Can we just take this time to thank god that these two are no longer in the white house

can we just take this time to thank god that these two are no longer in the white house

Thank God.

Is America the gayest country?

thank fucking god

Thank God

holy shit thank god

>Is America the gayest country?

okie dokie


But you can't be a bad guy if you merrily wave a gay flag though. It's so progressive.

This is photoshopped lol

Why is it impossible for people to accept gays without cerebrating their faggotry?

I literally don't care if people want to be fags, why am I required to cheer them on?

Father of my wives son that picture is disturbing

Biden is a degenerate. Instead of running around w/that mental illness flag, he should have been outside, playing catch w/his so...


That is some truly awful photoshop work

it's real but they photoshopped it for plausible deniability.

I'm glad they're gone, but lets not fall for a fucking photoshop

thank you God. Father of all. May you grant mercy on your children and destruction upon the enemies of the Lord. Forever and ever. Amen.

Lol what a bunch of faggots

Fuck them. Obama used to say that he opposed gay marriage because marriage had a sacred meaning for a lot of people on the US.

On the end of his term, he was giving a medal for a lesbian just because she is gay.

Testing the fash flag.

Thank fucking god they are gone.

thanks obama. wait wrong meme.

but seriously, thank god those are out of the house


what in the fuck happened to flags

how will i know to ignore canadians

They'll be using a commie, EU, or Democrat flag

or gay

he already said EU and commie flag

I'm glad they are out

>gay flag
its perfect

Thank God

Allahu Akbar

This, unfortunately, is not a photoshop of Obama's time in the WH

I hope they gave each other AIDS.

So was lighting the Whorehouse in fag colors also shopped?

Thank God


Instead we have a lardass beta cuck that can barely stumble out of bed in the morning.