I really can’t get over this

I really can’t get over this.
So eager and hyped off Sup Forums and The_Donald, this guy spent hours tracing his posters, making sure the frogs, the feels guy, and the tears were just right. This guy had to have taken a whole day to make MULTIPLE posters with traced pictures. He did it because he thought he was gonna share some laughs with like-minded trolls, nazi or otherwise, that he and the lads would get to trigger some purple haired, crayon waving leftists. He came to this event alone, by himself, with no one else and he came with at least five (5) hand drawn signs; he 100% absolutely, no-doubt-at-all had been psyched about this event for days if not weeks. He knew this was his shot at making irl friends for once
But he didn’t. He’s on camera, voice cracking, not understanding what went wrong. He tries to accuse some random woman of following him and being an agitator before his voice falters and he sheepishly looks to the ground, embarrassed by how childish he sounds even to his own ears. Instead he’s assaulted by an overeager and cowardly bystander. Instead, after being saved by the people repulsed by his existence, he’s forced to make the walk of shame back to his car while a group of his imagined friends jeer and sing about how unwanted he is. You can feel him try to swallow the painful lump in his throat as he feigns indifference with his waving flag, you can imagine the tears held back only with the grace of god and the fact that he’s only two blocks from where his car is parked where he’ll break down behind tinted windows.
His mind is already working on a >green text that’s half factual “ironic” self-loathing, half emphasis on what inbred morons the crowd was, a post that will inevitably be linked to this video and OP will be forced again to pretend the humiliation doesn’t cause him physical pain, laughing along like he’s in on the joke, not the butt of it. Just memein with the lads.

Other urls found in this thread:




Hopefully he was from reddit.

we've all been there user. Have a (you).

It's not much, but it's all I have.

didnt read any of that.

wheres the link to that vid in your pic tho? been away for a couple weeks.

alright i read it, pretty good description. is it you? feelsbadman

i would have shouted "NIGGERS" or something to take the heat off you.

remove kekistanis

We all learn the hard way

>that tone of voice when one of the people off camera reads the "no blood for Israel" sign
Utterly depressing

>these are good memes
>i came here to make friends
why did we have to become nazis man, all we want is friends and memes

Real life larping faggots can fuck off

Anyone else laughing how antifa can't beat up fascists and instead have to get another right wing organization to do it lmao

Jews lad, Jews..


Boomers need to die.

Nazis were a proud and honorable people. Don't fall for Jewish lies!

Where the link to the vidya cunt

We didn't become the nazis, the nazis became us.

He made the mistake of thinking cucks and cointelpro fags in stolen valor get up aka Oath Keepers are /ourguys/.

Wheres the link jackass

STFU you literary telented faggot

Reminder that
He wasn't picked on because he was a cringy kekostani
But because:
He had the gall to call out isreal on his poster.
For Merilard Boomer ZOG bottoms it's blasphemy deserving of immediate death

>OP will be forced again to pretend the humiliation doesn’t cause him physical pain, laughing along like he’s in on the joke, not the butt of it.
Fuck, this hits too close to home

Do you think you're some kind of fucking writer?

I really can’t get over this.
So eager and hyped off Sup Forums and The_Donald, this guy spent hours tracing his posters, making sure the frogs, the feels guy, and the tears were just right. This guy had to have taken a whole day to make MULTIPLE posters with traced pictures. He did it because he thought he was gonna share some laughs with like-minded trolls, nazi or otherwise, that he and the lads would get to trigger some purple haired, crayon waving leftists. He came to this event alone, by himself, with no one else and he came with at least five (5) hand drawn signs; he 100% absolutely, no-doubt-at-all had been psyched about this event for days if not weeks. He knew this was his shot at making irl friends for once
But he didn’t. He’s on camera, voice cracking, not understanding what went wrong. He tries to accuse some random woman of following him and being an agitator before his voice falters and he sheepishly looks to the ground, embarrassed by how childish he sounds even to his own ears. Instead he’s assaulted by an overeager and cowardly bystander. Instead, after being saved by the people repulsed by his existence, he’s forced to make the walk of shame back to his car while a group of his imagined friends jeer and sing about how unwanted he is. You can feel him try to swallow the painful lump in his throat as he feigns indifference with his waving flag, you can imagine the tears held back only with the grace of god and the fact that he’s only two blocks from where his car is parked where he’ll break down behind tinted windows.
His mind is already working on a >green text that’s half factual “ironic” self-loathing, half emphasis on what inbred morons the crowd was, a post that will inevitably be linked to this video and OP will be forced again to pretend the humiliation doesn’t cause him physical pain, laughing along like he’s in on the joke, not the butt of it. Just memein with the lads.

