build America; they were used as farm equipment and soon replaced by machinery that didn't sing when forced to work.


lol maybe stop being filthy fucking niggers and we'll think about it


I'd be angry too if i looked like that

Nobody wants you goddamn malfunctioning blacks. Unless you want to pick the cotton for free gtfu.

>we built your railroads
Culturally appropriating Asian history now are we?

you mean being a nigger?

Hornets have built a nest in my attic, I have zero concern with how they got there and I assume they are not capable of being morally culpable. I'm not letting hornets live in my house because I understand what hornets are.

>Person of Color
>small penis

No it didnt, the south is still feeling the negative economic effects of slavery to this day and the nation as a whole would be much better off if we never had slaves

The only people who benefited from slavery are american niggers because now they get to be waited on hand and foot in an industrialized first world nation as opposed to living in their own shit back in africa

>Whites started slavery

Read a history book.

Niggers seem to think anyone who's white has the same ancestry of those who owned black slaves, which is racist in itself. It's like blaming the koreans for what the Japanese did in China in ww2 just because they also have slanted eyes.

>You see, this thing that happened 200 years ago clearly debunks the overwhelming data that suggests race has genetic links with intelligence and empathy and clearly explains why you can't complain about it- as it is, after all, a consequence of your personal actions
>your family's safety is secondary to my feelings

I have to admit blacks make excellent free slave labor.

>slavery built this country
>that's why africa is so rich
>just look at wakanda


"But yo ancestors did"
Then get back to work, bring back slavery


are we considering portugal muslim now?

The south was a mistake. We should have never let those nigger fucking farmers have slavery.

Currently phoneposting at work so I need more time to find the sources I originally used, but this article seems to be a pretty honest writeup.

I may make a thread about it when I get home though with more info.

Yeah it's almost like modern whites aren't responsible for slavery, just like modern blacks aren't victims of it (besides in africa ironically). So if blacks in the west complain about the evil whites, the easy answer is "go to africa and see how non-whites have fared"

Niggers would be better off if we still had lynchings.

Lynchings help their 85 IQ goldfish brains make the connection between crime and punishment.

This has the salutory effect of fewer very violent niggers victimizing other less violent niggers in their nigger hovels.

stupid nazi


>forget that white started slavery

High T women

>what is Reconstruction

Blacks built america like children build a school.

>blacks sell other blacks to whites so whites don't have to pick their own cotton
>fight a huge war on their behalf, out of the decency of your heart
>getting all set to return them to their homeland as nature intended
>get assassinated by an actor
>blacks spend the next 150 years ruining the country you worked so hard on
Poor Abe

The Jews started slavery.

I had some jive ass negro plumber blow me up about how difficult it was for him to succeed as a black man. Told me he'd be at the job site on Monday and he'd do the work right. Monday at 8:00 a.m. He calls me telling me he'll be there friday. Should have just hung up the phone first time I heard his lips smack together.

My ancestors are dead and don't get to decide, neither do you. Wanna pay extra for premium gas or will you just do with zyklon?

>We built your cities
No you didn't.
>We built your railroads
No, you didn't.
>We fought in every major war
>The least you could do is show us a little gratitude.
Once you stop chimping out and demanding death for whites and cops, sure. Once you show some gratitude that the whites didn't keep you in fucking chains, that whites died to free you, and that you would be eating your cousin with a lip plate installed in your thick nigger head right now if it wasn't for whites buying your ancestors from your fellow blacks and giving you the privilege of being born and raised in the greatest country on the planet. Once you show some gratitude for that, people will treat you the same way. Till then, you, BLM, and all the other rioting Dindus can fuck right off to Liberia.

Niggers selling niggers
>white people started slavery
Get fucked, coon lover. Niggers will never garner respect. Go back to school in the fall and tell your spook friends to necck themselves because their lives are worthless and nobody will ever care enough to help them make it to a natural end.

You picked cotton and served in segregated units. Thanks for the cotton I guess, but everything else is massively negligible

>be """african""" american
>claim "you'll get your ass back to africa if trump won"
>don't because you are a broke ass nigger who would get eaten alive in africa and you couldn't even point it on a map

Neck a Nigger.

Just admit you won't go back because there's nothing to go back to lmao

>be black
>blame whites for enslaving ancestors
>forget that slave trade started in africa and has always been primarily between africans/arabs
>forget that US bought a colony in africa for the sole purpose of allowing slaves to return to africa and have their own country which will be entirely funded by the US.
>Forget this country is Liberia and almost immediately collapsed in on itself and is today one of the worst places on earth to live
>forget that you should be incredibly thankful for whites bringing your ancestors to the new world or they just would have been slaves anyways in africa except their great grand children would also be slaves instead of having the freedom to able to murder each other over shoes and chicken

>can build America single handedly
>can't repair a neighborhood

Is it just me, or is Sup Forums not fun anymore now that we have these flags.

>slavery built the U.S.

Damn right, I love my cotton house, riding around in my cotton car and eating with my cotton utensils...wait a minute....