How many ppl gotta die before we fkin ban guns n shiet

how many ppl gotta die before we fkin ban guns n shiet

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all of them pussy

All of them.

Hopefully all of them


Best answer

More than 93 million per day

The last time you retards tried to ban guns, you turned one of the least popular rifles into the most popular one literally overnight.

You galvanized the pro-gun movement into organizing and they spent the next twenty years chipping away gun laws at the state level. Now you can carry a concealed weapon without a permit in nine states.

Maybe you retards should quit while you're ahead.

All of them, fag boy

this. try and take them maybe we will get there.

Literally all of them

Safety first. Legal guns keep good folks safe, everyone.


forgot pic

Glad I live in a country where only respectable individuals can legally acquire a firearm.

Nice to know the riff raff won't be wandering the street brandishing guns simply because "it is their right".

>how many ppl gotta die

all of them

What rifle was that?

guns are degenerate

So was your mom but we don't ban her.

People don't just kill each other for no reason. Notice how murders are very low in homogeneous societies.

Fix the problem, fix gun deaths.

Ban blacks, Mexicans, communist Jews, and mentally ill whites instead of guns.

>how many ppl gotta die before we fkin ban guns n shiet
how many people gotta die before we allow guns and shit?


Reddit has arrived

>only respectable individuals
yeah, good luck with that


The AR-15 and "assault weapons" in general.

So sad that so many people thee would have shot the fuck far sooner if they were allowed to have guns in DC....

How many people have to die by gunfire in countries with gun bans for you to stop being a goof?

It's in the constitution, it is never going to happen, fuck you.


All of them faggot

Don't deluded yourself.

Your little collection of guns isn't protecting you if your declare yourself above their laws.

we have a winner

>ban guns
>ban g


Banning guns gets them out of the hands of law abiding citizens, not criminals. Most gun crime committed are with guns that arent even registered.

Look at Detroit, a place with tons of gun violence & with strong limits on obtaining one in the first place.

i just want to keep up with the more-equal animals

Now more than ever....

In Washington's day people were rounded up and exterminated just the same as today.


This. Chicago has banned guns and yet it has the highest rate of gun deaths. It's almost like if criminals want to get hold of something for malicious reasons, they will.


At least ISIS knows how to handle stupid fucks that give up there guns thinking being disarmed cucks will make them safer from mean people with guns.

Obama tried to make safe zones in Iraq where the people were stripped of their weapons.

Here is exactly how Obama's plan worked out....

Watch these stupid sheep being lead to slaughter and being exterminated....

>1 post by this ID


Chicago's gun ban only took guns away from the good black people and allowed the criminal niggers to flourish...

Why waste that many bullets though?

israeli saudi money funded BOIIIIIIIIII

>Why waste that many bullets though?

Because ammo is free and heavy and it is a bitch to carry it back home...

All disarmament does is harm law abiding citizens anyway. This is why it's stupid. It seems prohibition and war on drugs taught them nothing.

Banning will never solve the problem. Tackling symptoms does not remove the cause.

Just seems kinda lazy.

Coulda been something cool.

>how many ppl gotta die before we fkin ban guns n shiet

All of them.



You do realize whey 250 years ago people got on boats and came over here to America.

You should too!

I unironically do want to move to America for reasons people throughout so many periods of history have wanted to move, because the government I live under has simply become too overbearing and our freedom has been taken away.

Living under a police state for real familia.

Moving to America is really difficult though unless I convince some girl to marry me for a visa, or If I go illegally and leg it to a sanctuary city.

>how many ppl gotta die before we fkin ban guns n shiet
All the libtards and their mud compatriots. After that, guns won't be needed because virtually all criminals will be gone.

Liberals: Take a bite out of crime: Slit your fucking wrists!

We can have a sham gay marriage and I'll get you in.
But I will deflower your boipucci on our wedding night

You guys just troll this place for boipucci, don't you?

This is the only right answer

We can ban guns right after we ban democrats. It will be a better world then...

>Million people die every year because of diabetes obesity hard related deceases, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, cancer, zika, nigger aids, and a lot of people kill themselves because they are sick of their lives. Let's say 10 million a year globally.
No one complain
>one guys goes nuts because his waifu got cancelled kills a few people.
OMG no banh Wepunz how is it possible OMG.

Fuck yourself retards die everyday everyday, the stronger gets to reproduce

I'll gay marry you then we can be roommates then we can divorce when you get your paperwork in order. That is, assuming you're white.

All of the kikes. Then we could be a paradise.

>Moving to America is really difficult

Do you really fucking think that your getting on a plane is somehow way more fucking difficult than my ancestors had to go through to get here....................

Except there is a bill RIGHT NOW that tries to ban cryptocurrency because of "money laundering"

>tfw easy gun ownership in Europe never ever
>tfw I will never be Swiss

All the people.

all of them

Lad you are aware how difficult it is to get an actual visa right? You don't just fucking turn up like in the good ol' days. Unless you want to make it illegally. In which case, yeah there's sanctuary cities but it still means living like a fucking spic.


Of course, You are perfectly free to stay in the UK too...

I know, and I likely will. It's difficult looking at a country like the US where it has so much freedom, even now. But there's a battle to be fought here. I know it would only be running if I left. Although it would just be running from one battlefield to another.

I think you will find that freedom is far better than being a slave to the failed UK....