I talked to him on FB afterwards. He's a white nationalist but he stated his reason for going was, "I just wanted to make friends."

He's all right.

Also, I should add that the whole event was organized by a bunch of neocon faggots and lied about antifa being there to get more people to show. Fuck the This Is Texas group.

>making nazi friends
keep your autism in here

>i just wanted to make friends
Why must we suffer like this?

That kind of thing usually happens when you are like 8 y/o though

kekistan is a fucking embarrasment

I didn't befriend him. He just knew a friend of mine. I thought he was trolling at first but he was sincere. The organizers of that event were no fans of free speech.

Sad world.

people aren't born with souls. you earn it through suffering. it's what confers humanity. in fact, suffering makes the world go round. our reality is a gigantic engine that runs on human suffering.

>"No blood for Israel"
He should have tried in a Mosque instead

I know the flag is a white nationalist symbol, but why is anti Israel = Nazi??



Here is David Amad, the half arab faggot behind this whole debacle.

i watched the video , burgers are retarded (i won't post it) what's the deal with those "oath keepers" someone's paying them.

yeah, fuck that guy. Dude was acting cocky and trying so hard to be a good ol' boy the entire event.

The guy is a dumbfuck and deserves everything he got

There's a reason why everyone hates Nazis IRL

The guy thought he could wave around Nazi symbols at a political event and nobody would notice?

This is what happens to people who think Sup Forums is real life

I went to a protest and us memers outnumbered these faggot Oath Keepers 10 to 1
They kept telling us to "be respectful" but we ignored them and kept yelling bantz at antifa
I even made a couple new friends at the protest

oath keepers are huge faggots and not allies tho

Technically they get paid by American tax dollars since they're in the military. But for this event, >they do it for free.

It's an extreme experience to a soul of such alignments, but it is good and will ultimately strengthen him. Everyone must know: the tyranny of the crowd is the ugliest form of existence.

>Oath Keepers
These are the worst pieces of shit. I think "antifa" and non-cucks will eventually team up to remove oath niggers. It will be the start of radical centrism, where the opposing radicals factions compromise together to remove boomer cucks.

The chokehold was unnecessary as was the bully sesh.

Truth is if there was even one person with a pair of stones standing next to him these fucks wouldn't have done shit other than cry.

>we didn't start this war

So this faggot really can't post the Fucking link shit literally kill your self dude

It's so sad that that's how fucked America is

Whatever happened to that spic that assaulted memeguy?
Last I check he deleted his FB

Hide your power level.


Jesus christ I need to leave this place real soon

This is what happens when the common man engages with politics. Still, I'd rather have a spaghetti dropping memelord from T_D than whatever the fuck leftists are.

I don't think he even had Nazi symbols. He just had one anti-Israel poster.

lmao all these people were dumb enough to show up to a fake antifa event and still were smart enough to get rid of this nazi dweeb.

without us as a common enemy, your coalition broke down fast as fuck. I look forward to the day American Vanguard come out BY THEMSELVES without hiding behind a "free speech" protest or dogwhistles. its gotta get exhausting trying to hold it together with civic nationalists that don't care about your "white race". Come out on street corners and preach what your boy from the Daily Stormer was telling to the cameras, I'm sure it'll go over real well with the public.

till next time

I'll be his friend

I think they just didn't want negative press coverage at the event. I was there when the guy got escorted away and he seemed like an ok dude outnumbered by people who probably give no shits about israel outside of this.

fuck it. i feel bad for the guy.

choker should get necked.

So he interrupted a basically pro-white rally with his autism? These people need to understand that you can't go fully autistic so early. It is slowly happening. Make it more and more normal to be pro-white. Soon enough, we will be getting real fashy. Most of those people will agree with you, but for their public image they can't quite Heil Hitler in public yet.

