A true Bernie bro.
holy moley look at that nose
This is CNN's fault.
They brainwashed people into being commies and emotionally unstable. It's almost as if years of divisive identity politics in the name of ratings are reaching a boiling point.
He didn't shoot people because he was a Bernie supporter.
He shot people because he was mentally ill.
Mental Healthcare is the issue in the United States. If it was about politicians enticing their followers to violence then why haven't all the trumpets gone on murder sprees since Trump literally said the "second amendment people" should do something about Killary. His son even called the dems non-humans.
This man's political position was not the catalyst for his behavior. His internal demons were. No political party has a monopoly on mental illness.
The only thing that surprises me about this is the fact that it took this long for some leftist to actually go out and do something like this.
Why are all Bernie Bros homicidal maniacs?
But one celebrates and promotes it.
Yeah the left will probably try to spin it like this
Because Bernie's job was to round up the extreme lefties for Hillary.
Its almost as if the media is celebrating this attempted killing spree. Good thing someone else was armed and it stopped before it got worse.
Are you stupid? Honest question.
Mugshots are the face of the modern left.
>t. mental heal expert
fuck off back to sandyhook promise fag
All of /r/politics are dancing like the Jihadis after 9/11. They think of this as a celebration and are crowning this guy a hero
Fuck this.
Truly an American patriot using the tax code to punish his political enemies.
Lawl Repubs BTFO (literally)
Mark it zero. The Kikebook scrubbing begins.
lol yeah no
Good. The fire rises.
I guess he figured if he couldn't use the tax code as a weapon, then a long gun would have to do.
But the 1% are nearly all Jewish! And Bernie is Jewish! Ahhhh, stupid goy!
Leftists shouldn't start a fight they can't finish. Keep pulling on the lion's tail though. We've been waiting for a reason.
To no good effect.
Leftist movements have been taking over countries and murdering whole swaths of peoples for a couple centuries now. Don't pretend as if you don['t know this.
Not only that, but Bernie and his wife are currently under investigation by the FBI for fraud. What morons these progressive sycophants are.
>He didn't shoot people because he was a Bernie supporter.
>He shot people because he was mentally ill.
Like there's a difference. KYS
You know these flags are being used to identify us. You are dumb to choose one.
Who is the Bernie Gal and what did she do?
>Leftist movements have been taking over countries and murdering whole swaths of peoples for a couple centuries now.
The US is different. People are waking up. The right is in control of the govt and the disgusting leftist media is less popular than a contagious disease.
Reality Winner. She is a leaker. Her name is actually "Reality Winner" just google her.
>who is Reality Winner?
You don't belong here. Git.
I'm pretty sure the last shooter was a bernie supporter too. People have already forgotten.
Theres a long list of these political crazy shooters and nearly everyone is a democrat. Its all covered up by the media and often spun as right wing violence
If you keep making news about how the country is falling apart by braindead idiot Republicans people are bound to snap.
Media is the killer
Eradicate Critical Theory
>The US is different
You wish. American Exceptionalism has been under specific attack for a hundred years, and posts as yours prove out how effective it's been. A real American having appreciation for all this country is would not as be eager for chaos as you give indication in your writings.
>People are waking up
The "people" are each and every one suffering their own delusions, or are otherwise thoroughly distracted from the actual goings on of their world. People wouldn't be having so much success at destroying civil society were it elsewise.
>The right is in control of the govt
You also wish this of a former Democrat surrounded by democrat family members, even as you write to describe a relationship to power as no real American should, when government is not the center of all that transpires in the country, but among the most remote, reflecting the will of a people intent on their freedom.
>People are waking up
Please. That which you write about as important tells me how asleep you remain.
>and the disgusting leftist media is less popular than a contagious disease
The media's justified unpopularity has not much changed for decades, in competition for the bottom as it is with the people's collective view of government; that you seem buoyed for the fact that one you supported holds a temporary office has also not elevated the people's view for that institution appreciably above that the media, but rather, insofar as job approval goes, he suffers as a freshman president less support than any other as can be recalled.
tl;dr you're a big part of the problem, and will have no part of any solution.
They're going to make him a martyr, aren't they?
Some will. Internet trolls will. LARPers will out of boredom of ill intent will.
I'm guessing you weren't there for the quasi-raid a few minutes ago. There are people that sincerely supported the attack and want more of it. I haven't read it yet but apparently, this isn't new. It seems that the left is reverting back to their old strategies now that they're losing.
>I'm guessing you weren't there for the quasi-raid a few minutes ago. There are people that sincerely supported the attack and want more of it
Those threads personal army requesting that Sup Forums attack some random disagreeable grandma with 13 followers? No world would be compete without its moral reprobates. I ignored it and moved on rather than gin myself up in search of a dopamine fix.
>There are people that sincerely supported the attack and want more of it
Far more than are willing to make a display of their stupidity on social media, to be sure. An entire branch of politics once rejected in this country seeks its destruction (more than one, actually); of course this sort would celebrate an event portending instability.
>It seems that the left is reverting back to their old strategies now that they're losing.
Assumptions of power of those who don't hail from the left to temporary office is nice and all, but one thing the hardcore left is not doing is losing. The tactics they will assume when in power and when out of power are of course different.
The GOP is termed the stupid party for various reasons; one reason its called that is by how the left's agenda still seems to go forward during terms the left's political opponents hold office. I've yet to see Republican office holders push the left's agenda back to any significant degree, no less show that they have any intention to. And I've yet to see the Republican voter expect that; they're mostly wringing their hands over how to best implement socialized healthcare.
kys or learn how to post
Or how about you go somewhere else that's not a political discussion board?
>tfw you're so stupid you lack the competence to understand just how stupid you are
Yeah, politics board, not your personal diary you fucking retard. I made a few brief statements and you replied with a fucking novel. You think and act like a woman you dumb faggot.
There would not be a media prepared to promulgate divisive identity politics or policy agendas corresponding to communist ideology were there not already an audience in place to consume it, a significant enough of one to make it fiscally feasible in a market environment.
Our mass media is a problem, but only a symptomatic one, and one becoming less relevant by the day the more people are informed (or misinformed) by sources outside the mainstream. Trumpfucks only know to rail about strawmen because that's how they've been trained to respond. Yet in doing so, they miss the bigger picture by a long shot.
Or you could be aresed to put in the least amount of effort rather that grow upset when confronted by a complex thought. Or are you the type that searches out forums for political discussion only that you may FEEL engaged? Speaking of those driven by their feelings.
Stop posting. I'm unfollowing the thread so REE all you want now that you've ruined the vibe with your self-absorbed one-sided dialogue. KYS.
Go run away then, little boy. My purpose is to keep posting such dialogues until one among many anons is inspired to respond in kind, that the board can serve its purpose and I can have a political discussion, rather than circlejerk with other know-nothings.1
You are not that user.
Bernout faggot detected
>No political party has a monopoly on mental illness
We call them the Democrat Party in 2017.
>Bernout faggot detected
Seriously doubt that. If he were a true Bernout, he'd be shooting some GOP headquarters up, not trolling Sup Forums.
>someone rants about politics and shoots an opposition party member
>guy thinks that he will become a female ghost after killing his coworkers and committing suicide
hmm. I wonder which one I'd consider mentally ill.