DUMB CUNT: "It was just a typo!" Edition


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She hasn't tweeted in 10 minutes. What do you think she's doing?


like omg i cant even

do we have a yelp and google reviews link?

Hopefully killing herself. But she is probably just planning her republican killing spree.

red pill me with a quick rundown.

Her Testament.

reddit niggers claiming Republicans have created such division that the poor Bernout had no choice but to shoot him up

What did she say?

Reminder: Her excuse is a typo. The typo she claims is that her phone added "not" to the tweet.


"Too bad he's not hurt worse. He and GOP trying to hurt, kill, strip health care from millions of us presently. It's unfortunately deserved."


"Too bad he's hurt worse. He and GOP trying to hurt, kill, strip health care from millions of us presently. It's unfortunately deserved."


snowflake shit for sure

What did she mean by this?

If it were me, I'd be making a new profile and contacting those i want to know about this. But I'm not an overly emotional old lady. So she's probably crying and hating everyone for giving her choices consequences.

She said it was too bad the congressman wasn't hurt worse, or something similar.

how is that a typo?

Contributing, first of many. Her twatter feed is such a shit show right now, there is now reasonable way to recover, except SHUT IT DOWN and DELETE ACCOUNT

>Be a Christian and let it go

>i know im a commie fascist brainwashed jew puppet but please dont destroy my life

100% battery.
Thank you, low battery hurts my autism.

Show me the typo NOW

i really don't see how the omission of "not" is supposed to help her case.
The "It's unfortunately deserved" part is kind of the nail in the coffin.


It's not. That's why this is so funny.

Tweet back that you're Jewish and she's being very micro-aggressive lording her religion over you.

I think shes trying to say that since shes an old woman she shouldnt have to deal with the consequences of her actions

The hate to see the mentally ill suffer. The (((MSM))) shill their nonsense nonstop and this is what happens: mentally ill grandmothers dealing with strangers taking issue with her ridiculous (((tweet)))
Daily reminder that the (((MSM))) must hang first

i love these cia anons

Someone should tweet DELETE YOUR ACCOUNT
with Hillary's picture.


What's with the shower tweet? Wtf

Or Muslim. Call her out for being islamaphobic.


My bad, sorry for the typo.

I looked up the address of her business and it shows up as an apartment complex. Who runs a consulting firm out of their apartment?

Moar pls. This fattie needs a good cry.

The really funny part is that if she'd just said like "Wow, I shouldn't have said that, it was a really douchey thing for me to do", most people wouldn't have given a shit. But because she lashed out at the people who called her out for being a bitch and then tried to pass it off as a """typo""" when she realized how badly she fucked up, she ultimately made things much much worse for herself.

>lefty shoots up republican politicians
>different lefty with consulting business cheers
>constulant learns cheering for mass killings is not good for PR
>m-muh typos1!!1!

You faggots are degenerate if you legitimately try to get her fired or lose her business over using her free speech on the fucking internet. What kind of fucking faggot snowflake shit is that? Bully her all you want, that's justice, but fucking with her real life over her online opinions? Are you a butthurt pussy? Though whatever happens is her own fault for using her real name, you're a faggot if you try to fuck her life up

Hey Sup Forums, first time back in 6 months cause of military, what happened to the flags

Who is this literal who and why should I care?


Especially since now it makes her sound like she's saying millions of people deserve to be hurt, killed, and stripped of health care.

Obviously she's lying her ass off trying to do damage control, but if we gave her the benefit of the doubt, we'd have to conclude she's illiterate. Not exactly someone I want to hire as an consultant.


I miss Aussie shitposting so much. Way more entertaining than that shit leafs put out.



Goddammit, sorry, autocorrect's having issues again.

Lol "mailbox is full"

Temporary dw



>tfw her life is now basically over
good fucking riddance to bad rubbish

Some random dumbass who committed a PR blunder. You shouldn't unless you're into fucking with people for shits and gigs.

you can change your flag again its pretty neat

Textbook Streisand effect

She's helping them out. They are obviously a client, so since she is getting a ton of page views she was considerate enough to associate that business with wishing death upon US politicians. She is a dedicated professional so she won't let some technical difficulties interfere with her work.

>Be a christian
>Appeal to morality
>even though you're a complete piece of shit
Holy fucking boomers. She argues like a mom

Fuck off, Mr. Potter. Control your bitch.

>It was a joke
>I made a typo

What next? Is she gonna claim she was hacked?

I'd hire her

>ruining a nobody's life because they typed nonsense into Twitter
>"i-it's okay when we do it; when the left do it then it's bad!"

Please fuck off to cripple/pol/

She supposedly helps get gov't contracts...

Sorry, im a catholic.

You don't tweet shit like that on your company's social media account if you don't want to ruin said company.

eh she seems like a really soft target

chill the fuck out boys

there are way worse people "approving" the attack that need the rope

>What next?
Next this will all die down because epic Sup Forums raids never achieve anything.

After she loses her business she can sue Apple for millions of dollars.

>saying all this while flying the Gadsden flag

How do you even...

That's a lie. Her first excuse (that she later deleted to post what she thought was a better excuse) was that it was just a joke.

>stronk political womyn
>somebody's 62 year old grandma at the first sign of trouble


>Do unto others as you wish others to do unto you
that goes both ways
they do this to us, we only have so many cheeks we can turn and it might just be time to remember Luke 22:36.

I got your back senpai. making a list of relevant info...

Except bring smiles to our faces.

Doing to the left what they would do to us is justice.

Because she's a sham. Look at how God awful her website is, yet she's an IT consultant for websites.

The grammar, the layout, everything is awful.

Fucking kek.

all kidding a side russian hackers very well could be responsable for this. maybe congress can look into this ?

Someone who isn't a serious consultant. I found her LinkedIn profile. She's been running DP for a few years and is doing it as a semi-retirement project.

my sides user, thx. post this to her yelp. has someone found it yet? i search for DP consulting on yelp and theres dozens of businesses with that name, what state is she in

Freedom of speech is not freedom to say whatever you want without consequence. The First Amendment protects you from undue censorship, harassment, or legal repercussion from the government for your speech. It does not grant you immunity from public outrage.

The Federal Government can't tell you what you can or cannot say in an open public forum... but common sense should.

Ahoy! I hope I not be late to the raid, lads!

The left will torturer babies to promote there agendas, there animals.
Where after justice, has anyone seen my sides?

Tell that to Eric Clanton.

her linkedin


this is just sad, the Eichenwald tentacle porn thing was way funnier.

>advocates attempted murder
>asks people to "be a christian"

this fucking retard...

That just means he's phone posting near a pc.

Which word is extra?
I can't find any word to remove.


>with Hillary's picture.
Got you covered

"coffee" was a typo, she meant #Covfefe

>haven't had my coffee yet lol!
women are so hivemind, they even have the same damn default excuses. shaking my head.

Reminder cuckbertarians hang on dotr

Well, she did have the audacity to tweet from a company account by the looks of it. That's pretty sickening.

However, she is a fucking white female, and well... Oh whatever, make her lose her job. She shouldn't be working anyway. Just make sure that all the other ones endorsing the attack get their treatment too.

Comes around goes around, goose for the gander, Huntin' aint fun when rabbit gits gun, etc..

I wish a nigga would!!

what the fuck is she claiming is a typo here? She says he should have been hurt worse at the start and then that he deserved it at the end

own up to your shitty statement you fucking cow. nobody likes an obvious liar