No he didn' ye farrgin' nancy. If were capable o' any form o' critical thinkin' ye'd understand wha' was implied. I know enough about European's political parties 'n how thar left/right are in most o' thar nations. So if a scallywag had a swedish Jolly Roger I could glean more from his post rather than if he had a Templar or Kekistani Jolly Roger.

Wow that BASED illegal immigrant really BTFOd that racist didn't he fellow MAGApedes?

>negative press coverage

well ablublublu. the press hates you regardless! no matter what, if you are not with them you are against them and they will never give you anything short of negative coverage. there is no point whatsoever in trying to look good for the press. they won't give it to you.

fucking dipshit motherfucker. what the fuck were you doing there with those people anyway.

does not compute

THEY ARE FUCKING KEKS WHAT DO YOU EXPECT? Seriously they are neocon shitheads its not going to go away over night

The fact you estrogen shot taking cunts think you will ever win a war against us is beyond laughable. You are all utter fucking trash. Most of you have never worked a day in your lives and have no muscle or gun training.
Here we see you outnumbering some lads and yet you are fucking terrified to make a move because you knew it would result in your demise.

He wan't attacked because he was a cringelord. He was attacked because he criticized Israel in front of a bunch of faggoty baby boomers. Baby boomers would happily die for Israel. They should be gassed with the kikes on DotR

>You'll Love What a Right Wing Patriot Did to This Nazi
Is this the road to subverting the left?

>giant wall of text

who touched you on your happy spot?

This is texas and oathkeepers are antiwhite. Before you make assumptions go do some research.

I love how hes mocking them. Yet all you regards think this is cringe. Its him openly mocking all these fucking antiquity dumb fucks

wow stay mad

wow FUCK autocorrect

>with airsoft larpers.

Sorry that oathkeeper was mean to you man.

I will. Stay being a little cock smoking tranny.


>keep your autism in here
Oh is that what jewish pieces of shit are doing now? Fuck off

>being on camera
gonna say this again for all of you. go looking normal, play the long game, don't go dropping redpills people aren't ready for. if cnn asks you for an interview call them fake news to their face and have them fuck off. nothing good comes from being on camera not on your own terms.

wheres the video faggot?

What's the band's name?

shut up cunt. You want us to stay in the dark forever typical jewish shit go kill yourself

>1 post by this id
that's some good slide'n there user


no I'm saying don't let yourself be used or identified by the enemy. look normie and carry a big redpill.

lmao they tell him "this isn't comic con" and to leave before they call the cops as he stands there stuttering. then they totally manhandle him.

Apparently this guy was with Azzmador and the American Vanguard crew and went to the civic nationalist side to get his signs and was surrounded. It's not like he tried to befriend the boomers as OP suggests.

If you are becoming 1488 TO MAKE FRIENDS you are CLEARLY in the wrong fucking place you fucking faggots. Get a grip on life, do you want friends? Make them the real way, do you want to be 1488 then fucking do that the right way.

this makes sense. also, there was a woman walking around harassing anyone that wasn't a boomer in camo.

I am not sure what is more embarrassing, the boomers or this loser.

Is it fair to hate both equally?

Good, ledditors deserve to be humiliated. Talking about le epic kekistan xD is cringy as fuck, even more in real life.

The autist doesn't know any better, the boomers let our race get outnumbered simply because they wont be around to suffer the consequences.
He's like 20+, somebody should smack some sense into him.

boom boom

bang bang

who dat

The whole situation is just fucking sad, there's really nobody to like here. Antifa, fat airsofter spic, neocon cucks, kekistani autists. I actually feel a little bad for the kekistani guy because he's probably got a legit condition like severe autism.

Did you get that out of your system, kid?
I could not give the slightest shit about the press coverage there. I was there to counter antifa and bpp that we were told would show en mass to "remove" our state founder's monument. Instead we had over 800 well armed military and police service members along with civilians as a show of force.
Get away from the keyboard and out of your mother's basement and do something with your life, useless human.

>1 post by id
OP doesn't want to talk, he just wants to waste everyone's time (sage) + (hide)

>the revolution will have EZ-ups

I love this country

racism is just plain stupid, i'm a white texan, very happy that hispanics are gonna be the majority soon, i hope one day whites no longer exist in the borders of texas because that's what sam houston would've wanted


There was no Antifa you retard. The event was a hoax. Did you honestly think Antifa wanted the statues taken down? They said on their own website that the event was BS.